WE THE PEOPLE do not want Kavanaugh! He’s a liar and a drunk and a rapist and a republicunt operative mole and a Drumpf mole and....
WE THE PEOPLE do not want Kavanaugh
then i have some bad news for you, sweetie
Couldn’t agree more. Because of Brett Kavanaugh’s lurid past, including being present at gang rapes and drugging women, he is subject to blackmail and therefore is ineligible for ANY Judgeship, period.
>tfw it's your first day shilling and you fuck it up
sorry sweetie, pack your things
sopa. de. macaco meu irmao. sopa de macaco.
>sopa de macaco
uma delicia
voce e de que partia da nossa patria linda?
>It's a "/pol falls for an obvious false flag shitposter" episode
OhmyGod, actual intelligence on Jow Forums.
No Jews this, and Libs that, lazy this and niggers that. Good for you out there.
Are you a fucking reddit fag or something that isn't a Jow Forumstard you fucking fuck fuckady fuckarooing fuck fuck-ee fucker?