Eire/pol - back to scoil edition

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Started college this week, loads of blacks this year. Got a story if anyones interested

Orlared doing God's work as usual


whats the story
who are we shilling for for president
freeman could be good larp

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Schools have been back for four weeks now
>Got a story if anyones interested
Sure. What college are you in?

redpill me on whos running

Gemma O'Doherty would be nice but her chances of getting nominated are nil

One of the aforemention blacks - about twenty out of forty of the class - was asked to reconsider his course after causing trouble. Unironically called him the white devil, turns out he was north african - so muslim - and talked shite to red haired lasses and said their "colouring is disgraceful and an affront" and that "you are in danger around me" so at least he's self aware.
The others are just fucking weird ma, something i've noticed about them is they all fucking snuffle and snivel all the time. They're always smelling something and making pig noises, nastrils flaring like a wind sail.

Orlared is fucking based
Any other of /ourguys/ on yt? Gaelic Reactionary barely posts these days

> red haired lasses
>"you are in danger around me"
And what are you going to do about it?

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The Don used to be good but now all he does are livestreams with hothead Critiqued where he discusses news pieces.

This guy is always good for a laugh youtube.com/watch?v=r5uzdzmQcPU&t=1s

well he's been all but kicked out
i started a conservative group on campus - essentially the white student union but we dont call them unions in my college - and while a lot of the lads are "based black man maga *squaek" im gonna slowly try and turn them

6 bolsheviks

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no surprises then, sure

based zoomer

Fair play. I wish there were more like you.

bear in mind we're rural so its not hard to find many who hate niggers

boring from our point of view

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i just want an honest to god /ourguy/ there
no negro
no knacker
no woman
just give me a seething and passionate man who wants his country back

Nothing gets my precum running like young Irish men

>tfw cant call anyone a faggot because your country was among the first to democratically allow gay marriage
feels bad man

Did anyone hear back from the user that said he'd spray paint some shit in castlebar?

>"based black man maga *squaek"
God help you. Good luck redpilling them.

thanks friend

I live in Northern Ireland. I'm catholic. I visit Dublin, Sligo and Cork a lot for business. I am truly shocked by how the place has changed. There are immigrants everywhere. Blacks, Arabs etc. Dublin is unrecognizable. Blanchardstown is particularly bad.

People only talk about London and how it's changing, but Dublin is just as bad, if not worse. The Irish government is so ridiculously left wing.

I used to support Sinn Fein. I used to want Irish unity. Not anymore. I'll be voting for the DUP in the next election here. I don't want to be a part of your country. It's a disgrace.

>i used to support sinn fein
why the fuck would you do that?

>why the fuck would you do that?
I fell into the trap of tribal politics, as many others do. I now see them for what they are. Pandering fools that flirt with communism, LGBT rights and multiculturalism to secure the youth vote. The DUP are not the best option, but they are the only option for me.

Lad, you're preaching to the choir here.
No one here likes dublin
No one here likes sinn fein
If you're trying to shit post you've to try a different tactic

>If you're trying to shit post you've to try a different tactic
You're accusing me of shit posting? based on what? are you autistic? I am totally serious.

What nationality are you? A nationality is not something like a jacket that can be taken off whenever it suits you. Are you an Irish person? If you're not then why would you ever even care about the affairs of our country to begin with? If you are an Irish person then it's something you just have to live with.

Because you're coming onto an eirepol thread and making big dramatic statements like an autist and using reddit spacing.

>I don't want to be a part of YOUR country
Either you are an Irish person, in which case you are, always have been and always will be a part of our country, or you are not an Irish person, in which case you are not, cannot and never will be a part of our country. Which one is it?

I am an Irish person living in Northern Ireland. I wasn't alive during the troubles. I despise the republic of Ireland. I hate how left wing you all are. Far worse than the UK and you fly under the radar on Jow Forums. Truly a disgrace. Say what you want about Arlene Foster etc. but they are right wing. Very right wing. And they are nationalists. Northern Irish may be a compromise, but I'll take it if it means I don't have to be surrounded by Africans and Arabs all day.

I'm afraid he may have been yet another LARPer. Probably the same mentally ill lad who was spamming that he was going to start his own political party for the past few weeks.

>Because you're coming onto an eirepol thread and making big dramatic statements like an autist and using reddit spacing.
Don't think it's a dramatic statement. Believe it or not, there are catholics that vote for the DUP, for a variety of reasons. Anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion etc. and no, it wasn't reddit spacing, it's just a habit because I write all day.

>Either you are an Irish person, in which case you are, always have been and always will be a part of our country, or you are not an Irish person, in which case you are not, cannot and never will be a part of our country. Which one is it?
I don't want to be a part of your country in it's current state. I dislike the policies and the road it is on. I like the national party but they get barely any support, which reinforces my belief that Ireland is a lost cause.

>i hate how left wing you all are
then why the fuck are you telling US? the right wing ones? go to boards.ie and tell them

So fuck off to /brit/pol then, foreigner.

And what are you doing about it? I bet you don't even vote.

>So fuck off to /brit/pol then, foreigner.
Ironic, Irish are a minority in Dublin and you're calling me a foreigner. Your cuck country loves them.

Why do Irish people think they're ethnically Irish and don't realise they're the same as the English, Scottish, and Welsh and are 99.99999% probably Germanic like everyone in the UK unless they're short arses with brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin?

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle advises that the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles came from Romania. The Anglo-Saxon invasion led to a near 100% replacement. The northman invasion cemented that. Almost all of Ireland was 30 odd Kingdoms of the Sea Kings. Yet they still prattle about 'one nation' ignoring the fact that they're 'one race' yet a dozen nations, or Kingdoms. I understand Communism played a HUGE role in the brainwashing there, but are we that good at assimilation that we forget the R1B haplogroup is proof we're all the same race of Germanic people?

>what are you doing about it?
more than you, and im not even the one spamming and shitposting about it!
he's trolling, ignore him

but we can all understand that secondary is a scam

no one thinks that irish are different, what are you on about? You're equating national identity with racial identity.

Why are you using a NazBol flag?
Fuckin Shinner betacuck

At least I know what my country is. What is your country? You sound confused, rootless.

!!!!! HOLY SHIT !!!!!!




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Why is Michael Collins, as a Free Stater, so beloved to the public? I appreciate all he did, and realize DeValera fucked him, but wasn't he ultimately on the wrong side?

>he's trolling, ignore him
I'm literally not trolling. Is this how you deal with people that point out how useless you are? you didn't answer my question, so assuming that you don't vote.

not confused at all.

Dè fo shealbh robh thu dìreach fucking ag ràdh mu mo dheidhinn, tha thu a 'ghalla beag? Mi tha fhios agad Cheumnaich mi bàrr mo chlas anns a 'Navy ròin, agus tha mi air a bhith an sàs ann an iomadh dìomhair ionnsaighean air Al-Quaeda, agus tha mi còrr is 300 Dhearbh Kills. Tha mi trèanadh ann an Gorilla cogadh agus tha mi a 'mhullach ann an snaidhpear air fad US feachdan armaichte. Tha thu dad dhomh ach dìreach eile targaid. Bidh mi cur a-mach thu a 'Fuck le mionaideachd an leithid a-riamh air fhaicinn roimhe seo air an Talamh, a' comharrachadh mo fucking faclan. Bha thu a 'smaoineachadh gun urrainn dhut fhaighinn air falbh le ag ràdh gu bheil fhalbh dhomh thairis air an eadar-lìon? Smaoinich a-rithist, fucker. Mar a tha sinn a 'bruidhinn mi a' cur fios gu dìomhair mo lìonra de luchd-bratha air feadh na Stàitean Aonaichte agus IP agad ga lorg anns a 'bhad cho thu nas fheàrr ullachadh airson na stoirm, a' Mhaggot. Tha an stoirm a wipes mach an fheum rud beag a ghairm thu do bheatha. Tha thu fucking marbh, meann. Urrainn dhomh a bhith an àite sam bith, uair sam bith, agus is urrainn dhomh a mharbhadh thu ann an còrr is seachd ceud dhòighean, agus gu bheil sin dìreach le mo làmhan. Neo-mhàin mi gu mòr air an trèanadh ann an unarmed sabaid, ach a bheil cothrom agam air fad armlann de na Stàitean Aonaichte Mara Corps agus bidh mi ga chleachdadh gu a làn ìre gu cur agad asal truagh dheth an aghaidh na mòr-thìr, tha thu bheag fhalbh. Ma mhàin dh'fhaodadh tu bhith eòlach air dè unholy dhìoghaltas agad bheag "tapaidh" beachd mu dheidhinn a bha a thoirt sìos ort, 's dòcha gum biodh sibh a chumail do fucking teanga. Ach cha b'urrainn dhut, a rinn thu nach 'eil, agus a-nis tha thu a' pàigheadh ??a 'phrìs, tha thu goddamn amadan. Bidh mi a dh Fury feadh dhuibh agus bidh e a bhàthadh ann. Tha thu fucking marbh, kiddo.

Of course I vote you nutcase, as if that's some grand bloody act that proves your worth. You're just being autistic and no one has the energy to put up with you to any high level

The part at 4:29 when he snarls "disgusting"....sent a shiver down my spine.

>Of course I vote you nutcase, as if that's some grand bloody act that proves your worth.
Go on then, who did you vote for? FG? lol

>You're just being autistic and no one has the energy to put up with you to any high level
Ah yes, when all else fails, call them autistic. Ok.

Why are you here, if not to be autistic and shit post?

how about you answer my question first

So you're refusing to answer what's been accused of you all the way through the thread? Hmmm
Renua, shame the national party aren't registered tho

Why should I answer your questions if you don't answer mine?

Nigger did you read the end of my reply

you said the national party isn't registered. You didn't say who you voted for.

Literally the first word in the sentence is your answer.

So you're saying you didn't vote? thanks for confirming that you do nothing.

"Who did you vote for?"
"Not gonna tell me huh?"
"Huh, pathetic, won't even answer my question"
Only got yourself to blame laddie

thanks again for confirming that you did nothing

I hope whatever has possessed you to disrupt and play games subsides, friend, we're all sons under Christ. Will pray for you and your family.

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have fun in your dying country. 95 IQ btw

That's Scottish Gaelic not Irish

Had a thread up earlier, couldn't see this in the catalog.
Why a blank OP?

Nationalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>IrExit Freedom Party

>The Liberal.

>Burkean Journal.

News and current events:
>Six candidates to contest the Presidential Election.

>Nurses' unions reject Government pay proposals.

>Student wins case over incorrect Leaving Cert marks.

>Michael D Higgins defends staying in €3k per night five-star accommodation.

>Varadkar says socialists want to separate 'people paying for everything but qualifying for nothing' from others.

>Ministers hit out at questioning over €317,000 President's allowance.

>New report raises concerns over the use of isolation rooms in schools for children with disabilities.

>Gardai launch an investigation after a man is caught performing a sex act outside a primary school.

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Do you by any chance happen to run a YouTube account under the name 'Kekistani Nationalist'?

Friend, I can see you have a lot of hate in you. We know all you've said tonight has been nothing but a cry for help, but the only help that can be given is from christ.

>Do you by any chance happen to run a YouTube account under the name 'Kekistani Nationalist'?

Based and redpilled

Thank you friend

Lads which one of you mad cunts sprayed the huge "KALERGI PLAN" with a star of david in Rathmines?

r/ireland were having a fit over it.

>Éire Jow Forums Board.
/eirepol/ on Infinity Chan.

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Jaysus really

Don't know who did it, but it warms my heart to see IRL red pilling.

Someone put up a thread about it on /eirepol/.

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Is that the lad who said he do some graffiti a few days ago?

Holy fuck are you serious? Instant white pill.

Not sure.

Well it was inevitable the public would become aware eventually.
I've seen some normies talk about this stuff openly on FB.

What a time to be alive

Most normies here are red pilled on mass immigration and against it completely.
Our history makes it impossible for (((them))) to justify bringing in lots of foreigners.
The fact Irish are homeless while 'refugees' get housing is making apolitical people get involved in politics to oppose the corrupt government.
If there are alternatives, normies will vote for them.

This gives me inspiration. I'm still in secondary school, should I do this shit all over the place? In the bathrooms, on desks, in the woodwork room etc, even just shit like "Gas chambers can't have wooden doors". Imagine how many people would look that shit up.

Should I give it a go? What do ye lads think?

It's the ultimate ace in the hole.
"Why house immigrants instead of the 10,000 homeless" gets people thinking more than any debate will

>I'm in secondary school
Have ye gotten the shift yet
If so, then yeah, we can only have Chad's representing us in case you're caught

Don't bring up Natzi shit.
Just bring up what is happening to our country.
And for christ sake don't do anything illegal and fuck up your future.

There is a reason the government didn't let us vote on immigration.
Every normie, left or right, want to stop immigration and put Irish first.

Don't vandalise school property with graffiti. Instead put up posters in the bathrooms and classrooms with immigration redpills on them

Anyone see the Burkean Journal seems to have rebranded as The Burkean? Their art is cooler now

no just stick to normal red pilling. Bring up news about migration or about sjw's etc

No need to be the lad who gets suspended for carving swastikas into the desk like.

Just stick to the normal red pills. i.e. back when Calais was a state with the migrants hopping on trucks i saw a load of people being red pilled when they saw news about that.

>Our history makes it impossible for (((them))) to justify bringing in lots of foreigners

Wrong. Them, and the Irish leftwing just flip the coin on the usual "but the west invaded everywhere so we have to take in migrants" to " but the Irish migrated everywhere so we have to take in migrants"

Or another usual one is "but we KNOW oppression and being refugees during the famine so we have to take in millions of refugees..."

"The Irish Migrated everywhere"
Not to flood the thread with Burkean but it fucking infuriates me when they say bullshit like that

Éire Jow Forums - Template:

Nationalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>IrExit Freedom Party

>The Liberal.

>Burkean Journal.

News and current events:
>(story 1)

>(story 2)

>(story 3)

>(story 4)

>(story 5)

>(story 6)

>(story 7)

>(story 8)

Remember to use [alt gr] key for é and not put e by mistake.

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same lad but its the line always toted on RTE, the FM104 phoneshow when a migration topic is brought up, day to day debates etc.
Always brought up like.

alt gr key doesn't seem to put the fada on letters in the latest version of windows. Or my pc is fucked up

Those arguments are weak and will not convince normies.
The Irish people that immigrated to other countries are not the ones living in Ireland.

>these economic migrants coming from countries that aren't acknowledged conflict zones want to suck your country's economic libido dry and sabotage the indigenous makeup of your land
"No we're all right thanks"
>r-remember the famine!