Aryan Queen
New Queen of Jow Forums
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Theres only one Queen
Based Annie.
>he was a muslimboy
>she said seeya later goy
>he wanted to make kebab outta her
She's Jewish
If you still think she's your Queen then all of you are kikes
Both of them
she's just a regular whore
get out of here faggot
>Theres only one Queen
A fucking leaf.
And a feminist. Just not very vocal to not spook her audience
get that skan shit outta my POL.
We outchea
T. Known Boss
I love her bros
She is human garbage and produces whore anthems for women to misbehave and act crazy. This is no queen.
You must not have gotten the memo yet... this is our new queen.
kudos on the conversion hollyjew-suicide single, but this song is derivative boring tripe and should be aimed at fat chicks for maximum impact
>"Whorship Song"
looks like a witch and is a satanist
You have enough threads for the diaper coalburner. Let us have an Avril thread.
Goatest hips in the business
wrong pic, nigger
she's canadian so fuck off
not bad, schluchti
Absolute American garbage.
That doesn't even have the same amount of syllables
You niggas reaching
She is a leaf. She was married to Chad from Nickelback single songs for white people.
I know what a coalburner is, but what's a diaper coalburner?
You shut your kraut mouth when you talk about her.... She's a Vampire/Catperson not a witch.
Don't believe me? Look up her smile online. She has these cute little fangy teeth that make me just a little jealous cause they're suggestively kinky.
She wears diapers on stage to look like she has an ass to attract more bbc
Avril Lavigne and tay could be distant cousins
Ontario where Avril is from was settled by people from Pennsylvania where Tay is from
Don't insult Avril
My 2nd cousin is Miley Cyrus. My Dad is cousins or some shit from Ohio/Kentucky border. It is rather depressing
a challenger appears
Yes, I now she's Canadian.
I also know that Canada is an American country.
shes already the queen of punk
I want to free the fuck outta her.
> that star on her hip. Imagine being that close to her baby maker. So sexy.
Ever since got shut down her meme stock has plummetted
What happened to when she was cool in 2016?
second cousins never care about each other they way they should I almost never talk to mine fuck
I only met Billy Ray when I was like 11, other than that nothing. He was famous already. Im 33 not sure when his popular songs came out
fuck she looks hot here
>skater boy
>skaters at the time were at least 95% white
She didn't pick sides vocally enough in the election for her music industry heeb masters and they put her on the back burner.
Avril on yhe other hand has her fans and is okay with remaining herself and allowing her career to run a natural half-life.
>See kids? Selling your soul for fame isn't always the answer.
isn't she fucking a chink?
you are around my age think they came out in the early 90s . do you look like them that southern anglo look
Underrated post. I cant get it out of my head now
at least she never rode a giant inflated dick I can only imagine the shit she turned doing .
>one picture from a party
Only an autist thinks this means anything
Perpetually 22 years old. Either she's completely sold out and is drinking sex slave blood or livingan adventurous life, loving people, a bit of prayer, and having a soul is actually good for you. Lol.
God i want to be her portable chair. Just righ on my face.
hahaha when your fucking christkike religion has fucking avril lavigne as a worshiper fucking kek
Any woman who's worshipping/praying with her head uncovered is a false prophet
Yes, Im from NC but family is from Ohio / Kentucky on my dads side. Im not posting my photo but brown hair blue eyes, thick beard growth so, I assume that is what you mean
She is 33 mate
Yeah this is as satanic as Ariana Grande saying God is a woman
She will be 34 tomorrow
just wondering bud no need to dox yourself
typical euro mutt here
Petra Lazlo is the true queen
what was her near death experience?
No one calls someone American if they're Canadian, you stupid fucking yuropoor. Go suck a rapefugee's cock.
she looks like Charles here
We are North American... And so American is acceptable.
Probably meeting a demon that claimed to be God.
That stuff happens to women all the time , that's why all the craziest false prophet "preachers" on YouTube are single females.
If she really had an encounter with God and repented she'd have dropped out of the industry completely and probably been killed by now
>women want stable family life after whoring around for over a decade
>one queen
Yeah, and she's right here. I want nu/pol/ to leave.
Nigga I am deceased
Mummy does more than make music for tweens like a whore. Mummy is the best
Yeah no leafs, Mexicans & all the omni-Juans are referred to as Americans in civilisation.
A similar thing happens with Asians to the US's apparently endless bewilderment.
One day you're going to realise inanely talking all the time, endlessly, agreeing with each other & circlejerking your neuroses until they're mainstream doesn't make any more true or correct.
>If you're from Asia you're Asian
>If you're from the Americas you're American.
So let's see if I can get this straight. This girl was a literal whore, was corrupted by the jew in (((hollywood))) to brainwash teens into being sluts. Then she dressed like a slut and sang about whoring around. Later, she doubled down on her trashy image to celebrate promiscuity and a terrible lifestyle.
But now that she's over 30 and fallen off in looks, she's suddenly found Jesus? its not Crown lover. Look we may be cut from the same cloth but i'll be damned before i sing a national anthem to a maple leaf.
Now if ya'll wanna come share stuff with us that'd be pretty cool. We're remind you how cool capitalism is and you guys can finally give us Keanu Reeves for good.
I was just listening to her old songs yesterday. Her lyrics are remarkably quaint yet charming.
What a bunch of bullshit! Ann Coulter is our only queen. She has publicly agreed with calling the RWDS!
nice try kike
she was never promiscuous or promoted it either
Yaaaaas kween?
>You say that I'm messing with your head
>All cause I was making out with your friend
>You're on your knees
>Begging please
>Stay with me
>But honestly
>I just need to be a little crazy
>all my life I've been good but now
>what the hell
Ah. Teaching girls they should cheat on their boyfriends because it's crazy, fun, and good. How quaint. How charming.
Just like Sweden is an Arab country.
No one finds baboon-ce attractive other than big lipped purple gummed niggers
>the nigger inferiority complex in one picture
Sounds generic as fuck desu.
why not both?
We wuz kweenz tho
She plays characters. Do you think she's supposed to be admired in "Girlfriend"?