>Kavanaugh BS
>Complete insanity already
>Pic related assumes room temperature
How bad will it get? What will they do?
>Kavanaugh BS
>Complete insanity already
>Pic related assumes room temperature
How bad will it get? What will they do?
By then they will be broken.
If we do it, they will kill bryer for revenage. That's how crazy they are.
Think of this man. Do you really want him to die Jow Forums?
Imagine the REEEEEEEEEE when she kicks the bucket. Especially soon.
Riots in the street
If only we could just clone clarence thomas
Civil war?
If you think this is complete insanity, you havn't seen Bosnia during the war, or Russia under Yeltsin.
People will literally start to die. We'll have assassinations again.
fpbp. at that point libs will be begging Trump to dad dick them with the most right-wing Justice we have ever seen
>P-please Trump-Sama...give us Justice Roy Moore