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Why are STDs gaining ground in the West?
John Johnson
Matthew Hill
the jews
Blake Bell
Levi Hughes
Because you can pull out your phone and go to 10 orgys this week with no effort involved.
Ryder Young
Birth control
Logan Rivera
Fuck beat me to it
Michael Bell
Sexual liberation.
Do you think all major religions restrict sexuality just for fun?
Kayden Rodriguez
Trying to figure out who "likes" this shit on social media.
Leo Anderson
Seriously though how are any guys still dating especially with older roasties? Girls out there could be banging a new dude every night and you wouldn't know
Ryan Morales
Logan Johnson
Twist! They're not actually born with syphilis, they get syphilis when the Rabbi cuts his dick off and sucks the blood.
Parker Moore
People who own shares in drugmakers that manufacture STD treatments
Henry Young
>swarm West with niggers
"How come the West is swarmed with nigger diseases!?"
Caleb Williams
>that image
Nathan Harris
>be me in 20 years
>tfw 44 year old boomer on park bench sipping
>tfw almost every 20 year old I walk across in public has syphilis
Michael Moore
This; destroy tinder and hinge and force people to talk to each other before they exchange bodily fluids and STD rates will stop climbing aggressively.
Jackson Thomas
People keep fucking without condoms and asking about an STD is considered socially unacceptable to women.
Go on ask a girl if she has any STD before sex and see if she fucks you.
Levi Hall
How is this possible? I fuck prostitutes because I am too ugly for civilian women and therefore I get regular checkups for STDs at the local sex clinic. The doctors there have told me numerous times that syphilis is almost non-existent among heterosexuals. It is only spread by fudge packing faggots.
Jack Johnson
Third post best post
Carter Fisher
I've asked plenty of chicks if they're "clean". You get some weird looks sometimes, other times the chicks are happy that you are being safe. Then you get the ones who are offended and usually garbage humans and you blueball yourself. That's how I got out of college STI/STD free.
Carter Parker
Because in basically every piece of modern-day media or music you consume pre-marital sex and promiscuity are promoted and celebrated.
I was at a STD clinic recently to get tested and the nurses there were telling me that pretty much everyone has HPV, herpes, or both nowadays. Absolutely disgusting and has made me stop having casual sex alltogether.
William Taylor
>mfw virgins literally inherit the earth because everyone else has diet of a literal plague like a divine biblical punishment
Aiden Watson
what's wrong with Zodiac signs? Millionairs don't believe in Astrology, but Billionairs do.
What's wrong with Lana del Rey?
Jacob Myers
It's a nigger desiese
Cooper Jackson
PrEP. No one is afraid of dying anymore so they're having more risky sex.
Jordan Fisher
niggers and sand niggers
Leo Hill
don't have to tell me twice id rather be rejected than fuck a bitch full of whore disease.
feels good being 25 without an std
Charles Adams
And how many is that actually?
Going from 2 to 4 is doubling, but it's still not a lot.
Sorry for not gobbling up headlines quite as willingly as you, I guess.
Aaron Thomas
Id say the rate has gone up steadily with teen pregnancy.
Chase Butler
Feels good man.
Isaiah Thomas
>rampant casual sex and faggotry
Sebastian Gray
>tfw no bowsette gf
Someday, I hope...
Robert Adams
unironically this, bring the Third World into the First World and you get Third World problems
Levi Peterson
A great number of roasties fucking the same Chads. Everybody gets STDs.