WHY do some jews do this?

My neighbors are a jewish couple, they lived here for a few years. Only recently did I find out they owns 3 large apartment buildings and some store fronts in NYC.

Their net-worth is more than everyone on our street's combined yet they still live in a middle class neighborhood, drive normal cars, dress normal.

Why are they pretending to be regular humans?

I heard a lot of jews act this way, why are they laying low?

Attached: jew owned.jpg (480x325, 52K)

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They want to live humble and not let the cash go to their heads.

ok, now give me the real answer.

once a jew forever a jew being cheap as fuck and donating their cash to synagogues plus israel.
my jewish stepfather wants to do the same.
greed greed greed nothing for the goyims.

Blowing it all on a McMansion and a Cadillac wit rimz is nigger behavior. What they're doing is literally what I plan on doing myself.

that's not unique to jews


u aint gunna do shit but shit my shoes, cracker

I hate jews, but they're smart as fuck. And they're very good with money. Living above your means is what low IQ people do. Take warren buffet for example, guy is a billionaire. Drives a 2004 Lincoln and lives in a modest house. Wears new balances and clothes you can buy at target. That mind set is why he's a billionaire.

Kikes will be kikes but this is intelligent behaviour. Showing off your wealth on the other hand, is nigger-tier behaviour.

Attached: 1537897042200.jpg (335x375, 25K)

Because extra material stuff doesn't make you any more happy. There is no need to drive a fancy car or live in an oversized house.