I see a lot of Canadians and Europeans say they want to trade more closely with China and stop with the USA so much...

I see a lot of Canadians and Europeans say they want to trade more closely with China and stop with the USA so much. I don't understand it. Yeah I get thinking Trump is a dick, but do you really hate the USA so much that you prefer fucking CHINA over us? The country that is currently an Orwellian nightmare? Why do Canadians and Europeans seem to get so wet at the thought of increasing trade with China and China being the world's influencer?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

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The United States and much of the rest of the West have effectively been employing hundreds of millions of low paid chinese slave workers for decades, all without the labour laws or environmental consequences resulting in very cheap goods in western shops, low inflation maintenance of purchasing power for the western masses mostly for the purpose of buying the latest junk imports from Chinese factories designed by western corporations, and by doing so have completely transformed the Chinese economy from inconsequential GDP of $300bln 30 years ago to $12 trillion today, and thus exponentially strengthening a totalitarian state ruled by a communist dictatorship that increasingly seeks to spread its tentacles beyond its borders.
Remember that the Soviet Union was defeated not militarily but through economic warfare. The current economic trend trajectory has the Chinese dictatorship clearly winning the economic war as the Chinese economy converges towards becoming the world’s largest economy within the next 10 years unless action is taken to halt this trend.

Liberalism is a disease.

Do they? Most hate the Chinks from what I've seen.

Leafs don't mind eating and using poisoned Chinese products. They don't have anything to live for anyway in their barren wasteland of a country.

>do you really hate the USA so much that you prefer fucking CHINA over us?
Yeah, China isn't pushing zionism and cuck and tranny shit.

nah they're pretty over-leveraged at this point
with automation how are they going to industrialize further, already they're suffering that "middle income trap" which is basically neo-western imperialism since you guys got the good economies first, you'll always take the lead if the world produces more wealth (it's only logical).
What they're doing right now is infiltrating western governments with marxist propaganda, basically infecting populace ideology with socialism and things they already proved dont work in their own country (they're basically state capitalists at this point imho) which unironically they suppress in their own nation. Their endgame is at least parity with the US and maybe russia (what they dont tell you is that they hate russia, theyre frenemies) and turn EU into a socialist consumer state that forever consumes chink goods.

China is much better for Russia, as it's the only people who are fundamentally opposed to us and can provide us with trade.

For any random country, Chinese connections are much better than American, because there are no strings attached, there is no double crossing on pretence of 'muh democracy', which in reality is simply a stab in the back from "american partners"

i dont think you understand its NEVER about who any one likes typically its about who is giving better deals and can fill orders. america doesnt have the factories to make lots of things and wont have the right price range

old faggots think this is about white pride and every one needs to either bow to america or the EU. neither of you can fill orders for lots of things and price wise your kind of shit out of luck

america and the EUs best bet is to exploit fiat currencies by proper management of government revenue to turn a profit and redistribute the profits to programs with no debt incurred to allow for even more money to be minted when gdp growth is tallied. so cut military faggotry and space programs then spend it on bullshit that companies need sold and if your smart you spend it on your own countries stuff AND spend less than you did on your militaries / space programs. only a idiot thinks the world functions as it did when money was only metal coins backed by the fact it was precious metal. you need money. you can make more and not have it devalue if you play by the rules

Considering Trump behaves like that in front of Canada and EU leaders, I wouldn't be surprise if they do that as retribution.

Don't forget Trump didn't back up Canada when dealing with Saudi, and he keeps attacking EU.

I don't. I like you guys just fine and I wish the opposite would happen, because the Chinese don't make very loyal or good friends. They know they flood the world with worthless crap, they just think people are too politically correct and too dependent on (((cheap))) shit to say anything.

I would absolutely love it if Trudeau showed more backbone around the Chinese.

Behaves like what? Why would everyone accept limp wristed politician posturing over actual human responses?

Behave like what I have said in 2nd sentence.

That shit comes from academia, not the government.

>Chinese connections are much better than American, because there are no strings attached,
Fucking good one.

Nuke kikemerica

lol americans are at least brainwashed enough to believe in some sort of code of honor since they have a manifest destiny blabla
chinks are bug eyed insects without minds, their leaders have no moral compass

To have a friend in a fight against someone like Saudis you need to have more in common than proximity. Canada has never been particularly supportive of US endeavors in the past. Trying to play both sides of the fence is always sleazy.

"Canada has never been particularly supportive of US endeavors in the past"

So why this thread takes the alienation of Canada from US as an issue?

Because these are politicians doing this stupid shit. I like America.

Stay mad because you suck!
Take the meme flag down, you stupid dumbass motherfucker.

How am I mad? What the fuck are you even smoking?

I was choking on your mum's pussy leaf!

If you really wish your politicians have a backbone, you shouldn't vote for that sissy boy in 1st place.

I don't even vote. That shit is fucking gay. Maybe the problem with you is you bought into the whole voting thing so much that you actually became retarded.

"I don't even vote."
You are not legitimate to complain of the current situation.

We went to Afghanistan for you and you caused the first fucking casualties in a war zone for Canada since Korea with friendly fire.

I lived in China for a year, I was there a couple weeks ago even so I can shed some light on this.

Chinese people are very good at business and very bad at friendships.

When you can be of use to China, they roll out the red carpet, stroke your ego, pull out all the stops. But when they stop needing you, they won't even acknowledge that you ever helped them, they'll put you down, make you feel like you NEED them.

Chinese are very manipulative, excellent at propaganda, and have been playing the victim card for a couple hundred years now.

All of these things mesh with the current political movements of the EU/Canada which is "Fuck Drumpf, immigrants welcome

Trump negotiates a trade agreement with Mexico, and tells Canada.... you can sign it too.


I’d say there is a 50-50 chance we say fuck you and walk... even though it would be a huge blow to the economy. I think it’s just a personality/ideology clash between Trump and our current government, but I’m for fucking off on NAFTA at this point... and I know full well we take a big hit in the short to medium term. We need to retool everything to operate more independently.

Otherwise we are putting ourselves at the mercy of somebody else’s whims.

No by has any illusions about China. The big European companies are as irritated as the US companies about the flagrant copyright and trademark violations ...and technology thheaft by China.

Yeah, as much as I dislike Trump. Cozying up to China is short sighted and stupid. They do not believe in bilateral trade, if it doesn't benefit them more than it benefits us they aren't interested.

> I see a lot of Canadians and Europeans say they want to trade more closely with China and stop with the USA

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It's like Canada. They just dont want to work with America so they can feel virtuous. It's like all the virtue signaling fucks out there. Problem is, when your a leader or part of a large bodie you cant just call someone you disagree with a racist and convince the rest of the world. You have to make a retarded move as virtuous as the signal you want to send. See Trudeau and Canada for examples of how virtue signaling and acting on it with America will fuck you over.

The thing that I don't get is that they're so consumed by hatred of Trump because he made some mean tweets, that they're willing to overlook the actual crimes against humanity China is committing.

Secret police, rampant corruption, a legal system based entirely on who you know and who you paid. Tibet is being repressed, Xinjiang is having an active genocide, Taiwan can't even be part of the UN Because China throws a hissy fit. Hong Kong is losing all their freedoms and China quickly ignores every part of the treaty they signed.

Yet, somehow, all this is better than tweeting mean things.

some chinese bought a castle here and the fucker cant speak english so he has a intepreter
so these criminals are burying millions in different countries in different things
we need to bring down the chinese communist
internationalist cabal

Neither are you because you're a gullible little faggot who thinks a folded piece of paper that YOU scribbled on is actually worth something. Buddy, it's not. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with your posts if I printed them on four ply plushy cotton toilet paper, and that's just your posts. The fact that they don't suddenly hork a big ass loogie into the ballot box after you walk away will honestly surprise me.

Gee...what a trashy post.

If you see your right to vote in such way, then I could do nothing to help you.

Other than vote, what else can you do then? Maybe according to you the most effective way to make any differences would be revolution.

you don't actually manufacture anything everything from laptops to iphones to clothes and appliances is made in china one way or another

I don't think Trump is a dick. I wanted us to import our oil to China long before trump I even thought it in the bush years when I was a young. Why? Because I ducking hate America and what it represents. Fuck you America. Duck fatass Americans I have American family all of them are overweight. All of them drive cars all of them are self centered and buy things. America needs to be dissolved as a nation and destroyed as a concept I hope China can help us achieve that.

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It has nothing to do with virtue. For me at least... I want to see your disgusting narion Crash and burn. (Not literally, fuiguretivly, hello fbi please dissolve your nation is a net negative impact on humanity)

I'm Canadian and I want to see China nuked to glass. China today is doing things that'd make Nazi germany blush yet nobody in the world has the balls to do anything, least until Trump

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We should let China do those things to America. China is a true national socialist nation. China is th way forward.


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>I wanted us to import our oil to China
>import our oil to China
This leaf sounds pretty raked.

Trumps allright (apart from the kike cocksucking)
Only complete retards see China as preferable (poles, for example, and us)

Canada is weak, lest not put illusions on. Canada needs to suck someone's duck to survive. Canada has sucked America's dick for far too long. They have a monopoly on our exports and get a discount because of it. Me? I'm ready for that big yellow cock. Enough of the burger lardass

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After Trump finishes assraping Canada, Germany is next. They can go play with China after Trump blows a load up their sphincters.

let the Moon worshipping baby eating pedophiles congregate

makes it easier for us on the battlefield when we can just "kill them all and let God sort it out," if you will

Jew, you will die. Mutilated monkey

What's wrong with moon worshipping? I'm a werewolf. Am I not allowed on Jow Forums?

Why am I so filled with hate? I'm not normally like this. Ducking 4 Chan and Americans.

>After Trump finishes assraping Canada

I like Trump and all but he's not fucking us up the ass at all, if anything business is booming up here.

/triggered a I need to stop going on this website. It makes me irrational.

you want a war with 1 billion people.
>imagine Nazi Germany with 1 billion people.

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Oh fucking god.. you wouldn't know how much our country is owned by chinese oligarch in the deep roots. These people doesn't know how chinese works,a lot of them are tied with their communist party and they do not care about humanity, money itself is their GODs and their goal is nothing but selfish greed. Literally yellow jew but worse

*the pebble nuclear reactor was a technology possible since the 70s, supressed for oil money
*china has a solar+wind energy production equal to all of japan energy production
*the electric vehicle mass production would have never happened without china doing it first

*crispr would have been demonised without china
*human embrio modification would have been banned world wide without china

*and a personal one, evangelical freaks vs state scientific atheism

i am not sorry for thinking that china is a engine for progress

Attached: chinainequality.png (1280x720, 94K)

>That shit comes from academia, not the government.

It comes from all establishments like media, academia, and governments.


it cant happen soon enough

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>you want a war with 1 billion people

The Chinese aren't people

Big-belly locust-like aliens pregnant and not stopped by immigration or scamming IDs. Locust eggs hatch in hospitals taking over beds and not paying bills! Do you feel the anger in the sadness? What's really invaded is the future of the next generations, setting up this trap, brainwashing "China is great" everyday lying arrogantly, "Without China's care, Canada would be dead"