/NACG/ Native American Civilisation General. Geronimo Edition

Discussion about all that is Great about Native American Civilisation.

Attached: geronimo_colorised.jpg (774x1032, 210K)

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Your medicine was ok

The injuns may have been on to something
>Pic related

Attached: How.jpg (300x400, 29K)

What ever happened to Cahokia? Civilization just not your thing?

Fucked a lot of your squaws, they liked to wiggle.

That was in a previous General.

Franz Liszt look like a native american.

Attached: Nativecrypto.jpg (960x540, 75K)

White americans are native americans. We need a better term to call these indians.

I'm only very partially Carib.

The pinnacle of Native American Civilisation was the Tawantinsuyu, the Great Empire of the Andes.

>Native American
Pick one.

They put up a good 400-year fight...

Many Germans have that look. At least the originals ones did.

Afaik native americans were generally pretty great. People were happy, healthy, living at peace with nature. Probably the best tribal-stage society one could've ended up in, generally speaking.

racist, Franz Liszt was black, stop trying to poach his melanin.

>le noble savage lie
checks out

Stop using white man technology and letters. Use smoke signals.


Much of North America was a Post-Apocalyptic land since Cahokia collapsed as a result of Old-World diseases, it could be argued the Lakota and many other nations were previously civilised and only later reverted to tribalism.

They might've been pretty comfy to live together with!
>No overpopulation
>Traditions galore
>Dancing around a fire with the tribe
>Fucking your sqauw wife and being faithful to each other
>Smoke some crazy peyote and trip/get visions
>Eat only what you can catch
>Life off of the land and don't over-kill it

(I'd imagine they were probably shit-tier at some things, but nothing comes to mind...idk)

Sounds pretty cozy tbqh senpai

Definitely even with few numbers

Who are the Mayans?

My friend, i'm marginally Carib.

They just don’t meet the criteria. Life isn’t fair.

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>Native American

Do they have books in Australia or any Colony or Former for that matter?

Just do that
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Criminals don't read

"Savage" is a silly categorization, these were many distinct cultures and people; some are noble, some aren't. Why is it so unthinkable to you anyway, even when many accounts corroborate what I'm saying? Don't see how memeflags are relevant to such a discussion either.

Hey der buddy I have some bologna sandwiches, beer and im going to rape my toothless cousin today. u wanna come? hit up the fuckin slots after that too eh

Good one!

Its weird, im a mexican,, who looks like a bunch of things,, and when i wear moccacins, people at my jobs, or around ask me if im native.

hahah its pretty funnny, the indian lady from india said i was saudi arabian.

Why do you want to rape your toothless cousin?

My feet can't fit White Man's shoes so I might consider Moccasins.

Aboriginal people are pretty swell here provided they go down a healthy path; like getting educated and all that. Once they touch a drop of alcohol it's completely game over. First it's shoplifting booze then it's meth and wheelchair-stricken on account of no legs. It's honestly very sad.

Can't stand any Alcohol other than Tequila and Octli.

Looks like a fucking Mexican to me, GAS!

It's the other way round, Mexicans look like Native Americans because they have Native Ancestry.