What does unnatural colored hair say about someone?

Just asking for a friend. What behaviors have you correlated with unnatural hair?

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There are many meanings.
1. Someone is crazy about fashion
2. Someone wants to stand out and grab attentiom
3. Someone is neglected by family and this is their rebellion
4. Someone hates everything human and wants to be as anime as possible

Either way, none of the reasons for having unnatural colored hair is good. Personally i am against all artificial coloring. Natural hair all the way, embrace your grays when time comes.

brain cancer

People who dye their hair have little control of their own lives so they change the things they can. I have explained that to women and they almost all stopped dying their hair

Wearing button pins

Infected with the Femin Virus.
Natures warning like red on poisonous/venomous animals.

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This is also a slide thread and you are shit.

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They'll guaranteed have some kind of made up illness like depression or anxiety

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It's the same phenomenon as insects that display bright colours to signal that they are toxic

I hate how this become a rebeld trend, I wanted it to become more normalized


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desperation for attention and a lack of personality or redeemable quality with which to obtain it

Deep insecurity. Fear that their real self isn't interesting enough so they put on an overt display of nonconformity when all they really want is to be accepted.

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antipredator adaptations in which a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators.

All 4 of these aren't great.

That dude is way cuter in the thumbnail :|

Hair is temporary and it seems like the trouble people give you lots of other warnings to pick up on compared to folks who try different hair colors or styles just for shits and giggles. I bleached my hair once. I guess that was kinda fun. Better than going bald.

kill yourself degenerate

Crazy colored hair is extremely norms tier now it’s the same as everyone having tattoos
>walk through Walmart, every other employee has blue/green/purple hair
>even elderly grandmas rocking pink
>over the last year literally seen dozens of guys with multicolored hair
I live in Texas

if you have to rely on ornaments to be interesting instead of your own depth of character, you might be an npc

You will never defeat my turbo nerd comb over.

Also being a sheep that follows trends is a requirement

Real men just stop shaving, getting haircuts and shower less until someone asks them why and then they say "because you don't give a fuck and neither do i anymore"

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