This Kavanaugh shit is making him act really strange. Normally, he would say the same shit Jeff Flake has been saying.
Listen, if a swamp-rat cuck like Graham is starting to openly call out this political circus as bullshit then it could mean that the NeoCons and NeverTrumpers are finally giving in.
the deep state is fine with starting world wars, but don't you dare lie about something their friend did!
Easton Sanders
Everybody has a tipping point. This whole thing is another democrat mockery of our country just because they didn't get what they wanted.
GOP needs to grow up before they set another fucked up precident for our people to suffer through.
Jordan James
his buddy McCain doesn't have his ear
Elijah Wright
The protesters chimping out and being removed redpilled him.
Kayden Long
Aiden Scott
They might not have principles but they care about their cushy jobs. They've probably figured out that Democrats are making a power grab and they'll all be sent home next year if they don't stick up for themselves.
Isaiah Davis
Losing their jobs might be the only thing that motivates them
Gabriel Wood
Free at last
Andrew Young
He’s been like this for months. He even said “I don’t give a shit” in a live CNN interview referring to the people who have a problem with him siding with Trump.