Rest in PISS
hopefully he gets his balls chopped off by a good samaritan
Rest in PISS
hopefully he gets his balls chopped off by a good samaritan
Hes white so hes automatically guilty Amirite leftietard becuase of mah 20 years of mainstream media indoctrination.
Go back to making cuck videos of your wife and her bull, this is a serious discussion forum for noncucks only.
Lol. Well put user
Literal communists like this are like 1000% NPC
I don't know who that is, but seeing unhappy righties fills me with joy
rapist pedo enables are the first to get the guillotine
Is it politically incorrect to use their heads as soccer balls afterwards? Please don't say it is
You are a joke.
Without the gibs you and your NEET buddies get on a daily basis, you would all starve to death within a week. Not worried too much about the march of the pussyhat boys against me.
At least he's not (openly) American
Don't you commie larping memeflaggot taint the glorious Guillotine with your greasy, unwashed fingers.
all capitalists deserve a painful death, no exceptions
republicans should be tortured for weeks beforehand tho
>says the leftist pedo rapist enabler
You arent wrong but your compass is off, its pointing at you.
Welcome to Jow Forums you faggot. You found Jow Forums so give yourself a cookie. You're probably wondering what Jow Forums is and what we do. Well here's a quick rundown of just what Jow Forums has done in only a few years:
>Jow Forums got a terrorist training camp bombed by Russia. Twice.
>Jow Forums is master of capture the flag hard mode.
>Jow Forums rigs presidential elections in sub saharan Africa.
>Jow Forums fucked your mom, that's why you look like it.
>Jow Forums tells the truth about niggers, spics, jews, arabs and other undesirables.
>Jow Forums acts as a hivemind and meme lab.
>Jow Forums encompasses people between 18 and 45+
>Jow Forums is the last bastion of anonymity on the internet.
>Jow Forums trolled Michael Avenatti to think there was another accuser.
>Jow Forums debunked the QANON LARP.
>In Ancient History, hacktivist group Anonymous was founded on Jow Forums.
Jow Forums has no room for reddit fags so if you're from there, go back. This is a place where we can be ourselves whether it leads to praise or ridicule.
Mysteries intelligence agencies have failed to solve are solved in minutes here. Now stop making new threads because we already know you saw us on TV. You're here forever so the best advice anyone will give you is to lurk more, faggot. Also, beware the Aussie shitposter as you cunts have no chance against them. Finally, 4chans dad works for Nintendo and confirms OP is a faggot and Brianna Wu is John Flynt, an Ole Miss chapter of Beta Theta Pi reject for his faggot ways.
Jow Forums is not a nazi hugbox, you delusional weenie
You first you fucking godless heathen.
ok b8, ir8 2/8
Everyone is godless, considering there is, y'know, no god anywhere to be seen
I cracked the FBI Crime Stats. Come see. I promise you'll thank me.