Why does Canada want to stop global warming when most of their landmass is a permafrost?

Why does Canada want to stop global warming when most of their landmass is a permafrost?

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I'll be dead before the environment gets TOO bad. So I don't care.

No global warming activists actually WANT to stop global warming, they want to create international bureaucracies that do approximately nothing of value to prevent it, but which allow them to exercise power over countries.

I find it odd that our liberals think that all the effort needs to come from us when the US, China, and India are doing the vast majority of the emissions

Wouldnt industry and land values explode if the north started to thaw? Has anyone ever talked about this in Canada?

black flies
that's what you get more of when the ice goes away for a long time

Red pill me on black flies? Unaware of those here is the Las Vegas desert.

methane stays trapped in permafrost. methane is the biggest cause of destruction to our atmosphere,though, the meat and dairy industry begs to differ...

>all the plantation niggers will drown
>florida will disappear

I'm never recycling again.

Why are cow gases a problem but 2 billion brapping niggers has no effect on global warming? Shouldn't overpopulation be part of this discussion?

>most major brown mullato urban shitholes under water

This is a great thing.

yes. mass breeding (cows,humans). is the number 1 cause of methane

A single cow produces more methane then a single black

>still haven't reached the temps/carbon levels of the classical period, let alone anywhere close to the paleocene or cretaceous periods
Who fucking cares

yes,but most northen lands arent arable anyway being part of the Canadian shield.

>creating millions of brown refugees who need to relocated into the (relatively) white parts of the country, i.e. the Midwest and New England
>a great thing

this i'd like to live on the Hudson Bay

Global warming is out, Global wobble is the new hotness.

yea humans had it pretty great back in the cretaceous

very relevant point you make, i can see how important the implications for human civilization are. we should strive for a return to cretaceous living... true return to tradition

And nothing of value was lost.

do you guys know what natives are? theyre as bad as niggers, at times worse. You do NOT want to live up north, theres a reason people dont live there

really makes you think

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Because global warming will eventually lead to a ridiculous permafrost.

This is what happens. Icecaps melt completely. Nothing to drive trans-Atlantic current (melting of icecaps drives this current). Warm water can't get anywhere. shit gets really cold.

And bam the ice returns, but with a vengeance.

>ice melts
>nothing changes
eat shit coasties, NE the choice for me

I wish I could live to see all the ice melt. Imagine habitable Antarctica, that would be interesting.

I cracked the FBI Crime Stats. Come see. I promise you'll thank me.

small stubby flies that bite and take a little chunk out, not like a mosquito poker thing.
some people swell up from the next day really bad, they don't hurt all that much but if you get a bite on your eyelid you might be looking out of one eye for a while

Because they are all crypto commies/ the only people stupid enough to buy into (((carbon taxes))) are plebs and subjects of the Crown

why would the water rise 216 feet? is there 216 feet worth of ice or something? where's that calculated at?

>the entirety of Canada and Russia are opened up for use
>shitskin countries btfo and uninhabitable due to heat
>florida and jew orleans purged
Global warming isn't real, but if it is, it's /our natural disaster/.

This mentality gets posted all the time but is one of the most poorly thought-out ones imaginable
Do you think billions of people are going to sit in their houses until the water drowns them, you fucking idiot? No, they're just going to be refugees, but instead of half of one war-torn country it's every fucking coastline in the world

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We just have to build the wall of all walls

you'll be paying for their relocation and rescue costs

Dont you have those


They did it in New Orleans. Never underestimate the stupidity of niggers.

Do you understand what happens when permafrost melts? Sinkholes. Do you know what happens when sink holes collapse? Methane gas is released,
Not to mention all the frozen bullshit/germs/viruses, etc. That comes along with it.

Katrina didn't slowly build up over decades