Will she show up tomorrow?
Will she show up tomorrow?
I hope so, much funnier if she does and we get to see the look of doom on her face when she realizes she committed a federal crime
Why wouldn't she? Her story is overwhelmingly crediblhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa
Honestly though the best play for the dems would be for her to not show up. They could try to delay some more, create a few more accusations and bullshit. If she shows it's most likely over for her and her story and Kav will get confirmed
Where is she right now actually?
It's 7:14 in DC right now. If she shows up, then she should be flying/driving in now. What hotel is she staying at?
she looks a bit on the fat side, you're gonna have to get some +p rounds, non +p 9's won't assuredly make it through, 357sig works too
She’s hiding out in Comet Ping Pong’s nonexistent pizza parlor.
Literally the best thing that could happen for the dems right now is for this cunt to be assassinated. I hope she realizes exactly how much danger she's in from the people she thought were her friends.
Not even.
People wouldn't care.
If she doesn't show, the Republicans should just go ahead and hold a confirmation vote for Kavanaugh right then and there.
The dems pull some last min BS as to why she can't appear and cry about the other shitty allegations not being investigated.
an actress will show up in her place cause ford is so traumatized
She can't show. It'd be a disaster. The R's will vote Friday anyway, they might as well yell that they scared her off.
She won't show. Lawyer already pretty much confirmed that.
Stop this shit. Jow Forums is a board of peace
She need moar time!!! She's ever-so-traumatized. Diane Feinstein told her the wrong day. Her car broke down, She got stuck in traffic.
You have no idea how ready some people are to believe her with zero evidence. If she's taken out on the eve of her testimony, the numbers of these retards will swell as every media outlet asks what "they" were trying to keep quiet.
If she actually shows up and testifies, the charade is over. Her bullshit can't stand up without media to scold and shame those who express doubt.
Some Michael Clayton shit would paint it as
>clearly couldn't take the pressure anymore
Nah, too busy getting raped I'm sure.
an hour ago i would have bet she will show up but now all these extra 'accusers' are creating a frenzy like i've never seen before. Absolutely incredible pressure to withdraw. They must know she isn't going to say anything credible so they are creating this insanity
Let them.
All it will do is let is kill leftists
Hey, if someone's gonna do it, gotta do it right, not leave a person in agony. Just like when hunting any animal, don't just wound the animal.
Not advocating doing it, just recommending properly doing it if it's going to be done.
There was a 25,000 reward to find dirt on her. Has anyone tried to collect?
This, desu
can you imagine the shitstorm?
t. glow in the dark nigger
why is her face so annoying
No. Her story will fucking crumble under questioning by an experienced sex crime lawyer.
This is all intended to delay till after midterms. A no vote would just be a happy accident.
Will she look like the pics they have been putting out?
I cracked the FBI Crime Stats. Come see. I promise you'll thank me.
please do this
>Honestly though the best play for the dems would be for her to not show up
Agreed. And then blame the republicans for not meeting their demands.
This is also what I'm expecting to happen.
>Lawyer already pretty much confirmed
> You have no idea how ready some people are to believe her with zero evidence.
I don't think anyone really believes her at this point. They're all feigning belief in order to push their agenda.
> an hour ago i would have bet she will show up
Show up and then say what?
Posted this a few days ago, she’s going to have an “accident.”
nope. She will not testify under oath.