The JQ is so ridiculous, why believe in it, without good evidence?

Anyone else find it funny how people on here believe that jews have a plan to eliminate whites, based only on memes theyve read

Attached: nibba with a cat.jpg (1004x847, 63K)

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Jokes are serious things, they're like the echoes of thoughts.
We can joke all we want about it and whine about free speech every time but in the end it is us that direct this nightmare.

>believing in the bible without evidence
>not believing in the holocaust despite there being evidence, testimonies, etc
not everyone on Jow Forums does this, but a good size of it does

>hey there fellow whites
Nice proxy jidf. Only a complete retard cannot see the extensive evils of the Jew. Can't wait for God to punish them yet again, it's going to be great

Almost all of pol believes Jews are subversive

Like what? Do you have anything other than dank memes to justify why the jews are evil?

Don't make me shit myself laughing

>believing word of mouth and some pictures of emaciated jews is proof the Nazis systematically gassed 6 million of them
Imagine having a Mexican education and believing this bullshit without question.

the eternal merchant is merely fighting for justice on all fronts, the tyrant song of racism and bigotry is being culled thanks to the g-dly warriors of the chosenites, to downplay their efforts in this holy battle is to be antisemitic