You manage to actually get laid once and become a father to a son. If you were forced to choose...

You manage to actually get laid once and become a father to a son. If you were forced to choose, would you rather he were
>A) A faggot
>B) Straight but a bluepilled liberal
>C) A degenerate racemixer
>D) A fashy goy, but a 5'4" manlet who moves to Canada

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Nobody's born redpilled.

holy fuck I'm in tears

Um, they literally aren't allowed to hate people in Canada. They even have (((Hate Speech))) laws. How the fuck can you be a fascist in a country where your feelings and words can be illegal?

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Currently drinking and smoking cigarettes because my wife asked me what gender my son might be like it’s a fucking question. She is brainwashed by social media and I just told her off saying she is projecting but idk what the future holds.

I got in a fight with some english chaps and a Chinese cop chick was the one who broke it up, dude was like
>he called me a limey bitch that's racist!!!
She laughed when I said
>no, that's prejudice you limey bitch
I did not get in any trouble these "hate laws" you talk about are never enforced and don't show me some bullshit about one person out of millions everyday getting in trouble for it

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>mfw I fathered 4 sons with 4 different women without even fucking them

With my genes they won't be any of these things

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That's gold Jerry gold. Questions are shit though.

had to post something, old chap. "Muh OC" just wouldn't do

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If he's my son, he's already C by default.

Good work user

>Straight but a bluepilled liberal
That's an oxymoron

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that schnoz...

you can find him on goybook if you want to cringe some more
His hair is blue now

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Out if control memeage user 10/10

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Start planning on having her committed after he's born. Get custody and leave her. Or risk your kid being seriously fucked up for life.

There is no way I can get the upper hand. Do you know how custody courts work? I feel powerless and angry. Maybe I will just write a novel for my son and an hero.

That’s because British are white mongrel

B. at least he's happy


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It's literally because they're white you utter moron

Go do that with a pack of niggers and a fat white Ontario cop, preferably female. She will probably shoot you in the face

as long as i'm not a loomer. this is all i care about

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I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have registered your matrimonial union with the state. Now the state can press their thumb on you... pressing... pressing... and you will feel pain for a long time. Finally, they crush you...

Hypothetically, of course

Orwell was right.

B) because you can redpill the shit out of someone as long as their IQ isn't in the garbage

Fpbp. I’ve found out that it’s quite easy to redpill white people in person.

Better to know the truth than suffer in the dark, unable to identify the source of society’s problems.

Diagnosis is the first step to healing :)

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Sage goes in all fields.

Get rid of this idiotic pol

C and set him up with a Japanese sword maiden after he grows out his molly phase

D like hie dear old dad

I just want it all to end desufam

That's how I started out then my dad boomerpilled me then I redpilled myself and my mum

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