Republicans releasing fake allegations to muddy the waters

The anonymous Colorado letter and Rhode Island letter are total garbage by a desperate GOP!

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Is it illegal to call your congressman and accuse kavanaugh of raping someone? Why don't we all just do it?

so theyre so aware of their own buwlsheeit tactics that they dont want other """""republicans"""""" to use them? got it.

(D)ipshits are delegitimizing all allegations just fine on their own.

Utter retardation.

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>to make all allegations look frivolous
They already do, tho. Kavanaugh, Cosby, and Catholic priests all getting fake-raped right out of the game. Every last one of these stories is bullshit.

>only our fake accusations are credible

This would be hardcore 1960s style CIA level mischief.

Amusing antics.

Its the dems. I don't think that party is united behind this. I think its a few key individuals who are deathly afraid of the redacted FBI info coming out.

Aye or Nye?

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What happened to listen and believe

We need to find places that Kavanaugh has documented proof of being and accuse him of rape on the same day and time.

One thing I learned from this was those 80s High School and College movies were actually documentaries

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how deplorable.

billionaire is code for alien

How is Republican false allegations any different than the Democrat's fake allegations?
>Stop doing what we're doing!

What are you fucking assholes doing?
Yes, you.

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Trump walked that back the night Hannity asked him at the rally. I don't think he every intended to do that. Why fight with him on this, when they could make a deal over the redactions? Unless you think part of the deal was "we get to continue to raise hell, but promise at least 5 democrat senate votes" or something like that. If that is the case, it's a bullshit deal as it involves an innocent person.

> guys its all a republican trick!

People with believable stories deserve to be believed.
People with choppy, vague and unsubstantiated tall tales do not.

>blaming and trying to discredit victims of rape
A new low for jews on twitter



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I knew this was going to turn into some "Je suis Charlie" shit

>Kavanaugh, Cosby, and Catholic priests all getting fake-raped right out of the game. Every last one of these stories is bullshit.

This. Also Weinstein and Spacey are innocent too.

Burn in hell kike

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Lmfao this reminds me of when they said Antifa were actually undercover Trump supporters trying to make Democrats look bad

What a bunch of fucking idiots

Maybe, just maybe the Democrats are retarded and keep fucking themselves over.

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