U! S! A!

>the absolute state of America

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Math is racist.

the bible predicted this

Correct answer.

Kinda weak desu, was expecting Tyrone to turn in 35 minimum

Tyrone knocked up 4/20 = 1/5 = 20% of the girls in the gang.

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Well, the easier question would've been what are the chances that Tyrone takes care of his children.

Ey yo Tyrone you lil faggot why do you hang wif so many gurls you gay man? You like that?

35? try 60. At least a 100 white girls should have been knocked up by the big black bull

That's right, user! Math is the key to the universe

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Until he sees a paternity test, he won't take responsibility. Good luck finding him, cause he moved to Atlanta.

I mean it is pretty funny

>teacher suspended for being a retard

what is with all these fucking retards nowadays?

Who the fuck is this ben garrison guy? Probably some redneck bigot from down south, member of the KKK, piece of shit.

He is a terrible anti-Semite and racist and probably a fascist.

dont forget based

What the fuck? I hope someone squashes that rat. I hope they squash him beneath their big toes and crush him with foot juice making rotten toe gasses. That's all racist bigots like him are. Disgusting fungus.

Fuck you, ben garison!

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oops ant version

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so epic

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The teacher sounds like he's making fun of blacks.

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Haha, nice tattoos on the bitch.

Attention to detail 9/10

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Is this the teacher that taught niggers and mexicans how to do math and stuff and they made a movie about him because his students actually graduated?

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Officially now known as Based Teacher.

He's making math relevant to their culture.

I cracked the FBI Crime Stats. Come see. I promise you'll thank me.