How can some people say racism is a sin and others say Christianity encourages it?

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Some people are Christians and some people like to use the word "sin" and "racism" we call them the synagogue of satan

sin is a borrowed word from dutch. it means "stuff you want"

because Christianity is a problem for Jews so Jewish writers like to represent racist people as Christians in movies and television shows.

But old people Christians were always racist. I could never understand why though so I'm asking Jow Forums.

Because Christianity really doesn't have an opinion. It is more about context rather anything else. The reason for these two factions of thoughts occur though are the jews. The faction for racism being a sin came from an evangelical/jewish alliance here in America and is part of the Judeo-Christian myth of 20th century America plus the development of liberation theology under communist infiltrated denominations and parishes. The idea of Christianity causes racism comes from Jewish-atheist Marxist alliance that developed in western countries.

Because it'a all "interpretation" with religious texts

I don’t give a damn what the (((priest))) or the Bible says. If God didn’t want me to be racist then he wouldn’t have invented niggers

These are the kind of people I'm talking about in They have as much faith in God as they have faith in their racism. Just look at St. Terry Davis ffs. Anyone who obviously loves God and isn't just doing it for attention would shoot a nigger on sight. There is some kind of obvious observable connection here, but I just can't deconstruct it and figure out why good Christians are so fucking racist. I've been trying for three fucking years to figure it out and I still don't know.

Because christians don't actually follow the teachings of their own prophet.
"christianity" encourages a lot of really shitty things, and those shitty things are also probably regarded as sins in the bible

These racist schizo seem to have a damn good idea of what Jesus wants and seem rather convinced by it. It's the kind of conviction lacking any doubt whatsoever. God wants them to be racist and they will shoot for that God given right to be racist. It's the kind of undeniable zealot determination you only see in someone who knows he's right with God.

No, being racist is perfectly ok in the faith. It is only shunned when a) it interferes with evangelization b) when it is purely irrational (you must have some sort of reasonable rationalization) c) when it interferes with hospitality.
You seem not to really looking for the answer to your question or asked the question poorly op. If I'm correct your more asking for what is the reasoning and logic of racist Christians and how they justify it.

>If I'm correct your more asking for what is the reasoning and logic of racist Christians and how they justify it.
I guess. The closest answer I ever found in scripture is some antimiscegenation verses but other than that I just don't get it. What makes Christians so fucking racist, even more racist than Jow Forums. The Christianity I was raised with must be a broken version or something.

Basically ever since Jesus died people coopted his teachings and messages for political manipulation of the masses.

Every major and minor schism was mostly over who controlled the pope (France appointed their own pope at one point who was promptly excommunicated and then he reciprocated, and also the Anglican church was made because King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife and become the head of the church), or whether the pope himself controlled rulers (threatening excommunication for example).

All Protestant sects didn't like that the Catholic Church and the government-controlled sects held so much power, so they wanted to leave the Old World, filled with corruption and what not. Funny enough, people started doing the same shit for their own gain, which is why we have TV Evangelicals who mainly cater to pop cultural notions of Christianity (Hell is actually just nothingness in the original Ancient Hebrew/Greek bibles, not a burning pit) and cults like Mormonism, who basically have their own church establishment complete with kiddy diddling.

Anyways, people will always use religion as an excuse to manipulate people. In the end, they are derived from wisdom texts meant to pass useful knowledge and traditions (like in Judaism, cleanliness, not eating food that could be toxic like seafood, etc) before they had scientific methods to prove there was a physically or theoretically understandable reason for rules around things like disease, spoilage, economics (usury for one) etc. And a ton of bad wisdom gets mixed in too as a result of people trying to use it to control others.

I forgot to mention, people "interpret" the bible or other religious texts with warnings to their modern specific context because it's so vague that literally at any point an apocalypse can be seen as happening, I bet the people living in Constantinople when the Turks rolled in thought that was what God meant those x times he talked about end times when they hid in the Hagia Sophia and no help came and they all got raped, butchered, or sold into slavery.

another interesting bit is that the popular notions of hell and the devil torturing people are from Dante's Inferno, which is effectively a fanfiction because it has no bearing on what really happens according to most Christian denominations. That, and the fact that most people are stupid means that preachers can say whatever the fuck they want to scare people into following them out of implicit or explicit threat over what the afterlife is like.

So how does racism fit into this? It’s clearly beneficial to preserving a nation and I wasn’t taught it. Does that mean I was taught a corrupt version of Christianity?

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First off, you shouldn't view Christianity as either being racist or not. As I said in my first post, the theology is neutral in most cases. The only thing it says definitively is that there are people who are unique and some of those people may or may not be on God's side. From this logic, you have some justification to be racist if you view a group as being more likely to break God's laws or are hostile to your group. This why being racist to Jews and Arabs were common in most Christian denomination as their culture and religion would often undermine local politics and religion.

The dude is being a sperg, ignore him.

So it’s racist because it has morals standards?

How da fuck is it racist to have moral standards??

You said muzzies and jews were discriminated against because they are amoral. Mexicans and blacks fit that bill too.

Because Semitic religions are incoherent, self-contradicting messes. They're created that way.

the same reason why some people follow the false pope and others see through the charade and detest him.

I like the way you think.

While those cases may be true, I wasn't trying to get that acrossed. That would be a bit of a simplification. It would have more to do with trying to get the local populus to be immoral or actively subjegating them. I would say that racism with blacks has less to do with religion and more of their general behavior. Mexican's one could argue about religion as most Mexicans are initially Catholic when they get here and the country was founded by Protestant.