Other urls found in this thread:
>"She was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby,” Richard Vinneccy said. “I know a lot about her. She’s not credible at all. Not at all.”
>R-right guys?
If he cheated that makes him a better man
It's awesome how the Dems want all their "good" news in the morning/early afternoon for all the welfare queens at home doing nothing other than hating men.
R's always win the evening cycles, programmed perfectly to appeal to people who work for a living and don't have to even bother paying attention to the earlier in the day lies and propaganda the left puts out first thing everyday
What a circus, which accuser?
the latest one
For fucks sake, couldn't Creepy Porn Lawyer even vet this woman to determine if her story could stand two hours of scrutiny today? The left is embarrassing itself and antagonizing everyone but the most mentally ill commie trash in the country.
All this worrying about vetting K-Man, they didn't even properly vet their own mannequin. Top shelf keks.
I think that was Trump's plan to begin with. Make the left show their true colors, to left-leaning and moderates. Which will sway them to either not vote, or lean right in their votes.
pretty much, he's bent over backwards for this Ford chick, flew in a special judge from Arizona I believe. I wonder how much that cost the taxpayers?
Or the hotel she's been staying in since she got here last week waiting for this non-existent dumb bitch.
Will they add up the cost of all of it and make Avenatti pay?
the endless retard factory known as "the democrats"
at least post a link to the article, not some random twitter.
t-that sure is a pretty curvy piece of fruit
haha itd be crazy if people started posting suggestive curvy fruits haha what kind of sick fuck would find that even mildly arousing
it just popped up on my feed brah
i want to fuck it and then cum
Yeah like hahaha that would be so weird I hope people don't do that lol
you sick fuck, not even eating it afterwards
haha yeah like what do you think would happen if you put a super crown on it haha
right haha im just over here minding my own business certainly thankful that im not being absolutely lambasted with sexually arousing fruit! hahahahaaha
he looks like he lowkey eats ass
> if you're commit domestic violence, that proves you're a victim
Still salty you demoncrats lost, eh?
LOL keep me entertained, dancing monkey.
I understand now, they actually have no understanding of what credibility means.
there's this shit and my parents are still CNN-watching liberals somehow, it's like watching them drink poison
>the fact there's evidence it didn't happen is evidence that it happened
> A Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy ... Thirteen days later, the case was dismissed
Bwhahaha that's all you incels got?
i'm sorry, did you just assume the law favors men?