She's going to be a no-show, isn't she?

>She's going to be a no-show, isn't she?
Digits decide what BS excuse the Dems will use for her absence

Attached: 509CE7BC00000578-6210123-image-a-9_1537967226532.jpg (306x393, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Her period

She'll claim stress/anxiety.

Emotional trauma.

made a wrong turn

If you watched the hearings you'll know what's going to happen.
Republicans will BTFO her, she'll say stuff that is unspecific, and democrats will say we HAVE to do X or else we cannot confirm him and talk about red herrings like Trumpf grabbing pussy.

set the alarm for pm instead of am

Protecting her trash bin in the alley

Attached: 435453543.jpg (299x542, 64K)

Some needs to photoshop Guy Fieri sunglasses on all these ugly Jews.

Attached: 74C5CAA4-FDF3-4B5D-A7B5-F67C0FDE7D15.jpg (215x191, 29K)

Death threats and hostile interview environment... blah blah blah