I'm on the same page. Do my fellow conservatives agree?

Attached: PrincipledBasedConservative1.png (1168x410, 107K)

No, and you are no conservative if you vote for a democrat. That makes you a piece of shit rino. Once a rino, always a rino

t: paleoconservative

>Hello Fellow Conservatives I voted for Trump but look at this Liberal claiming the moral high ground.

Fuck off nigger.

((( my fellow )))
>nice post there rabbi

Attached: FB_IMG_1537923532524.jpg (1079x1311, 41K)

Unironically yes. Confirm Kavanaugh before that though so my guns will be safe for the next 20 or so years (atleats at the federal level)

>pretends to be conservative
>trump polcies are some of the most conservative in 50 years
>please ignore the conservative policies and vote Dumb
like you fucks ever vote conservative anyways

Attached: trump voters.png (859x450, 672K)

>fiscal conservative, socially liberal
The goodest of goys

>hello, fellow Republicans

Attached: 1524154432508.jpg (808x921, 298K)

Are there any liberals who aren’t lying scum?

Attached: GravekeepersVassal-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png (300x435, 296K)

"socially moderate"
Into the oven this larping pro-white genocide faggot goes.

Yes (((my fellow Republicans))) Trump had quite a bizarre press conference

Attached: bizarre.png (2388x2492, 1.46M)

Another globalist using Raegan's populist corpse as an idol to lead americans against their self interest

Well, it depends where you are. There are too many lunatic Democrats who shouldn't be in Congress even if Trump goes completely crazy.

Attached: notunderstandingwhatcredibilityis.png (651x197, 23K)

All you conservishits can abandon Trump if you want to, he has the full support of us radical centrists. Eat shit.

Attached: 1367783452947.png (1280x720, 779K)

this is really quite funny.. well done..

Attached: 960.jpg (960x540, 101K)


The shills aren't even trying anymore

Attached: Tp46.gif (448x308, 188K)

>((((((Reagan Republican)))))))
I'm so, SO tired of false flag kikes pretending to be "principled" conservatives or whatever, when they are very obviously kikes first above all else, out to sabotage the goyim.

Attached: bill-kristol-neocon-jew-now-with-democrats.png (637x867, 239K)

is that a John McCain avatar? would explain a lot

This meme flaggot is not even American.

that's fucking bizarre


It's all so tiresome.

Attached: 1536263697321.gif (450x450, 764K)

>all that bizarre
proof the Journo-List is still active and these propagandists are still conspiring to create fake narratives

eat shit faggot. that press conference was the best thing that's happened in months. if you're being serious, you're a pussy. if you're not being serious, then you're still a faggot.