What personality type are you Jow Forums?

INTP here

>tfw too smart to be smart about life

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Who the hell does Hitler have an "I" instead of an "E"?

Sorry, I'm retarded


>tfw blackpilled

>tfw solipsism cannot be scientifically disproven

you're all figments of my imagination and the further i stray from sanity the more absurd the world becomes. prove me wrong

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holy Crap I'm an INFJ as well

Hitler was very quiet when he was younger.

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I really fucking hate the world.



Probably the only one on Jow Forums.

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ICP here

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Hitler wasn't a faggot "F" he was a BASED ISTJ

t. based ISTJ

I took that test, I get ENTJ & INTJ. Right on the border of e and i I guess. Don't have any problem dealing with people, but I don't like doing it.

Same brother.
Learn to not hate the world, but accept all that comes. After all, what can you do about it?

TCP/IP checking in

INTP master race reporting for duty

I used to be a faggot INTP when I was 13 before I took the ISTJ pill

I think Jow Forums's general personality is lonely complaining beta faggot peppered with bemused jews seeing you flail like dying fish gasping for air.

ISTP mater race reporting in

same, most conversations with people are boring.

>hey do you know this brand of car?

INTP, bordering on INFP.
The struggle between seeking the truth and finding the beauty in art is all so tiresome.

Being observant over intuitive is largely a negative thing. Sounds like you got grounded down by life.
Stop watching Molyneux.

INTJ because feelings are for fags & normies.

INTP as well but I doubt the validity of Meyers Briggs. I had to take it during a class

>being observant is bad
oh yeah, im sure your the 70's are over, degenerate hippie

go back to plebbit faggot

I've taken many versions of this test on more than a few platforms.

INTJ every time


ENTP master race

infj lol.

INTJ reporting in, my dad took the test and he got the same result. Pretty cool to find out we think similarly try it with your parents lads


Practical above all else.

ESTP, ISTP and ESFP are all pretty good from a practical standpoint. ENTJ and ESTJ are best for rational ideas. And for some reason a lot of my friends have been INTJ

I took a couple of those tests when I was younger and got infj. That was when I thought Hitler was the most evil peson ever and it made me a little sad haha

Fuck you’re all INTPs too? We really are fucked. The lulz are the only thing keeping me going at this point


>thinking everyone fits into a nice neat little box

I am an INFJ as well not sure how to feel about that.

ENTJ. Looks to me both Goebbels and Hitler were ENFJs.

Gomrade Mustache :D:D:D was an ENTJ.

E means you're predominantly oriented towards engaging with what is outside of yourself.

Looking at my own behavior I could be mistaken for being introverted I suppose.


I just want everyone to get along :)

>not knowing the fine art of discernment.
Tools work best when they're taken out of the box dumbass. If you used your tools, you wouldn't be IN that box.

INTJ but if I take the test multiple times, I will occasionally get INTF

INTP jobless race here

I am so disappointed in the human species fellow master race.
This burden we have is clearly a gift and it is clearly a curse.

Jow Forums is dominated by INTX. Some honorary ENTJ and ENFJ. The occasionally lost ISTJ or INFJ comes in. INFPs like Hitler are rare but sometimes stumble upon us and never leave.

intp self employed artist that plays wow all day while machines make me shit to sell lol.


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yeah we're pretty much worthless huh
We'll be killed or brought to heel. either when the left wins or when we do. No matter who wins, this world and society is still born in blood.

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leave it to the hole to come in here shouting

I think it was a joke because shes an ENTJ

jokes on you I have a penis

its ok buttercup you can use both restrooms I won't tell.

I lied, I'm a guy who likes to manipulate people :) tehe or I'm actually a girl who likes to manipulate people. you'll never know :p



you know the rule
only one way to find out


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uhm I said I'm a virgin. No that's what attention whores do

INTP here.

What test are you using? The official one (I guess) has a lot of stupid questions which make me alter between INTJ, ISTP and everything in between based on how I interpret the questions

INTP here. Lads and lasses, allow the understanding of your strengths give you insight into how to strengthen your weaknesses, so you have balance, regardless of your personality type.

INTJ-a Not sure what that means exactly though.

I can never take a personality test ever again because I never want to get a different result.
I am the commander.
I will always be the commander.

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you haven't read mein kampf. do so

I'm INFP bordering on INTP.
I know that same hellscape all too well.

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Intj gang gang gang

NTP, e or i changes depending on how i feel about people that day, some peeps are cool, some suck, or how questions are posed


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I used 16Personalities.
Make sure to take it when your mood is neutral and stable and you've gotten enough sleep.

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took two tests
is this good

Don't worry brothers, our time will come

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You and the rest of us master race. Most people are brainless insects


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ISTP master race here

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This seems to indicate that homosexuals take more personality tests than the general population, since homosexuals are at less than 1% of the population

tfw your an intj but you get promoted so the i turns to an e but some shit goes down and you go infp but you pretend to be entj, but then you get things straight and turn to enfj but it's too late so you retire and the cycle continues...

ENTP for the win

Unironic vampire detected

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I have an inherent understanding of most things but I get bored easily. Most people annoy and bore the absolute fuck out of me. I can only deal with NPC's for short lengths of time before I get bored and/or start having murderous thoughts.
What do?

I'm also RH negative so I'm probably descendant of ayy's.

>what do?
Use this underwater basket weaving forum to dispense your knowledge in a learnable form through parables, so only the worthy learn.

>doesn't want to be observed
typical INTP kikery

>doesn't want to work a real job
>master race

>"being observant over being intuitive is largely a negative thing"
>do you hear this!? this person doesn't want to be observed! crucify him!
This kind of shit only works in the throngs of a public square shlomo. Not on the internet where people can read what was really said.
You work against yourself kike and it's beautiful to watch. Kek.
>more blatant misrepresentation through greentext
Obvious projecting kikemod is obvious

>I have an inherent understanding of most things but I get bored easily. Most people annoy and bore the absolute fuck out of me. I can only deal with NPC's for short lengths of time before I get bored and/or start having murderous thoughts.


comes different evertim

If you arent ENTP-A you're a beta male faggot and don't belong on Jow Forums

you aint intj if you are so easily broken


from the (((myers briggs))) foundation:
>This fourth preference pair describes how you like to live your outer life--what are the behaviors others tend to see? Do you prefer a more structured and decided lifestyle (Judging) or a more flexible and adaptable lifestyle (Perceiving)? This preference may also be thought of as your orientation to the outer world.

Ps are fucking useless hippies

ISTJ is master race personality type

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I am not an NPC

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Meme test but
ENTJ here faggots
every edgy INFJ can suck my dick to get some test and become an E

I vs. E just means, where do you get your energy? from personal reflection or from other people? go back to Pakistan

>t. EdgeINTJ
We know,we know, you are special

ISTJ master race