Isn't it a crime for a college age student to continuously attend high school parties and have sexually relations with...

Isn't it a crime for a college age student to continuously attend high school parties and have sexually relations with underage children?

Attached: Brett-Kavanaugh-with-Bush-Newscom.jpg (400x300, 17K)

Yeah but there's a statue of limitations on it


Goodbye Brett, smarmy little faggot

>implying he did anything
The guy is literally a boy scout who was top of his class.

when will you faggots learn, you don't get to that level unless you play the game. he's just as scummy as anyone else.

Not if you're a leaf, that's common practice.

Yes fuck accuser #3 whose name I can't remember anymore

Not in Maryland

but it would be a local issue so the FBI still isn't going to do shit