Steak-umm is woke as fuck

How can boomers deny these truth bombs?

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Zoomers have it rough.

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>ends meat
irregardlessly xofr makes a good

> making ends meat.
I see what you did there....

Shut up and eat your Pride Whopper.

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this company has 28k twitter followers. it sells shredded meat used apparently in philly cheesesteaks. what a fucking time to be alive

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lol, this guy is either getting promoted or fired

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Damn. That was a good come back

>corporate culture cancer has even spread to the practice of analyzing the effects of corporate culture cancer to give an answer that temporarily makes you feel good enough to perpetuate corporate culture cancer via purchase

Yeah he's basically all in on red. Either he gets fired or a bonus.

Alternatively he keeps his job but gets no bonus because lolsalary.

I would promote this guy. Wait till he starts taking about who owns the media.
>"What's going on big guy?"

We live in a world where even the steakums are getting woke. Also they taste like shit anywaya

>making ends meat

Well now I'm just going to be wondering if that was intentional or not.

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Steak-ums were already already the snack meat of choice in my house. Now I realize they were redpilled all along.

But aren't they a brand too?

>flame broiled 1/4 lb. beef patty
>sesame seed bun
>poz load
>GRIDS blood
Eat up, bigot.

>Steak Umms shows us the way
As the prophecy foretold

i imagine the department manager tomorrow just staring at his coffee wondering why he ever approved getting a corporate twitter account. it was just supposed to be for innocent advertising, all the hip companies are doing it. that consultant they hired told them it would have a great ROI with no risk.

then he looks up the twitter manager on skype for business, clicks call, and still hasnt made up his mind on what to do

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>I'll have me two steak-umms please.

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Now with extra santorum

Meta AF.

I want to see Wendy's vs Steak-ummm

Wtf i love Philly Cheesesteaks now

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hmm.. nah
i just paid off my kid's $27,000 student loan debt

Which way is the big gay disco at?

Boomer here. Five siblings, tiny house, you had to be out until dinner time. Thankfully my old man never beat me. Your parents provided very little support, but expected you to bring home grades and be out of the house and married when you were a young adult.

That’s why so many of us became hippies, because unlike today, you had to conform to a strict code and there was no other way. Millennials don’t marry, have kids, or get a job. They also don’t have rock n roll, or do acid, or own fast cars. It’s like they have the worst of both worlds, no fun, no success.

>Steak-umms: the Brand Doomers Love!

Whoever posted it speaks to truth but it’s not like it fixed anything

This is a beef thread leaf get your chicken out of here

zoom and gloom

Guy needs to answer the Kosher Question

if you're not consuming diseased bodily fluids, you're a bigot

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>boomer tells millennials things they already know
Thanks boomer!

based af

Jordan Peterson endorsement deal incoming

I don't even know what the fuck this timeline is even more lads

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probably wouldnt be hard to sneak in a tweet question like "hey steamumms, is this stuff kosher? i'm on a strict diet"

It’s true Steak ummm
You lurk here don’t you?

If steak umm starts naming the Jew on twitter I say we make them the next president, or SCJ

Hopefully they aren't dispelling stigmatas!

Good for you kike, now gtfo and kys

and yes.

what the fuck steak umms

Why does it have to be every single time?

>making ends meat
They literally could not resist, could they?

cook em right pilgrim
they're delicious with onions peppers and cheese

yo dawg ....

you never heard of chicken fried steak fingers?

america is the gay disco

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Frozen presliced beef. It's fucking awesome. Good on campouts, stir fry, cheesesteak

Based and redpilled

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Will buy steakumms tomorrow to reward wokeness.

Will then throw it out

Steak ummms confirmed redpilled

Man just when I stopped being depressed and had dreams for a while then something in 2016ish made the world all FUCK or atleast my shit country for sure. Now that I'm appreciative for what I have everything else went to ass

new wendies but woke rather than sassy?
going to have to pick up a pack

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Steak umms, while I do have fond childhood memories of eating them, are almost entirely made from onions.

Trips checked.

Hopefully porkumms finds its new social media manager

>no hot pockets
But he does it for free.

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This. I would just give them a donation for dropping redpilled. Too old to eat that so y based garbage though.

>your problems are other people's fault!

fuck off steak-ummms

It should've ended with.


That was pretty good.

Hi boomer.

that would have been the perfect ironic ending. something that bo burnham would have fully supported

Story on pic anyone?

I just looked it up. Looks like beef is the only ingredient listed on the box but it's apparently the shittiest of the shit meat. No so y though.

Now I'm hungry.

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What do you think the cow eats?

Thanks Bo.

i don't think Bo is egotistical enough to reference himself

Steakums suck desu, just get roast beef from the deli counter, steakumss are way to grisly and chewy

Steak-umm is gross though.

I assumed this was a Tide Pod joke from the thumbnail

>ends meat
They just posted this as a joke so they can use the pun "ends meat"

had these when i was a kid they are pretty good

Shhhhhhhh, I need this.

Is Steak-umm /ourmeat/?

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Based and redpilled. I need to checkout Steak-umm now.

Fucking this.

Take responsibility for your own shortcomings you infantile faggot

No way. Roast beef and Steakums have completely different flavors. They are not equivalent. Also, Steakums are awesome. This whole thread is making me want to buy some.

Steve is /ourintern/

If Steakummm doesn't make him head of Social Media then I'm not going to keep shoving their food in my face.

Shit, I remember that let's play

Okay Boomer. Gotcha. Will do.

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Watch "The Century of the Self"

Came here to post this.
Been watching athf since 02.
Where has the time gone?

Stop hiring women and 24-year-old men with receding hairlines. Fuck just abolish social media.

can't upvote this enough

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Nah man, steakums and gravy with some onions and cheese on a hoagie roll is good. Growing up as a poorfag it's up there with Pastaroni fetuccini alfredo, Tyson chicken patties + marinara + provolone on a hamburger bun for ghetto chicken parm sandwiches and poor man's beef stroganoff.

>steak umms

Fuck, beef tips and gravy over rice too. Forgot that.

Here (you) go, Chunk McBeef.

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Dear fellow Canadians,

I don't hate you, but we've passed the point of no return. The day of the rake will come, as justice eventually does. May the world learn a lesson from the second burning of Sodom and Gomorrah. I do not hate you, for it is foolhardy to wish ill will on those already dead.

*slow clap*