So first I signed it as Marion Wormer from Faber college (the Dean's wife and the fictitious college from animal house) nad no one vetted it and it made it on the list of signatories, so then I singed it again as Camile Towe from the college from the Simpsons. Apparently, you can use any name and any fake college you want and they will add your name to the list of yale grads supporting his accusers
Yale letter supporting Kavanaugh accusers
so retarded. even if the list were on the level wtf would the opinion of someone who graduates in 2021 mean about something that happened in 1982?
So basically they're getting an entire college to lie for them
You know what to do, Jow Forums
Signed, Pete Zahut
signed Anita Wang, Hardwood community 9'
Rose T. Pfloppingill
Rance Idhoor
E.M. Teashell
Holy shit, this is hilarious. Bump.
t. Dixon Budholz
>not ligma
whos ligma
Keep an eye out for Ilse Koch of Buchenwald '39
LIGAM BALLS LMAO based 100 redpilled owned btfo jews on suicide watch
rlly maeks u think huh
i hate white people now
Chad from Chad taken yet?
i wanna sign as dirk diggler
Signed Mya Butreex of ITT technical institute. Got a cool new Gmail account out of it as well.
Grichka Bogdanoff ' Bogged University '69
Are these real universities on the list? I can never tell these days.
Apparently the authors can't either considering they let fake shit through already.
Keep an eye out for
Antia Coontafil, University of Phoenix online '24
Here is the link to sign:
>wow who would have thought that "gu shang grannee" from india was so supportive of our cause
>"why are there so many hitlers on this list?"
John Gullbuni from Georgetown signed it
if you see a Helena Dunthemall, it aint real :)
This is a doxx link anons. Never click a google docs link
Breaking news CNN has footage of Brett and His fried in High School. Must watch
what does doxx link mean?
Dibs on Helen Keller from the Pretty Boy School of Modeling
you can't dox from a google link. you can't pull any info from people who view it. i know because i've tried.
This is disgusting. I unironically sighed the open letter. Women deserve to be believed. PERIOD.
Faye Dora Tipper.
Universal Institute of Technology (UTI), '14
This same shit happened with the 599 signatures from her school, it was just people who believed boys from the school were up to shenanigans.
Mabel Abia
it's the link at the bottom of the article, just reposted it on here so more user's can make me laugh
Signed as Gwen Peterson from Coolidge College
-Van Wilder
I did it for ya
Iris Ligma Bohls
>Shobob Anvagene, India Institute of Technology '15