This German faggot thought Christianity was a slave morality

>this German faggot thought Christianity was a slave morality

ITT we debunk this Nietzschean/Hitlerian/neo-pagan nonsense and we find the glory of Almighty God. This IS politics, because without divine law there is no law; without personhood, there is no liberty. And it is from Christian theology that we derive personhood at all, without which you have NO basis for liberty or "human rights." You understand? This is real statecraft.

Mark my words, if we revert to paganism and reject the Self by listening to retarded scientists like Daniel Dennet, we will fall into total enslavement - not just as a race, but as a species.

Hitler bemoaned Christianity for its "weakness and flabbiness," preferring Islam. This is one of the many things Hitler was wrong about. It is in fact ISLAM that is a slave religion.

>Orthodox and Islam do not worship the same deity, despite assertions to the contrary.
>In orthodox theology, God is personal. We can know Him through the logos, the son of God
>Islamic theology teaches that you don't have a personal relationship with God based on love and theosis. Rather you explicitly have a master/slave relationship: you obey because you're supposed to.
>In Islam you don't participate in God's deifying life-like energies because it's not possible to talk about their God as personal.
>Like Judaism, Islam believes in absolute divine simplicity, which makes God wholly unknowable and unreachable.
>Thus, it is only in Christianity that man can partake in God's grace and NOT be a slave

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Now, we Christian men are beneath God, but in Islam the explicit slave relationship with God comports with the Arabic man in a way that just doesn't make sense to us Europeans. This why the heresy/syncretism that is Islam spread to these people. In the true faith, Orthodox, the European man is the vanguard of the truth, and it is only through us that the gospel can be spread to the Earth because of our strength of will, our intellect, and other unique qualities. Christianity is the religion of European man despite its geographic origin - which is irrelevant. The early church fathers were caucasians from places like Greece and otherwise around the MENA region. It had to be us to spread the Gospel, and it remains our duty.

No other religion has the same theology as us, and thus no one else REALLY worships the same deity. And again, I cannot stress enough that it is only through Christianity that we derive personhood as a firm and eternal law. You have no real, logical basis on which to talk about degeneracy, morality, or to oppose abortion without Christian worldview.

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Maybe for a time we could establish a secular state that is moral, and based on morality that we simply "assert" is good and true. But over time these laws will fade like the passing phantasms they are, for the words of man are like the atoms of your body. Today those atoms are yours, but tomorrow they're dust. The First Amendment is like the shadows on the wall of Plato's cave: the unenlightened think it's real, and act all surprised when other men come along and destroy it.

The word of God, however, is like your everlasting soul. It is unquestioned, it is eternal. This is how we save ourselves from the west. There's a reason the liberal order wants so badly for us to reject Christ. There's a reason the CIA is involved in pagan circles online pushing satanic catchphrases like "kike on a stick." Our greatness as people came from accepting the word of God, and fighting for it, carrying the cross with us to all ends of the Earth. And we will do it again, or we will die.

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>>Like Judaism, Islam believes in absolute divine simplicity, which makes God wholly unknowable and unreachable.

This is actually what makes Judaism and Islam theologically Christianity. Their concept of god is just a force that created and sustains the world. This is not contrary to science and is honestly pretty likely to be correct.

Christianity on the other hand requires you to literally believe that some Jew who lived 2000 years ago was literally God incarnate and physically rose from the dead and physically ascended to heaven. This is a kind of idolatry that's virtually indistinguishable from Paganism and the new atheist arguments--which are straw mans if used against Islamic or Jewish theology--actually successfully refute this theology.

You can't get around it: Christian theology is a fairytale, comparable to believing in Santa.

Anyway as for Nietzsche's slave morality stuff, Christianity was like a religion that arose among those who felt oppressed by the Roman empire and felt a lot of resentment toward it. That's what he's getting at, he thinks the religion has a lot of resentment at its core and I think he's probably right.

Edit: this is what makes Judaism and Islam theologically SUPERIOR to Christianity

Meek inherit earth... Jews were slaves... Christ was a subjugated person.

It IS slave morality.

Helenism was a chad religion not Jesus the literal virgin.

He is right. Christianity is an ideology for slaves.

>Their concept of god is just a force that created and sustains the world. This is not contrary to science and is honestly pretty likely to be correct.
This is literally how their conception fails. Without a personal deity, there is no bridge between our minds and the logos, or the external world. We're then stuck in a Kantian solipsism that is provably retarded.

And this is not even remotely an issue of "science," it's an issue of metaphysics, which is the mother of all science. It is deduction; science is induction, and there is no justification for the principle of induction. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about memeflag.

>tfw nobody worships the flame
bunch of pacifist faggots

Islam seems great as an ideology but it's all the violent shitskins attached to it that are the problem.
They're not violent because of Islam, they're violent because of their genetics.
"White Islam" would be entirely different than what people think they know Islam is.

Meek is a problematic translation in English. Our language lacks nuance in some cases that Greek had. Another example being they had 3 words for love.

>praótēs– properly, temperate, displaying the right blend of force and reserve (gentleness). 4236 /praótēs (“strength in gentleness”) avoids unnecessary harshness, yet without compromising or being too slow to use necessary force.

>The word depicts a person with power, but one who knows when to use it and when not to. It also describes a person who “avoids unnecessary harshness.”

>But “praus” does not portray a person who is weak or cowardly.

So it's idiotic to take one line from the Bible to make a rejection of the entire religion, but now at least you know you're demonstrably and provably wrong.

Whether a god of a religion really exists doesn't really matter if the purpose of the religion is to unite a people under one ideology. For example the 2 gods could be archetypes of "The Perfect Man" and "The Perfect Woman" that all members of society strive to be like.

Like Talos Worship in Skyrim. They worship a man as a god because he was such a great man that they all strive to be just like him and adapt their morality to his way of life.

An imaginary archetype that inspires people towards an ideal.

Unlike a physical leader it can never be corrupted. What it stands for and represents is set in stone.

No, Islam is a syncretism for one, but it's not for the white man because it's a bad theology. It would never stand up to our philosophers and scholars because it doesn't comply with a deep metaphysical analysis. Our God does.

>>this German faggot thought Christianity was a slave morality

It literally is you enormous faggot. Core pillars of the religion is the worship of the poor and meek (a coping mechanism), submission without critical thought due to fear, and hatred of positive human behviour if it isn't done in some obscene way that some Jew thousands of years ago thought it should be done.

And Islam is no better. They're all semitic garbage made to make people weaker.

Consider wanting to put a person to be your manager. Usually you don't really have such a choice, but imagine it nonetheless. What qualities would you pick? In the same way if God exists, what qualities in his character would you choose? The only proposed God that passes my test is the Christian one. The only one that sacrificed Himself for my sake and is the ultimate expression of love.

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I've already crushed the meek argument. It holds absolutely no water. Fuck off with your Nazi flag, you're dumber than the confederate.

That's my actual idea for a religion.
"Perfect Man / Woman" worship. 2 gods. Nobody has to believe they're real.

>thought Christianity was a slave morality
he aint wrong

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this. only nonwhite subhumans shill for Yahweh on this board

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No, this is totally wrong and condescending - the usual "people need religion, so let's give it to em." True, people DO need religion but that's only because we are made in God's image and our minds are able to reason and tap into his divine creation. The evidence is all there in the mathematical substrate of reality.

My point is that logic itself is the logos, is evidence of the mind of god, and that knowledge itself is not possible without the God of Christian theology.

Now many people think they're being humble when they say "well we don't have any evidence so I'm not gonna subscribe to stupid dogma." But this view is ignorant, wrong, and dogmatic itself (about empiricism).

We DON'T prove God with empirical evidence. In fact we don't (and can't) use empirical evidence to prove lots of things.

>the self is not empirically provable, but we prove it's real by our ability to have a coherent reference for objects in the world over timte
>the nature of logic is not empirically provable, yet we can prove logic is true by the denial of the contrary (Aristotle)
>we also don't have any empirical means by which we can verify the scientific method itself. Hume, the most ardent empiricist wrote about the problem of induction
>we cannot have ethics or morality without God, without whom there is no basis on which to make any such claim. Thus without God we cannot have laws
>There's nothing wrong with abortion without Christianity - all you fags trying to be trad and moral have no basis for an anti-abortion stance without the pro-life stance of Christian theology

Not one person has made an argument opposing me, and neither will either of you two uneducated retards. You're cancer to the white race.

We're slaves now to the satanic liberal order. This happens to coincide with the enlightenment period in which we were duped by British empiricist hegemeny into rejecting God. We used to be freer in every way.

If Jesus was happy being a slave, then why did he reject Roman occupation and why did he criticize the Jews? Jesus was literally crucified for sedition. That's not what people content to be slaves do.

If Christianity was a Jewish trick, then why were Jews so horrified and appalled when the covenant was extended to the gentiles? Do you see how these basic bitch talking points are wrong on their face?

Guys, quit listening to CIA niggers, alt-retard wannabe pagans, and Varg. These people know nothing about this topic.

You dont understand his take on master/slave morality if you think religion has anything to do with it.

The fuck are you dribbling on about?
Why are you so desperate to submit yourself?
Christianity is a cuck religion. Don't waste your time with 'God'.
Just concern yourself with your fellow humans (white).

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Islam definitely went further with adopting Greek values and Philosophy back in the day

No, I do. In his view the finite mind of man is the center of the universe, because he was an empiricist. I have proven empiricism wrong in this thread. That is a slave mindset. That is where misery and depression come from. That's for untermenschen bugmen.

It is a slave religion, you bend your knee to something you've created. Pathetic, christkikery has to go if whites will ever prevail

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That’s not what Nietzsche was talking about at all. Idiot

All you people parroting this same line despite it being refuted are literally NPCs. And you were probably in the dozen NPC threads today laughing at people for not critically thinking. It is in fact you who are NPCs. This is why the verse "it is a fool who in his heart has rejected God."

You are utterly lost and incapable of real knowledge without God, because God's divine essence permeating the world is what connects our minds to the external world and makes knowledge possible. The empiricist philosophers Hume and Kant came upon this very problem of not being able to connect their own minds to the external world, and they still couldn't reject empiricism. This is man's hubris. This is what makes us slaves. I pray to God you people will understand this.

Dude. He wrote nearly an entire book that applied his moral formula to religion

My opinion is Christianity is a big contributor to why we are slaves to the New World Order.
I've been to Church enough, all I can say is my personal experience is they are weak, slave minded, servile, this turn the other cheek mentality will never appeal to me. I am not a sheep. Christianity LITERALLY teaches you that you are a SHEEP who should always obey the Shepherd.

Imagine legitimately buying into the NPC meme some retatded shit thats been around for too long, you're a self righteous faggot LARPing as some sort of holy crusader, Jow Forums is for people above the age of 18 child go back to
>>Jow Forumseddit

Also if Islam was in charge all Jews would be dead and we would not be enslaved to the New World Order. Muslims hate Jews as much or more than we do.

get the fuck off Jow Forums you normie faggot, nietzsche is one of the most famous incels of all time

>turn the other cheek
Yet another retarded mistranslation of a single verse used to denounce the entire religion. Turning the other cheek was based on social customs of the time. It was forcing the other guy to treat you as an equal and fight you. You are ignorant and yes you are a sheep. You are a product of scientistic, modernist brainwashing of the very people that you're trying to save the white race from.

That may be but it's literally what Churches I've been to are saying.

I'm anti-Science. Science is a worse religion than Christianity. Also I don't care about the white race they've stabbed me in the back and don't see me as one of them.

>this German faggot thought Christianity was a slave morality

That's because it is.

>ITT we debunk this Nietzschean/Hitlerian/neo-pagan nonsense and we find the glory of Almighty God. This IS politics, because without divine law there is no law; without personhood, there is no liberty.

Why have there been so many Christian dictatorships throughout history then?

>Mark my words, if we revert to paganism and reject the Self

How exactly do pagans "reject the self"? What the fuck does that even mean?

>by listening to retarded scientists like Daniel Dennet,

Dennet is not a pagan, idiot.

>we will fall into total enslavement

I'd be more worried about Christian feudal serfdom if I were you.

>Hitler bemoaned Christianity for its "weakness and flabbiness," preferring Islam. This is one of the many things Hitler was wrong about.

He said this one freaking time, probably as a joke. He was a Christian.

>It is in fact ISLAM that is a slave religion.

All of the Abrahamic faiths explicitly endorse slavery. In the New Testament, Saint Paul tells slaves to bow down before their masters.

>Orthodox and Islam do not worship the same deity, despite assertions to the contrary.

Muslims believe that the Bible was a divine revelation and believe that the Quran was a , final revelation. Of course they worship the same God.

>In orthodox theology, God is personal. We can know Him through the logos, the son of God

Any Muslim will tell you the exact same thing about Allah.

>Islamic theology teaches that you don't have a personal relationship with God based on love and theosis. Rather you explicitly have a master/slave relationship: you obey because you're supposed to.

Bullshit. Every Muslim will tell you otherwise. Both religions say that you are supposed to be a willing slave to God out of your love for him.

>They're not violent because of Islam, they're violent because of their genetics.

You are seriously arguing that whites aren't violent? LOL Do you see what whites did to Australia, Africa and the Americas? How was that not violent?

Christianity has its merits. I value it more than Judaism and Islam as these two never absorbed much Hellenistic or Roman traditions of thinking, leaving them nothing more than groupthink-derived Mesopotamian mud farmer religions.

Still, I would not reject Nietzsche's train of thought. His idea was that there are no inherent values to the world, a way usually leading into nihilism. However, those brave enough will cross OVER nihilism and this is the only way to attain true freedom ... for example also the freedom to conciously decide to believe and adhere to Christianity. Out of free will and thought, out of free decision, not because some corrupt priest caste has told you so.

>I'm anti-Science. Science is a worse religion than Christianity.

Science isn't a religion. It's a method of finding objective truth via the elimination of human bias.

>Also I don't care about the white race they've stabbed me in the back and don't see me as one of them.

You seem to be forgetting about all the white SJWs lining up to suck your cock on command.

The 'white' heritage (rather a heritage of Siberian/Hyperborean hunter-gatherers) is a combination of being a toolmaker in mind and a cold-blooded killer in heart. Engineering and genocide. Natural order has to be restored.

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>Science isn't a religion. It's a method of finding objective truth via the elimination of human bias.
That's what it's SUPPOSED to be. But functionally NOT what it is in today's world.
It's propaganda. Religion.

So I agree real science would be good but that's not what we see anymore in this world.

>You seem to be forgetting about all the white SJWs lining up to suck your cock on command
They hate me because I look like a "Neo Nazi". Based on nothing else but my appearance they hate me. Shaved head big strong white guy.

> I value it more than Judaism and Islam as these two never absorbed much Hellenistic or Roman traditions of thinking, leaving them nothing more than groupthink-derived Mesopotamian mud farmer religions.
Hellenism is the problem with western christianity, that's what you people don't get. The dialectical tension that Plato was into, which he got from eastern thought and egyptians, doesn't comply at all with real, solid Christianity (orthodox). There's a reason Orthodox is still going strong and everything else is cucked and turning people into atheists. No coincidence that all you being westerners see Christianity in a negative light. I get it. But let me tell you, Christianity doesn't deal in western dialectics. That's hellenistic, that's Hegelian, that tradition informed all the bad aspects of philosophy for the past 2 millenia. That's ultimately pagan.

Christians don't assign ontological status to evil; there is only good, and evil is a movement away from Good. So there's no fundamental push-pull of good and evil that we just accept as a law of nature. Dialectics lead to moral nihilism and ultimately cultural relativism.

And I say this as a huge fan of Plato and Hellenic thought.

Science today functions as both a religion and philosophy. This is the problem. It's ill-equipped to deal with metaphysical questions, and metaphysics has been scrapped from the curriculum. We actually allow retards like Harris, Dennet, Dawkins, and Tyson to go on stages and act like philosophers. This is a very dangerous situation for society.

Im reminded of nature when confronted with the concept of natural law.

While driving late at night I saw an adult raccoon and two of its children beginning to run across the road. I began applying my breaks and they made it past the yellow lines.

However, a third child ran into the road with just the right amount of delay to get crunched by my tires. This casualty was caused by a combination of physical inferiority (slower) and it being farther from the safety of the group.

After driving some distance I decided to turn around and check the body. By the time I returned to the point of crossing the body was nowhere to be found. Later I researched raccons and learned that the family may have opted to eat the remains.

He was right, slave

This. Christkikes will never learn.

The the bible literally tells you to obey your master if you are a slave.

>neo-pagan nonsense

He wasn't a neopagan. He followed his own existentialist philosophy inspired, among many other things, by his deep knowledge of classical culture. He wasn't LARPing in forests though, praying or giving sacrifice to the "gods", he didn't start or join any cult, he wasn't "praising Odin" or any such nonsense.

I dont know any serious thinker who would be a literal neopagan, even thesse who had deep aprecciation for pre christian culture and thougfht Europeans should be more inspired by it (Tolkien, Evola, Venner etc)

neopagans are a complete meme

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this is a good question

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I didn't even imply he was a pagan. People who spew the christuck meme are channeling the CIA, which hangs around pagan forums (and the catholic church). Including you with the meme you uploaded.

So yeah, Christianity is a Jewish trick because (a) the Jews were appalled that the gentiles were given the covenant, (b) modernity wants us to reject God so fucking badly, and (c) the CIA tries to push paganism with anti-christian talking points. Good sound reasoning there geniuses. It's really no wonder we're conquered

bro the whole point is that the shephard is GOD, ya know, the guy who literally created you and is the principle of your being. if its slavery to be true to the condition of your being then I'll take it

I wouldn't bother mate, no one cares about your Jew shit.

Following religion in general is a slave mindset
No theist will ever admit that the only actual reason they believe in a deity is because they're afraid of death. Most of the time because they've deluded themselves into not having any real awareness.

>this thread
Good to see your support for Israel, our bulwark against mudslime aggression in the Holy Land. Nice change from the usual Nazi larps.

I feel your post is loaded with knowledge acquired from lots of reading, where did you get all of this (or do you write)?
this statement
>My point is that logic itself is the logos, is evidence of the mind of god, and that knowledge itself is not possible without the God of Christian theology.
is quite bold and would rile up a lot of people (that care to pay attention), where can I learn more?

He was pro-Islam. That tells you everything right there. He was a German cuck way before any other German cuck.

He spent a long time screeching about Christianity and how Islam could save Europe, literally.

God bless you OP. You are right.
Years ago I left my church and for years I hadn't prayed. I explored other faiths and pretended that they were fulfilling. I've felt alone for so long. But for the last week I could feel God and yesterday I prayed and today I wept. I feel well and truly humiliated but that makes me so happy I want to cry again.

God bless you.

pls respond
i suppose aristotle would be part of your required reading list

That isn't what I was implying.

Whenever authorities exist, they abuse their power. Whenever land is owned by a small portion of the population, authoritarianism emerges. Land ownership naturally arises in places that are ideal for agriculture.

It's not really about race. It's about power.

You just keep telling yourself that dude. You're just in denial.

>muh blood
not an argument
>le joos
not an argument
>heh, some of you guys aren't super cool
not an argument
>le meme picture of pope
not an argument

from a more emotional perspective the neo-pagans would get beat up by their warlike ancestors and would find that none of the family members they liked (mom, dad, bro, sis) were in their afterlife with them.
>le archetypes and non-literalism
not even worth discussing it's just stories at that point

The problem isn't that Jesus was Jewish or that he spoke of gentiles and jews coalescing.

The real problem is that Christianity is incompatible with a racial consciousness and natural/scientific religion. It would be a mistake to characterize Nietzsche/Heidegger as "neo-pagans". They wanted to go forward beyond Christianity and saw that the era of it "true believers" was coming to an end. And it has. Almost everyone who is a Christian these days is either "cultural Christian", Kirkegaardian "leap of faith" Christian, or dumb charismatic/evangelicuck Christian.

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Let me Guess: You only consider it to be "real science" if it reaffirms your preconceived prejudices.

Every idiot in history has had this attitude. This applies to left wing extremists like SJWs, radfems and black supremacists and also right-wing extremists like "race realists", climate deniers and creationists.

If you reject science, you are just wading into a swamp of random, drug-induced nonsense.

You do realise that he was Polish, right?

>Shaved head big strong white guy

What are you doing on the internet then? If I were you, I could be fucking a different bitch every weekend.

>We actually allow retards like Harris, Dennet, Dawkins, and Tyson to go on stages and act like philosophers.

They aren't retards.

Can you refute any of the claims that they have made?

He didn't have any kids because he knew that all women are worthless whores.

you're being incredibly intellectually dishonest here, and attempting to draw battle-lines incorrectly.
We simply need a stronger, more masculine Christianity, which essentially squares nicely with Nietz' prevailing philosophy... he was disgusted by a ((subverted)) Christianity, which we see the fruits of in our age as the incredibly weak and sjw'ish absurdity our hijacked pastors attempt to pass off as true Christianity. They've strayed so far from the word, and this started just after heavy ((infiltration)) and the ((scofield bible)) .
I adore Nietz, and am a passionate Christian.

I just want to stress the relativism that surge after deleting God.
Deleting the Logos, also mean renouncing to understand the world, and by giving it up, to be able to take sensible choices.
It's a dooming twist inside the ego, that make relationships with other persons and the world around you a misery, an impossibility de facto.
The mirrored logos we have, become worthless, indeed mirrors inside a black room.
Just like recognizing the keys of your keyboard but be unable to get the meaning of the signs on them.
So giving up on the meaning leads to have opinions on everything by everyone, opinions that are true and false at the same time,a foolishness.
The hypocisy melted with pride of those who declare that God isn't part of the equation of their world is just avoiding the points above.
They act as if God doesn't exist, but are playing on a field that would be impossible without God, denying Him in the meantime.

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It is slave morality.

Its Jewish kikery mixed with Logos.
Christianity is Platonism for the people.

The church made Europeans accept Logos but also made them forget their Kin, their Volk and their connection to their Land.

It set us up for everything the (((Globalists))) have been throwing at us.

>Loving your Volk is deleting Logos Goy.
Fuck the Church.
They are Comped.

Have you read actually read his philosophy?

He criticises Christianity from its inception, notably Jesus's silly Sermon on the Mount in which advocates turning the other cheek. He characterizes it as being a slave morality because it literally was a religion that spread through slavery. Until Constantine adopted it as a political stunt to unite the diverse "immigrants" that Rome had acquired which would ultimately lead to the destruction of the great empire within a few generations.

>Preached the ubermensch
>Died crazy in asylum
Here, debunked. He also despised Germans and Northern Europeans in general and adored the meds.

to be fair, they arent as smart as they like to think.

you can see that in debates with Craig, whose points these guys dont even adress. now Sean Carrol is amazing.

>>Preached the ubermensch
>>Died crazy in asylum
this shitty world and all the complacent subhumans also drive me crazy famalam

Nobody like it, but to become crazy about it is the work of a huge ego (i.e believing that the world owns you something). Observe the character every crazy person you know or happen to meet and you'll see that they all have oversized egos and think very highly of themselves. That's also the reason why there're so much more crazy people these days, individualism, egoistic society, instagram etc. Poor Nietzsche was the prophet of that.

The white race unironically needs a Nietzschian philosophical revolution.

As in the ancient world, our enemies are zealots that will allow no compromise, seek no common ground, and believe whole heartedly in the inevitability and righteousness of destroying everything we value. Christianity and communism have much in common philosophically as well as historically.

What do you do with such hordes of zealots?

Feed them to the fucking lions.

Just from the title I can tell you don't know what you're talking about.

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dont know if thats true but to me, dying is better than beeing part of this world with its idiots. but i haver never seen anyone who didnt think he was self important.

Fucking brainlet, you can't even define the meaning of love without God.
That's was the whole point.
And by assuming you can wihtout God, you are fooling yourself, you lack humilty, you can't see beyond your nose.

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>sacrificed Himself

>floated right back up to heaven

Good to see you orthodox-user!

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> You have no real, logical basis on which to talk about degeneracy, morality, or to oppose abortion without Christian worldview.
>You have no real, logical basis
> degeneracy
You don't want your population to be stuck i n pleasure loops
You don't want your population to cannibalize their society
>oppose abortion
You want good replacement rates so you have men to attack other nations

Only a Christian can be this dumb

>Islam seems great as an ideology but it's all the violent shitskins attached to it that are the problem.
He who has a mind does not treasure it, but he who has no mind is too dumb to treasure it
Screw your bull god

That's some serious nihilism you have there user. There're more things to life than idiots who surround us. And if you stop paying so much attention to them and focus on your own actions you'll see that you have played the role of the idiot many times yourself.
>but i haver never seen anyone who didnt think he was self important
Because that's how society works today. People used to be more humble and down to earth when life was harder.

>>we cannot have ethics or morality without God, without whom there is no basis on which to make any such claim. Thus without God we cannot have laws
Again, a dumbshit who don't realize that morals and ethics were built upon generations of random mutations and are geared towards maximum survival

And that’s a Christianity I could respect. I don’t care much that we achieve what we need through a vigorous and revitalized Christianity, or that we synthesize political philosophy with paganism and so forth, a la the Himmler plan. We cannot however have some faggot claiming this or that liberalism, communism, Christianity as basis to oppose or betray us.

You’re a subhuman shudra that hates racial purity and esoteric spirituality because it reminds you of your inherent inferiority.
Religion isn’t a strip mall, gross outreach isn’t the ideal.
Your semetic ideals lead you only to spiritual and physical death.

You are a cuckold.


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This whole thread is coping christucks. N-dog was right, God is dead. Genie is out of the bottle - deal with it.

>If Christianity was a Jewish trick, then why were Jews so horrified and appalled when the covenant was extended to the gentiles? Do you see how these basic bitch talking points are wrong on their face?
"If Jews are evil and they hate something that thing must be credible!" - a fallacy that is constantly exploited by Jews

take the redpill: liberalism is a CHristian heresy.

A basis of faith, I mean. A basis that says “I’m right, I was always right, will always be right and nothing no matter what can change that because my faith”. That’s what we cannot suffer.

You take religion out of the equation and we’re still fighting an up-hill battle.

It is very easy to reject such a thing. Just realize that literally everything is geared towards MAXIMUM SURVIVAL, including weird flashes of inspiration.

>saying the Church is Comped
>equating it with rejecting Logos.

Stop putting words in my mouth.
The church cares only for itself.
Fuck them. I never rejected logos. I reach logos by my own accord.

Church is megakiked and mega comped.