>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / /BcSAGmDf
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump Press Conf @UN 9/26/ /mUBMH74OHtY >Pres Trump @UNSC on WMDs 9/26/ /Hmou5YIOtmk >Pres Trump full UNSC Briefing 9/26/ /Gq-0NrFlEGg >Pres Trump Press Conf before UNSC 9/26/ /VYmivNiDcHI >Pres Trump w/bff Abe 9/26/ /video /?452106-1 / >Pres Trump meets w/Greatest Ally 9/26/ /video /?452105-1 / >Pres Trump meets w/UK PM May 9/26/ /eN-RF-BhpbA >FLotUS Melania @UN on Africa Trip 9/26/ /video /?452111-1 / >DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Virginia Mil Inst 9/26/ /Videos /videoid /628977 / >UNAmb Haley on F&F 9/26/ /G_KPZvCGA9U >Pres Adv Council on Africa meeting 9/26/ /HyQq_pMj8ok >HUDSec Sleepy Carson on OANN 9/26/ /NuZwHQ8Y1hY >AgrSec Perdue on CNBC 9/26/ /oeox4gjgSrI >FEDChair Powell on raising rates 9/26/ /eAZ_C3MklXE >VASec Wilkie @Senate on priorities 9/26/ /video /?451762-1 / >TSAAdm Pekoske @House on Misconduct 9/26/ /video /?451964-1 / >USAFSec Wilson @Natl Press Club 9/26/ /video /?451535-1 / >Pentagon Officials @House on Syria 9/26/ /video /?452068-1 / >Tech COs @Senate on Privacy 9/26/ /video /?451963-1 / >GOPAd: #IStandWithBrett 9/26/ /MvZW1PIZ7_A
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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September 27, 2018 - 05:45
September 27, 2018 - 05:46
thanks for baking
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September 27, 2018 - 05:46
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September 27, 2018 - 05:46
September 27, 2018 - 05:46
September 27, 2018 - 05:47
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
Whichever one of you geniuses came up with the idea of accepting blame for the “attempted rape” is amazing.
September 27, 2018 - 05:47
Which of you is the real rapist?
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
What time is the hearing?
September 27, 2018 - 05:47
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
September 27, 2018 - 05:47
Melania farting
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
September 27, 2018 - 05:47
Missed opportunity. Next Supreme Court nominee you should do a serious looking one and say Podesta has it on tape
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
Buh bye white boi
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September 27, 2018 - 05:47
I didn't mean "become friends with your gf's friends" I meant "use your dick to make kids who are frens".
September 27, 2018 - 05:47
That’s a cool pic OP. What is the original?
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
Maduro says he's ready to shake hands with Trump
Venezuela's President, Nicholas Maduro, has said that he is willing to reach out to his US counterpart and discuss mutual grievances. Maduro made the offer to the US President while speaking at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. The Venezuelan socialist said that he was ready to cast aside "dramatic differences" and give a dialog a shot.
Venezuela ultimately blames the US for the collapse of its economy. >"We have not been able to use the international currency of the US dollar. This has been economic trade persecution of Venezuela."
>"We're going to take care of Venezuela, if he's here and he wants to meet, it was not on my mind, it was not on my plate, but if I can help people that's what I'm here for," Trump stated on Wednesday.
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September 27, 2018 - 05:48
Democrats did the same thing to Clarence Thomas. It's worth watching his response again. I hope (he won't) Kavanaugh responds like this tomorrow. /RitaPanahi /status /1045130156199702528
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September 27, 2018 - 05:48
I just got on somebody has gone spartacus on the roastie?
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
I think it was user.
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September 27, 2018 - 05:48
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
All men are rapists. The whole bowl of M&Ms are poisonous.
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
All 2d women are whores because every character has been lewded by some creep and you can’t make it unhappen
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
We can't let him get the infetterence codes
September 27, 2018 - 05:48
September 27, 2018 - 05:49
Democunts assblasted over October surprise
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September 27, 2018 - 05:49
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September 27, 2018 - 05:49
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September 27, 2018 - 05:49
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September 27, 2018 - 05:49
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September 27, 2018 - 05:50
Based Virgin Saint. Give Kavanaugh your blessing for remaining a virgin till marriage.
September 27, 2018 - 05:50
September 27, 2018 - 05:50
This shit will never, ever get old. I laugh every time.
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September 27, 2018 - 05:50
*distant sounds of gunfire and artillery*
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September 27, 2018 - 05:50
September 27, 2018 - 05:50
Find an waifu from a show that nobody even remembers. 0% chance of porn.
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September 27, 2018 - 05:50
Cheers fella, 8 hours away? I might miss it boys, have to catch up through tucc tiem (airs at 10am here), hopefully the bitch shows up, cries, then apologises for wasting everyones time and spills her democratic spaghetti
September 27, 2018 - 05:51
Someone link this kike to stats about how Israel will be mostly arab by the end of the century and how the American Jewish population is literally dying out due to not having kids
>kike autistically screeching about how white christians are dying out >it's actually kikes who are dying out
And then Tim Wise is surprised when "nazis" exist, and writes huge volumes about how we need to holocaust those white nazis.
September 27, 2018 - 05:51
Then why did you post one?
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September 27, 2018 - 05:51
September 27, 2018 - 05:51
Kek Someone needs to bring back the Fresh Prince of Bel Air meme with this shit
September 27, 2018 - 05:51
Arrr, it be the white whale! Man the harpoons men!
September 27, 2018 - 05:51
September 27, 2018 - 05:51
I raped Katherine Ford, atleast, I think that's what it may be called, since she was pretty drunk and I was able to raw dog her asshole for a while before she realized.
September 27, 2018 - 05:52
Anyone in the DC area? Go to the hearing and when things start getting spicy announce that you were the one who raped her.
September 27, 2018 - 05:52
i want zina bash to fart on my face
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September 27, 2018 - 05:52
September 27, 2018 - 05:52
So she got raped twice?
How many more men have raped Dr Ford?
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September 27, 2018 - 05:52
Might as well just open the door and get on the floor
September 27, 2018 - 05:52
tim wise is a whole NEXT LEVEL of pandering to black people. if you watch his videos, he literally tries to talk like a nigger in them. liberalism is a fucking mental illness
September 27, 2018 - 05:53
>tfw there are barely any lewds of Yui
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September 27, 2018 - 05:53
what do you people think melania's feet smell like?
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September 27, 2018 - 05:53
September 27, 2018 - 05:53
what exactly was clarence thomas accused of?
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September 27, 2018 - 05:53
notice how they didn't say they raped her, but encountered her.
as if she were a common slut who fucked everyone at these parties.
September 27, 2018 - 05:54
Better idea, write "GUN OWNER," "CONSERVATIVE," and "REPUBLICAN" around Tubman's picture with arrows pointing at her.
September 27, 2018 - 05:54
September 27, 2018 - 05:54
something about putting a pubic hair on anita hill's coke it was ridiculous
September 27, 2018 - 05:54
especially after a long run with no socks haha
September 27, 2018 - 05:54
Leftists always project. The race-hustling Jew is the only thing that's an anachronism here, no one's buying their shtick anymore.
September 27, 2018 - 05:55
>what this rapist might look like today
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September 27, 2018 - 05:55
>as if she were a common slut who fucked everyone at these parties. She is a leftist so probably.
September 27, 2018 - 05:55
>he doesn't create his own proprietary waifu to his exact wants
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September 27, 2018 - 05:55
who is this fertile field for growin hapas
September 27, 2018 - 05:55
Remember- liars have the RIGHT to be believed.
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September 27, 2018 - 05:55
Hey, if the Democrats can find someone to "take one for the team," so can we. >2 of Judge K's high school/college bros with the least to lose volunteered
September 27, 2018 - 05:56
Attached: RUN.png (720x501, 397K)
September 27, 2018 - 05:56
Learn to draw and make your own.
Careful user, that's playing God.
September 27, 2018 - 05:56
>be able to afford to eat 4000 calories a day >can't afford a personal trainer or dietician
September 27, 2018 - 05:57
September 27, 2018 - 05:57
To be that large you need more like 9-10k calories
September 27, 2018 - 05:57
Looks like she has bird claws and feet.
September 27, 2018 - 05:57
Bros, there are, like, 4 honest reporters
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September 27, 2018 - 05:57
Most leftists are just outright stupid. This kike hears that whites are declining, so he assumes that doesn't include kikes- in reality jews are the entire reason the white population is currently declining.
September 27, 2018 - 05:57
As long as they're women. And their accusations are made against leftists' political opponents. It's NOT ALL PUNCHES ARE EQUAL, ALL OVER AGAIN.
September 27, 2018 - 05:57
Anita Hill also said he mentioned "long dong silver". MENTIONED. They had to go to war with him because a hair showed up ona can of coke and ahe just KNEW it was him because he MENTIONED "long dong silver".
I really was a high tech lynching.
September 27, 2018 - 05:58
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September 27, 2018 - 05:58
Anita Hill also said he mentioned "long dong silver". MENTIONED. They had to go to war with him because a hair showed up ona can of coke and ahe just KNEW it was him because he MENTIONED "long dong silver".
It really was a high tech lynching.
September 27, 2018 - 05:58
I'm afraid you're too late to be warning me, bucko. Stand aside while I enjoy the pleasures of my waifu without anyone to KEK me.
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September 27, 2018 - 05:58
I love our president Trump
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September 27, 2018 - 05:58
September 27, 2018 - 05:59
Thanks Fren
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September 27, 2018 - 05:59
airbrushed >no stretch marks >no cellulite
September 27, 2018 - 05:59
Fucking Biden is such a piece of shit
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September 27, 2018 - 05:59
more on Time Wise. eye opening red pills here. share it because there's a lot of liberal idiots who eat up the kind of shit he slings /w /Tim_Wise
September 27, 2018 - 05:59
hey uh... so since when did uh... c*ck to kek become a thing
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September 27, 2018 - 05:59
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September 27, 2018 - 05:59
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September 27, 2018 - 05:59
Anita hill made a lot of money accusing Thomas, it isn't exactly "taking one for the team" when you're a democrat. It is just career advancement.
September 27, 2018 - 06:00
What time will it be before we know Ford won't testify?
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September 27, 2018 - 06:00
Even the cuckservatives at Commentary are seeing this for what it is
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September 27, 2018 - 06:00
democrats literally lynched a nigger on national television because of 2 mins of sexy bantz at the water cooler
September 27, 2018 - 06:00
It was more of a Ted Kennedy joint. And he was the biggest piece of shit of all.
September 27, 2018 - 06:00
people that support race mixing dogs should be gassed
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September 27, 2018 - 06:01
>Stand aside while I enjoy the pleasures of my waifu
Have a blast user.
>so since when did uh... c*ck to kek become a thing
several years.
September 27, 2018 - 06:01
i saw the Wall Street Journal isn't buying it either
September 27, 2018 - 06:01