>4th highest gdp per capita on the planet >Gigabit internet available everywhere. >Lowest divorce rate in europe >Highest birthrate in europe >Few blacks or muslims >Irish 82.2%, other white 9.5%, Asian 2.1%, black 1.4%, other 1.5%, unspecified 2.6%
>Romania >literally the purest and many agree the most handsome Europeans
Christian Gonzalez
Successful niggers are still niggers.
Liam Wood
>4th highest gdp per capita (thanks to big tech companies parking their shit here, which means nothing for the average irish person) You guys are Greece tier, who are you trying to kid?
Charles Taylor
Ok potato nigger how spread out is that GDP.
Mason Stewart
RARE But those companys provide a shitload of jobs everyone i know is 2018 cars and earning at least 60k euro. Intel alone gave is 4500 jobs in the middle of nowhere. Ireland has fully recovered from the crash. Nigger countries don't recover that fast
David Sullivan
Your economy is fake. You produce nothing. You have low corporate tax rates but no corporation has their actual base of operation in your potato land. Go drink yourself to death potato nigger.
Robert Russell
its because of leperchaun gold i think, ive never seen a smart irish person much less a succesful one