Potential Earth Shattering Discovery

I just cracked the wave-particle duality.

All matter vibrates at different frequency, hence all matter exist as waves. When two objects interact, their waves cancel out if they are the same frequency or ripple if they are different. Moreover, this implies that observers exist as waves too, but the observers cannot directly observe their own wave function.

So what is so Earth shattering about all this? Simple, our past is subject to change based on future events. The Mandela effect, for example, is caused by the same mechanics that causes people to repeat historical mistakes. And what is that may you ask? The observer losing sight of the past allows the wave function to rejuvenate. When the observer regains sight of the past, the wave function collapses again, but there can be slight variation in the past details.

My question to you all is, how do we harness this mechanic of our universe to shape our past and our future? One thing we can postulate is that religion does shape our future. So we can assume that forming a religion will be necessary to shape our future. But how do we compete with 7 billion other observers? Eliminate them.

Our religion must center around depopulating Earth... After reading this, you should now better understand the Globalist agenda.

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And this, my children, is why you should never do drugs.

>Dunning Kruger
>t. retard

There is one catch to your dumbass theory. There is only one chain of events. There are no changes.
>the wave function collapses again, but there can be slight variation in the past details
This is not true. It differs across multiple interferences, but is always the same event at each singular time it occurs.

The observer doesn't modify the system just by watching. The observer modifies the system because the observer must absorb energy in order to observe. So, there is no "losing sight" because the energy was either absorbed or not.

>Consciousness affects matter
>Spacetime is a self-reflective causality loop
>kill all humans
Wh.. uh, excuse me?

Technically energy is a form of information m8

While this sounds like a drug-addled rant of a schizophrenic, there's actually more truth in this than you know.

As far as physics is concerned, there's no difference between past and future. Just as space goes in both directions (you can step left, then step right) -- so too does time (you can go forward, then go backwards)

There's absolutely NOTHING that physically prevents a particle from traveling backwards in time. Oddly enough, though a particle traveling backwards in time looks exactly like its antiparticle traveling forwards in time. Normally two north pole magnets will repel. If one is going backwards in time (and repelling "in reverse") it will look and act like a south pole magnet

The future CAN affect the past, if a quantum wave ripples backwards in time (which there's absolutely zero reason to believe it wouldn't happen)

Here's why it sounds like lunacy: In order to store data, you must create entropy. The act of storing data generates entropy. Entropy only increases along the positive time axis. Therefore data can only be stored (and memories generated) in a forwards direction. So it's not that "time only goes one way", it's that we can only REMEMBER the past. The future already happened, but we don't remember it. Also the past AND future are constantly changing in very small and quantum ways, which can slowly grow into chaotic differences.

you must be over 18 to post here

Waves cancel when they are opposite phase, not frequency. Get your interference right. Faggot


Majority collective consciousness resists the minority collective consciousness' influence on reality. For example, if the Christians want their apocalyptic prophecy to fully materialize, they must eliminate all other conflicting consciousness. Otherwise they will end up with some bastardization of their prophecy if it happens at all.

You didnt refute anything here.

Tell me about your sex life.

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In English, doc

The short answer is synergy. Also, you didn't "discover" anything, you just have decent thinking. Linear time also doesn't exist - it was developed to make sense of mathematical equations. Your post quiries wold be better received in /x/. Keyword: collective consciousness.

That's my point. It's literally the only form of information. Observing means you capture information, which means you capture energy.

Mass that is separated by distance has potential energy, so position is energy.
Mass can be converted into energy, so amount of mass as information is energy.
Light is already energy, so any information stored as light is also energy.

From this, we see that any form of information is directly exchangeable with energy.

Radical Larry can vibrate through walls.
Why? Because he matches the atoms vibrations to phase through matter

If he vibrates in reverse, would he go back in time? No.

Different vibrational rates at the same molecular mass/volume implies something going through time at a slower rate. Also, gravity and density related.

>Mandela effect
You’re a retarded faggot

Peope repeat past mistakes because humans are fucking stupid.
Time travel threads do not belong here.
OP is a brainlet

You sure you didn't just smoke some crack?


I remember this differently

So, are you saying that our brains, through the process of recollection of memories, or perhaps even of creative thought, causing quantum wave functions to be 'observed', thereby collapsing them? And in doing so, this affects the course events in objective timeline, ie the effect of remembering a memory goes beyond our own body?

Sounds like you a violating causality there mate.

No, energy does not equal information.

If the universe undergoes heat death, ie reaches the ultimate state of entropy, it will contain the same amount of energy, but it will be all spread out and there will be no difference in energy between one point and another.

To put it another way, imagine you have a computer disk that contains trap porn. So imagine the disk can contain a billion bits of data. So some fraction of those bits are 1s, some are 0s. But there are arranged to represent information. Imagine somehow there are 50% 1s and 50% 0s. You could write the sequence 0101010101 to the disk, filling it all up. Now you still have 50% 1s and 50% 0s, the same amount of energy is on the disk, but it no longer contains trap porn, it's basically an empty disk now.

Quantum effects don't occur at macro scale.

yes they do, just calculate the probability of it

they do tho

That was pretty gay

Being spread out is one of the ways you can encode information. I stated this in the post you replied to.

Your example about hard disks is actually particularly bad, since that disk would contain exactly the same amount of information. Just because you don't have a way to interpret it for human uses doesn't mean it's not information.

That's just a convenient fair tale that's taught in physics class for the benefit of engineering students who don't need to understand what's actually happening. The prof fully understands it's not true and no one smart is supposed to take it seriously. It means "quantum effects are extremely unlikely to cause things that will matter to you when doing things at the macro scale". The macro scale is made up of the micro scale. OBVIOUSLY everything that happens on the micro scale causes changes in the macro scale, just not with a magnitude that matters in most contexts.

What a faggot you are just lmao dude

>I just cracked the wave-particle duality.

I think what you have done is to stop taking your medications.

dude weed lmao


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

So you're saying that wave-particle duality is basically quantum physics?

The point is that quantum mechanics and general relativity are not part of the same theory so you can't necessarily extrapolate from one to the other, or if you do you have to do it carefully like with the idea of Hawking Radiation. There is no Theory of Everything.

> (which there's absolutely zero reason to believe it wouldn't happen)
Or.. we just aren't aware of the mechanism that does prevent it.

Until you can verify it through experiment or falsifiable observation of predictions its just another philosophical interpretation of quantum physics, in this case a derivative of the universal wave function interpretation

> No, energy does not equal information.

> If the universe undergoes heat death, ie reaches the ultimate state of entropy, it will contain the same amount of energy, but it will be all spread out and there will be no difference in energy between one point and another.

> To put it another way, imagine you have a computer disk that contains trap porn. So imagine the disk can contain a billion bits of data. So some fraction of those bits are 1s, some are 0s. But there are arranged to represent information. Imagine somehow there are 50% 1s and 50% 0s. You could write the sequence 0101010101 to the disk, filling it all up. Now you still have 50% 1s and 50% 0s, the same amount of energy is on the disk, but it no longer contains trap porn, it's basically an empty disk now.

Didn't anyone here learn 10th grade physics? There are more ways to arrange x 1's and 0's to get the pattern 101010101010 than there are to get 111111...00000, so the 11111...00000 state holds more information. Information is power, and power is Energy / Time. If time is the unit time (e.g. 1 second), then Information = Energy.

>no published paper
>no experimental determination
Okay mate back to bed.

Absolute brainlet.


or if I say "one two three four"

Does one saying have more information that the other?

That's exactly right. At the entropy state there are the most possible ways to create that state, whereas at a non-entropy state like 111111...00000 there are fewer ways, therefore the non-entropy state holds more information. But the energy is the same.

The macro scale is an average of the quantuum effects. Just like 0.215867 is the average of one million 1's and 0's.

Any theory that posits base level constituents of matter is a theory of everything. There are no successful TOEs but every theory about what things are made of is a TOE (unless you're some kind of "emergentist" hippie).

Anyway, let's get back to the OP. I think this is an interesting idea.

But, clearly if there is any brain effect on reality it is minimal.

What if you constructed a machine that could be used to collapse wave functions at will on a massive scale? Through some sort of strange coupling effect.

Dean Radin conducted a large number of experiments on the consciousness wave form collapse idea with a double slit mechanism (various papers from his team on this topic have been published in peer reviewed journals.) youtube.com/watch?time_continue=592&v=nRSBaq3vAeY

Of course, there have been experimental results like this for decades but the mainstream just chooses not to look because there's nothing you can really say about them - e.g. the various RNG consciousness experiments done at major universities over the years - many of which proved statistically significant psi effects. We know the effects exist. They're not very powerful. But they're problematic enough for existing theories that they're just completely ignored.


Turn me into Chirico Cuvie with your super science or I will kill you.

Energy vibrates at a frequency to create a particle. Different frequencies create different types of matter/particle. God, I love science!

op is a faggot

>So what is so Earth shattering about all this? Simple, our past is subject to change based on future events.
>Implying time is a force of nature
>"Mandela effect"

Stopped reading right there. You're indeed a nigger.

Attached: 1200px-794Buzzwole.png (1200x1200, 821K)

Typical white male.

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fegget youtube.com/watch?v=WIyTZDHuarQ

Sounds legit enough OP. You came at it through quantum physics but there are other avenues that lead there as well.

Oh, I just read the last part of your post about depopulating. That is actually the incorrect path. You see, trying to combat the consensus reality in such a way causes you to focusing on the existence of the consensus reality. This is counterproductive. Simply tune out your own mind from the consensus reality and find a new one to tune into. Hope this helps. Good luck out there.

>when /x/ invades Jow Forums

Correct. This is why mystics and sages in legends always live in caves, alone on mountains, etc. They isolate themselves from the influence of other consciousness to increase their own power.

You didn't stop when someone claimed to "crack the wave-particle duality" in a Jow Forums thread?

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>doesn't understand what an observer is

Nice post.

vibration = oscillation. oscillation =/= wave in the way your stating only sin cosin. as for the rest i would say they make a "sound" on collision and its the release of energy. this is accepted in physics though they wont say sound they will list it as a form of kinetic out put. i say sound as it would be on a smaller scale and moving through space regardless of any medium. so no gas liquid or solid is needed like normal sound. but most things dont make a loud enough sound to have the sound travel far on collision.

also no collision is needed. a vibration can reach a high enough level to radiate "sound" across space to reach another object

also not political go back to /x/

>To put it another way, imagine you have a computer disk that contains trap porn.

Never change, Straya

you fucking liar
> quantum field theory

>All matter vibrates at different frequency, hence all matter exist as waves.

it's called the de Broglie wavelength. it's only significant for very small particles. the wavelength of a baseball is many times smaller than the size of a hydrogen atom.

>A collective thoughtform

>A way to utilize many minds into belief and self sacrifice for a single entity

there is a reason muslim/jewish populations are truly so successful

you want occam's razor?
stop looking at accomplishments of people and trying to attribute action/reaction to the growth of these people.

start looking at spiritual ceremonies; muslims must travel to mecca at least once in their life (and many people within mecca pray at the cage daily, they all pray toward mecca, etc. and look at how much media bows to them.)

the jewish population is wealthy in commerce, and sly in words. they too have "birthright" where children travel to the country at the age of 13 i think? and align their spiritual core through the ceremony, even if they aren't aware what is going on.

the truth is spiritual significance is the greatest thing we have never been told. if you meditate on the self you will understand the path of god.

john 1:1
understand how we build our world
through the words, perceptions, and energy we give out
remember that
if we viewed ancient artifacts as the past, and relics from the past were destroyed and everything is connected
Then if a relic is broken, could it shatter a link to the past, changing us all, the future, Mandela?
more importantly, if all the people in the world started talking about this, how quickly would some go missing who have done research? How soon would we find people dead who were leaders and respected in the field?

and maybe the last thing, if you understand the lens of john 1:1 that I want you to focus on is this

Do we live in a world where people would even understand the significance of such a phenomenon, if it were true?

because if you understand john 1:1
haha it just may be the more people who read and think may mean it could come true.
what if the world started questioning antarctica? hahaha

You obviously have no clue. Now listen to the feynmann lectures in physics volume one on the part about wave particle duality and you'll understand you missed something important.

Why is it insignificant? Relatively small perhaps, but not inconsequential.

the number of ways for a bit pattern to match 11110000 and to match 10101010 are the same: one. maybe rethink what you were trying to say

Physics hasn't really changed in awhile so you can literally buy a plethora of great physics books for 20 bucks each. It could have cost you as low as 20 dollars to not reveal your retardation piblically, that is a bargain.

because when the wavelength of the object in motion is over 20 orders of magnitude smaller than the object itself, you will not observe interference patterns.

You're right, we need a bigger Christian voter block.

Though I suspect most of the influence you see wielded against the white man is because of the Communist party USA bribing Democrat politicians.

>not accounting for rotational velocidensity

It's all done from the perspective of a young boy inside this womb

If you want heaven, convince me you deserve it

If you want hell, convince me they deserve it

Love is nice and pedos are pathetic


Distractions gonna distract

Spend time outside alone anons

there is no such thing as "time", its merely a unit of measure invented to simplify daily life.

if scientists would really be serious about physics they would attempt to rediscover it's laws by removing time as it's component. It's just a placeholder and should not be there.

Globalist agenda is to control the most of the resources at any given time, there is no deeper meaning, or "future"... the World is literally doomed, its not ready and not even getting ready for any impending catastrophes that will eventually come... asteroid, supervolcano eruption, magnitude 10 earthquake, etc. etc... there are literally endless ways the World could end at any given time for 99.9% of all life.

>I just cracked the wave-particle duality.
No you didn't
>all matter exist as waves
Yes sherlock someone already proved that almost a century ago you ape.

This interpretation is incorrect and ignorant.

Look up Tom Campbell double slit and stop shitting up the board with your idiotic posts

This reads like something I would come up with while tripping balls on DXM.


Attached: kot DXM.jpg (600x600, 638K)


Harmonics crack at Fibonacci spaced frequencies. You'll never be able to measure anything without severe Antialiasing.

You'd never be able to tell them apart, kinda like niggers.

OP has described nothing but niggers

dumbest op of the year

Events having duration is not fantasy. Time is as real as space itself.

The measurement of its existence is one of the cornerstone of calculus.

Or do you also believe calculus isn't real?

...Fucking retard.

You have a poor understanding of the Quantums.
An observer does not mean a person.

Pilot wave theory is probably a better model, especially if you consider that that the universe expanded from an infinitesimal, and all the fundamental fields expanded with it and they therefore span the universe.

Congrats, you played yourself and come to a conclusion that was already written in the talmud:
>Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."


You're a fucking idiot. Go smoke some weed and stfu.

The amount of shilling this post got makes you wonder.

they're just really unlikely to the point that they can be discoubted
technically there's nothing stopping Hitler from just appearing in your room right now with his personality and memories intact. the chance of it happening is just so low it's not worth considering

Wow guys I read a couple paragraphs on Jow Forums my world is fucking shattered holy fucking shit ahhhhhh

The wave particle duality is a stupid fucking question. Matter is neither a wave or a particle. It just is what it is. It's like trying to solve the platypus duality by figuring out whether it is a mammal or if it lays eggs. It does both retard.

t. Physicist

Now stop being a brainlet.

A rare fpbp followed by a sp2ndbp

Please read an introductory Quantum Mechanics textbook (with the proper math in it) before making retarded claims.

Thermodynamics are simply laws explaining how humans perceive time.

Other than our perception of cause and effect there ain't no need for entropy or enthalpy fagit

I like cake

Op if you place a nuke in a right spot it can crack the planet. Op we've created Antimatter, a material that literally annihilates matter on contract. Op no man made device is powerful enough to match harmonic frequency of the Earth, plus the Earth is made out of different materials so it won't break viva harmonic frequency vibration. Op you dumb and your theory relys on simulation theory or the multi verse theory. We have no way to deal with simulation theory other than crash it. Multi verse theory deals with Philly experiment level stuff.

In short, your dumb Op. Only people that want to reduce the population to 500 million are the retard incest fuckers that think themselves god because muh demonic bloodline.