Illegal Sexist Memes!

Every time Sweden, every single time.

Attached: 6e6d0e04-02bc-4581-86d8-7cb9380abb5a.png (645x591, 597K)

>retarded organisation being retarded
So what?

they were fucking vikings

Nothing much, just another good cheap laugh out of your country

Thanks Jews!

>depictions of a man finding a woman attractive is considered """""sexist"""""

Attached: Sam+hyde+modern+nostradamus+2013_05c6d2_6301337.jpg (729x749, 90K)

>The absolute state of fucking Europeans
Don't worry, it's not long until all of your other memes are banned as well. Keep us informed so we and Americans can have a hefty kek on your behalf.

Attached: 1510179378795.jpg (1450x2300, 792K)

I refuse to believe that Swedenposters are not all ironically shitposting.
There is no way an entire country can be that naive

Meanwhile in Sweden

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-23 16-20-15.png (618x287, 79K)

you swede cuckboys make me laugh. so pathetic - there is no hope for you