Every time Sweden, every single time.
Illegal Sexist Memes!
Landon Harris
William Green
>retarded organisation being retarded
So what?
Cooper Williams
they were fucking vikings
Daniel Nelson
Nothing much, just another good cheap laugh out of your country
Benjamin Price
Thanks Jews!
Carter Morales
>depictions of a man finding a woman attractive is considered """""sexist"""""
Chase Scott
>The absolute state of fucking Europeans
Don't worry, it's not long until all of your other memes are banned as well. Keep us informed so we and Americans can have a hefty kek on your behalf.
Ayden Lee
I refuse to believe that Swedenposters are not all ironically shitposting.
There is no way an entire country can be that naive
Liam Bailey
Meanwhile in Sweden
Daniel Martin
you swede cuckboys make me laugh. so pathetic - there is no hope for you