>"One in three of Britain's millenial generation will never own their own home, with many forced to live and raise families in insecure privately rented accommodation throughout their lives, according to a report by the Resolution Foundation."
>"In a gloomy assessment of the housing outlook for approximately 14 million 20- to 35-year-olds, the thinktank’s intergenerational commission said half would be renting in their 40s and that a third could still be doing so by the time they claimed their pensions."
Maybe you bongs should close your borders and cut back on the migrants. You only have so much space, more people equals higher housing costs .
Xavier Mitchell
>mfw have 50% deposit for home don't buy yet anons. wait till after March, based no-deal Brexit, and a crash in the property market. don't keep your money in pounds either, then a year after Brexit, houses will be cheaper, and you can bring your money back to £££ for huge profit
Jason Evans
Home mobility is a new thing and has only existed from the mid 20th century to present. Before then, most inherited.
Eli Cook
It’s better to just leave. If I can at least make it to America I have a chance of a normal conservative life. This place is fucked, the population is stupid and spineless. They will accept that chinks and pakis and jews own all their houses and get used to renting
Sebastian Roberts
>what is land reclamation >what is hyper-dense living >what are multi-story flats >what is building on greenbelt land
There are plenty of ways to help the less fortunate find a home for themselves and their families in Britain sweetie :)
Alexander Ramirez
Source on this claim?
Matthew Morgan
Imagine letting foreigners buy out your industries and your properties. Short-term greed based hedonism has sold us all down the river.
Alexander Hill
This is one of the many reasons why I will never work. All of my forefathers saw the fruit of their labour but I will not. Why work for a dying society?
Brandon Fisher
stfu u fucking faggot u are already dead to our country