Greek Mediterranean master race here

Greek Mediterranean master race here

Why do Snownogs put their old folk in nursing homes?

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They don't love their parents, Christianity strengthened our family families and killed theirs. They barely even see their cousins more than once a year.

This old broads husband probably fought in the Civil War and helped free the slaves and this is the thanks she gets. Sad

Iranian masterrace reporting. They don't value family and tradition like us people. It's all about having the bigger house or the nicer car with them so they leave their elders to rot.

I never wanna get that old. I think 80 or under is a good time to die.

>Civil war
That generation is long dead friend

What goes around comes back around. My parents threw me out of the house once I turned 18. They have no remorse about sending a dumb kid out on the streets and felt like once I had reached 18, I wasn't their son no more and they no longer have to keep ties with me. Now that my mother and father are extremely old and can barely get by doing things on their own, they've contacted me asking If they could move in with more or if I would take care of them on their final stage in life. I told them no and that they can suffer through the hard times like I did when they had no compassion for me and just kicked me out of the house. You may think us white people are crazy or don't care but most of us get fed to the world as soon as we turn 18. We have the moral ground to fed them back into the world by not caring for them in their golden years.

Of course this isn't all of us whites. A couple of buddies of mine had great parents who let him stay in their house as long as he wanted and didn't throw him to the wolves. He never abused it and only stayed till 20. For that, he said he would gladly take them into his home when they become of that age where they can no longer do anything by themselves.

Because of the smell. You ever notice how old people always smell of necrotic flesh Depends and denture cream .
"Its the smell morpheus"

I think he was joking, senpai

He believes in a jewish god

Can confirm. Most of my uncles moved abroad because of higher paying jobs. Haven't seen them or their families in years. My brainwashed roastie NPC sisters refuse to call our grandparents because they are "racist conservative white scum". My dad and stepmother are going to retire and live in france once their children become self sufficient in like 3 years. All my stepdad's children live abroad because of higher paying jobs. They see their father like once a year. The fact that I even have step parents says a lot about how little subhuman nords value family. Nordic family culture is subhuman-tier and honestly it hurts knowing that you're pretty much alone in the world. I envy you medshits even though you have sandnigger dna.

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Bitch you’re not special. Nearly the whole world takes care of their elderly from bumfuck African village to Shanghai. That’s always been the norm, it’s what’s expected.

It’s true the nursing home is mostly a waspy thing.. doesn’t mean you gotta look at that and be like “at least I don’t do that...” Gayreeks have no shame.

We in Balkan are master race, if we did not constantly kill each other we would of conquerored the world.

Westerners don't value there elderly, ancestors and blood, that is why they put there elderly in nursing homes, nothing is sacred to them, not even there flesh and blood.

This, in Serbian we don't have word for cousin, we refer to them as brothers and sisters.

you sound like a big faggot

>greek masterrace

we killed the real greeks. you are rapebabies.

because dying of old age fucking sucks and is for homos

>Greeks have 80-100% Greek DNA
>Turks have 40-60% Greek DNA
>some how Greeks are the rape babies

Jow Forums logic

Turks are Serbian, Greek, Albanian mutts.

When the turks entered Antolia they absorbed the native Greek population, that is why Turks don't look full turkic and why turks in Pontus and coast line are pretty white.

I believe in a pantheistic God.

Somehow, it's Christianity. It wasn't like this during paganism, they were either quasi ancestral worshippers or followed some family oriented honour code.

Plausibly because communism, soviet subversion exacerbated these effects. Italy was immune.

Sup shill. Looks like your (((handlers))) don't want us to discuss the importance of family.

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It's protestantism.

Find me a single protestant country with healthy family values.

It's time for you to go home, Xerxes

um sweety... Turks were white before they conquered Anatolia. Those white looking ones are the real Turks.

You literally cucked yourself with the Janissary, you basically imported bulls from the balkans, by 17th century the Janissary dominated your government

Nursing homes are the dumping ground for irate children to punish their aging parents.
It's the only legal way of getting them off your hands.
And as one user said they don't really love them.
If I were an only child I'd probably dump my mom into one of those because she was an unnurturing selfish cunt. Lucky for her I have siblings who put up with her bullshit into adulthood and believe that new age bullshit about mommy being the most important person in the world even if she fail to be even a half decent parent. You only get one mom.

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>Plausibly because communism, soviet subversion exacerbated these effects. Italy was immune.

reffering cousins as brothers and sisters is old tradition, it stems from Zadruge in Serbia and clan tribal system in Hercegovina and Montenegro.

Um sweety. You didn’t address the fact that Greeks have 80-100% Greek DNA, where as Turks have 40-60% Greek DNA.

I laughed watching a video from Germany of a few Turkish national soccer players being DNA tested and they were all 50%+ Greek. They were all laughing but looked like they were seething inside.

You’re a Greek hating Turk aswell who mostly likely has 50%+ Greek DNA


Well, its not like the parents loved their kids either, their fate is not unreasonable.

humans just shouldn't live that long

lol, how deluded, original turks where mongoloids.

But I am home. There's nothing to go back to.


>greek DNA

no such thing. It's our DNA since they are rapebabies. That why they look whitish.

for Americans it's because these old assholes got to grow up in a paradise, then imported a bunch of literal niggers for no reason because jew's told them to.

Now they expect us to deal with that, while also taking care of them. Nope.

>Why do Snownogs put their old folk in nursing homes?


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I bet all this diversity was worth destroying your children's future, huh gramgram?

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If you die old it means you did not commit a mass murder on shitskins and did not have been killed by (((police))).

then you can die in front of me I don't care

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>It wasn't like this during paganism
>I was there so I can tell

Fuck I hate niggers

Fucking baby boomer her generations fault for selling out their own country and younger generations

fuck off pussy Frenchie you have no idea how mad most right wing Americans are at you right now.

That little rap song about slaugtering whites? That shit has just spread into America on BlackTwitter. You want to kill yourselves that's fine, but don't send that shit to my country you absolute fucking faggots.

*Turkish rape babies.

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Turks were originally Asian. But you fucked up your warrior nomad genes by max raping the Anatolian whites. Idiot can have a loving family with children who will care for you until death.
I moved my mom in with me after my dad died, and I’ll care for her until her last breath.
Anyone who lets their mom die alone or in the hands of a nigger deserves hell.

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There is something wrong in the generation of baby boomers, their mentality is fucked, they feel no solidarity with their country, people or kids.
Good on you bud!

Asia was mostly white in the past.

Do you belong to the one third of the population that's actually white or to the two thirds who are literal 56%er hue monkeys?

You are barely human, what right do you have to talk?

>Hey cousin, let's go bowling!
Yeah, I don't think so

Because resentment, laziness, and general indifference. For example, for me

>Alzheimer's runs in the family
>My dad will probably die before he's 70.
>My mom has spent the last decade or so as an alcoholic mess who consistently picks fights with everyone.
>She is a bitter feminist who has achieved nothing besides birthing me, which is pretty shit work desu
>Through her advice, I've ended up in massive debt, getting estranged from my religion and other family, and generally realized I should never trust her with anything

So, when the Alzheimer's hits and I'm left with this sack of meat I'm supposed to take care who doesn't even remember who she is, I'll probably dump her in the cheapest state run nursing home I can find.

My plan to not have this happen to me? Have more kids, better savings, and generally not marry an alcoholic shrew.

No it wasn't. The majority of Asia is mongoloid. When thr Seljuk turks invaded the Byzantine empire, they were Asian NOT Caucasian.

Jesus tapdancing Christ. You guys are fucked in the head.

Don't leave your parents to be abused by niggers like in OP's video.
Old people are like toddlers with wisdom. Don't throw them to the dogs because they did something bad to you. Even your parents who you though of as adamant and unfailing can make mistakes. If you repair the relationship you, most likely, will have a meaningful connection to them.

A lot of your parents have unconditional love for you, even if they may not make it known.

This was probably the most blackpilling thread in a long time. Seeing this and how people treat their familys and kids and parents just fucking devestated my very little tiny amount of faith.

How can people left and right leaning be so fucking destructive? Our humanity is being stripped away. How did shit get so fucking bad in less than 100 years? Am I seriously stuck in hell?

Can someone please tell Donny boy to just fucking pull the plug with the nukes already?




Says the monkey

Once you get above 90, there's a chance you could be outliving even your children. My great grandfather was 97. All of his children dead and with alzheimer's so he didn't even remember the family left that was taking care of him.
I'm happy he lived so long, I was actually very close to him when I was younger, but I don't think I could do it. The thought of dying sounds so much better than losing all of my marbles.
I'm only 28 though so who knows, maybe my mind will change as I grow older.

t. 24 year old.

Your GREAT grandfather was 97 and you’re 28?

Damn nigger I am 30 and my grandmother died this year at 95

He died years ago, he would be 108 today I think.

>unironically using "t." in 2018
fuck off Mohammed, Schlomo doesnt pay you if youre too obvious does he?

Nah my grandpa is 100 and is fine. We’re going to see marvels it medicine that will make us live much better much longer, believe me

To be fair, if alzheimers runs in the family your mind likely will change as you grow older.

Jokes on you, the Greeks you killed were already East Roman mutts.

Being a heartless, egotistical son of a bitch is mostly a boomer thing, really. They thought they were doing you a favour by kicking you out but they really were doing it for selfish reasons. They are truly the worst generation in centuries, I can't think of any other that has done as much damage as them while being on the top of everything, the West is literally crumbling and being invaded by foreign hordes solely because of them.

We'll see. I also have a 90 year old grandpa who doesn't have it at all. He acts goofy in an old fart way, but remembers everything. My great grandfather pretty much lost everything in his mind by 85.

This, except capitalism too

Honestly this user. Good caring parents and your family is the only thing worth caring you will ever have

>He changes his demented parent's adult diapers himself

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I work with elderly and this is so satisfying to watch. They will actually start moving slower when they sense that you are growing impatient with them, and it would be so funny to just manhandle them like that.

>Sorry junior, I spent what would have been your inheritance on an RV!
>That's okay mom, I can still find a 2 star retirement home for you!
The lifecycle of a boomer

Ironically this is the fate of all those childless "cool wine aunts" who believe niggers are humans.

T. Greek

Tick tock mother fucker your time is nigh.

Yeah, faggot
Taking care of family makes us human and you subhuman


This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk...
>You are leading a revolution
and you're not even conscious about it

>You decide your own level of involvement

What if while you slept... you led a revolution...
You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you... that's why you made me...
>created by your memetic subconscious
I am you... and you are me...
we have the same goal...
>Defeat the VILE people

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now
You are Awakened.,,,.

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What makes you think they're better off anywhere else?

They hate them, DAH..

>actually taking care of your elderly
>paying niggers at a nursing home to do it

your boomer parents died alone while you shitposted chinese cartoons lol. i bet it cost a fortune

This. I'm not white but my mom tells me to meds are OK unlike N*Rd dogs.

>sisters refuse to call our grandparents because they are "racist conservative white scum
Insane shit. Nordic individualism + feminism = death of a society. You have some feminism in Southern and Eastern Europe and East Asia, but because people in these places aren't as individualistic you don't see such crazy stuff.

Right, no answer. Another desperate attempt at slander by you muttmeds.

not having Your wife do it

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because they're selfish

This is what boomers politics has brought us, wonder if they change their mind when death is at their door.

in Islam its litterally prohibited to not visit family atleast keep contact with them and have a bond.
You need Islam.

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Boomers want to travel the world preferebly twice a year so a child living longer than needed is a thorn in theor sides. Good for them because the young will have the last laugh when they rot in solitude with no family to give a shit about them. Heres to hope their children wont turn out like their parents.

Sadly the big cities are starting to adopt western lifestyles regarding families. Im not worried though. Athens has literally 1 million illegal undocumented people and several no-go zones. Its only a matter of time before the collapse. I should have never left my village.

House,3 soon to to be 4 generations under same roof.

They wiped my ass when i could not.You just cant drop your family lile that

Boomers utterly fucked USA. They are part-jews. They'll strike you and then say it's good for you. They made everything expensive, destroyed our families, our ethnostates, and our country.

Fucking paki. Nobody needs pissslam. This is a part of every single religion on earth (excluding the larping neo-pagan ones)

they changed your diapers back then.
It is only fair to do it too

50 is too old

>being this mad

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>Greek Mediterranean master race

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>Why do Snownogs put their old folk in nursing homes?
Because of modern medicine they are kept alive far into dementia and need 24 hour supervision like 80 kilo baby.

>need 24 hour supervision like 80 kilo baby.
so you cant do that? then how are you suppose to become a decent father? except for the weight, its the same issue

My grandparents were closely taken care of, same for me and my parents, but this is mostly cause we are a deep christian family.
Every time I see greeks, or shitskins in general they are close together with their cousins etc.
Still I think it's that people in the west have grown to be more and more mechanical, they usually never hang out with each other anymore, put too much time in work and generally lead autistic lives.
In previous generations the bars would be a second home, now it's completely gone.


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