Why does Trump criticize the Fed’s interest rate hike?

The economy is booming, inflation is up, the only sensible step for the Fed is to raise interest rates. And the only sensible thing for the US government would be to restrain public spending to balance budgets during super hot economic times. Yet, Trump’s 2019 budget heads towards a 1 trillion dollar deficit.


"Unfortunately they just raised interest rates a little bit because we are doing so well. I'm not happy about that," President Trump said at a press conference in New York Wednesday. "I'd rather pay down debt or do other things, create more jobs."

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The FED is working against Trump and only because of the FED America has 21 trillion dollar of debt

All I heard him say was people with $10,000 in the bank got killed and now at least they can make some money off interest.

End the Federal Reserve Act NOW!
A nation should not be held hostage by Jew investors

>the only sensible thing for the US government would be to restrain public spending to balance budgets during super hot economic times
Actually the only sensible thing to do would be to end the fed.

Because interest is a fucking like scheme. If there’s anything Sharia law got right is making interest illegal

Because the kikes at the Fed are trying to slow down the pace of hiring before the midterms by putting a tight, Jewish, noose on capital.

Because he is planning to blame the fed for the economic reset.

"I had a 4.5% gdp going and then the fed hiked rates all the way to 6% and crashed the economy, lets abolish the fed"


I put the quote in there, he doesn’t like the interest rate hike.

You think the free market should set interest rates? Who would bail out the banks in a time of crisis?

Explain to me how inflation and economic growth is managed absent a Fed interest rate policy.

So why would I lend you money if I don’t get anything back but that exact money in 3 years?

Are they now? So the Fed shouldn’t hike interest rates during economic booms and times of high inflation. How come?

It's important to understand time-value of money.

Simple example: Someone could lend you $100 and expect it back in a year. Or they could invest that $100 in some sort of business or something, and have $120 by the end of the year.

To add to this, money is inflationary, so $100 today is worth more than $100 will be worth in a year when it is repaid. It's irresponsible to not charge interest.

what did they mean by this?

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>get that exact money back
That’s the point of lending money jackass, the only people that came up with profiting off borrowing is Jews. Never have I given a friend some sums of money, then quoted them an extra % for interest. Be smart on who you invest to, they don’t get interest but they get a portion of ownership of the company, angel investors basically, which doesn’t leave you in a life time of financial slavery and everyone is happy. Financially illiterate retards are dependent on interest. The fed raising interest on a booming economy but still hurting populace doubles down on inflation, effectively nullifying the boom while padding their pocket, worse than corporations

I’m a CPA and CGMA for big O&G on expat work right now, I understand time value. I also know that it’s effectively a scam for anything that targets smaller industries, it’s borderline extortion as you absolutely cannot grow without it and are at an ever looming risk of absorption by a larger, truly global, company

What are your recommendations?

Can I borrow a thousand dollars?


The rate hikes will slow growth. He would rather the next recession come on someone else’s watch. It would be in the Fed and the United States best interest to keep rates lower for longer and let inflation run a bit. Both municipalities and the Federal government are in massive amounts of debt. By allowing inflation the debt becomes easier to combat. This is at the expense of the American people as inflation would act like a stealth tax. The only way to try and soften that blow would be to continue to encourage wage inflation through very low unemployment. Either way it wouldn’t be the easiest strategy for he populace, but when you’re talking about municipal and federal debt levels that are this high there really isn’t any solution that wouldn’t be painful. Also, politically an inflationary strategy to manage debt has he most likelihood of being viable given how deadlocked our political parties are and fed induced inflation would circumvent a lot of our government process.

Are you saying we should abolish lending with interest? Or what's your vision for a better world?

Unrelated: Can I borrow a thousand dollars?

Pretty much. He knows the rate hikes will ultimately slow growth as is the intention of the hikes.

>It would be in the Fed and the United States best interest to keep rates lower for longer and let inflation run a bit. Both municipalities and the Federal government are in massive amounts of debt. By allowing inflation the debt becomes easier to combat.

Inflation robs the workers... to benefit the rich. Thanks very much.

>Why does Trump criticize the Fed

anyone who is NOT against the federal reserve is an idiot

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Because he says his opinion. He's obviously not a dictator, because people disagree with him.

Because he hates jews.

>You think the free market should set interest rates? Who would bail out the banks in a time of crisis?

how about nobody bails them out? let the insolvent corrupt fractional reserve banks go insolvent from their corrupt practices.


naw just let international banks cyclical corrupt and crash national economies and rob their populations via inflation, usury, and taxpayer paid bailouts! that's the SMART play.

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I’ll bite. I’ll give you $1,000 depending on what you put it towards. Is it going to go towards building capital, is it something that you’re going to just blow, can you return the payment? If you default, I want my money back, not a penny more or less, but the interest is kike tier because it’s financially chasing your tail until you finally bite it off. Investors aren’t obligated to hand out money, banks are investors as much as anyone, but they own you the moment they invest in you.

Putting it towards a startup and need $100,000’s? Sure, offer me 5% ownership. Effectively becomes a partnership, I get my returns on investment, you’re not enslaved to me for life. To me, that’s the principle behind borrowing, it’s not necessarily a good faith thing, I’d like a return, but making someone a slave is jewy as fuck as you can then chase after their property just to pay off the interest beyond the principle. Risk is a consideration for everyone, whether it’s interest charged or not, that’s why people get denied regularly

>"the financial instruments that lessened the effects of previous recessions are now fully exhausted *burp*"

>anyone who is NOT against the federal reserve is an idiot


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the only reason the fed is aggressively raising rates is to keep fucking the working class. trump made things better but the jew has the final say always

Sharia has fees calculated as a percentage of the loan. It’s just simple interest, not compounding, but they still have interest.

>5% ownership and returned $100k
If your business fails but the profits reaped from my 5% amount to 86k when it does, give me my $14k remaining back.

The Fed is raising interest rates to make the Drumph stock market Blummet, fugg.

>Are you saying we should abolish lending with interest? Or what's your vision for a better world?
fair and reasonable interest rates that are actually payable are fine, good interests rates on loans can help stimulate the economy. even fractional reserve banking can be good if the fraction kept is reasonable.

but usurious interests rates with confusing/variable/unpayable/gotcha terms given out to anyone and everyone by corrupt fractional reserve banks backed with a penny per million dollars with the sole intent of defaulting and only making money off the foreclosures and interests are NOT good and THAT is our current reality.

Iirc, failing on return, the lendee will be obligated to return only 60% at the lowest in some cases. It’s a financial haven and has seen a lot of success in the past decades into the trillions, interest free loans becoming more and more common too. The catch is, and speaking mostly about Emirates for example, is you need some kind of domestic partner if you want to enter their market externally

In the past banks were bailed out by other banks. That’s what led to the creation of the Fed. Barring all the conspiracy theories you will hear on here. The architects of the fed realized that essentially JP Morgan saved the banking system by bullying other banks as well as his own to bail the federal government out in the late 1800s when confidence in the US currency fell and the population was asking to exchange their notes for the gold it was backed by. This made senators uneasy that essentially the us government may have to rely on people like no Morgan in times of crises. They felt it would be a threat to democracy and give too much power to people like Morgan so the fed was created as an answer to that problem. And to provide liquidity to the baking system as well. Which was also bailed out by JP Morgan and other banks in the early 1900s after an insurance failure from the great Sanfransisco earthquake of 1905. Pre 1900s there was also a provision that bank shareholders would hold liability for the deposits in a bank. Meaning if a run on the bank occurred the shareholders would be called to raise their own money to repay customers. This is unusual under bankruptcy law. Generally if a corporation goes bankrupt the shareholders lose their investment, but aren’t required to pony up more capital to meet obligations. The fact that this exception existed for banks encourages banks to keenatrong capital requirements. Once this exception was removed during the early 1900s then banks didn’t have the same incentives to keep strong reserve requirements.

Because every time there has been a major financial crash, interest rates soared.

It's coming.

Obviously inflation isn’t great for any person with savings that aren’t going to grow st he same rate. It’s not so bad when wage inflation occurs alongside the increasing costs of goods as the workers are paid more to compensate. But when that doesn’t occur (like the 1970s) then it can be pretty hard on the regular worker with no savings or who has savings that are earning less interest than the rate of inflation. However, the alternatives would be to navigate the political mess of increasing revenue and lowering costs of the government. Which politically seems unmanageable st this time both at the local and federal level. So, inflationary environment may not be the optimal model for preventing a debt crisis, but it’s probably the most viable. And the best way to lower the pain for the average person is to encourage wage inflation.

It's a ruse. Powell is /ourguy/. Trump wants them to raise the interest rates so the economy implodes. He needs it to happen but needs to not get blamed for it. It's the only way to get rid of the FED and do the reset.

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This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk...
>You are leading a revolution
and you're not even conscious about it

>You decide your own level of involvement

What if while you slept... you led a revolution...
You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you... that's why you made me...
>created by your memetic subconscious
I am you... and you are me...
we have the same goal...
>Defeat the VILE people

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now

You are Awakened..,,

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Because thw fed are seditious satanic kikes
Op is a faggot

>oy vey!

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>ITT: Brainlets who don't understand that the Fed is giving Trump more options in the case of a recession.

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Not surprised this coast nigger didn't get a reply. An actually well thought out proposition

>the fed
>Not actually a federal body

Trump appointed its head

This is mandatory viewing for all Jow Forumsacks:

People have been conditioned into thinking that borrowing exclusively means interest. There are many other, and ideologically more ethical, means of getting a return off of borrowing money to another. Interest is evil, period, it can cause you to never exit debt for as long as you live if you fall into that trap or are just unlucky at the wrong time. It is never, ever, in the favor of the lendee. Should you pay back the sum in full if you fail? Yes, that’s normal, paying compounding interest on top of the principle with rates you wish you could see be applied to your savings account is dirty. You spend your entire time in a mad dash to pay off the principle of the highest APR loan before it turns into Godzilla tier interest debt. I pity people who try to pay the interest first and not knock down the principle, financially literate people love that the common person doesn’t pay principle first but constantly pays the hydra that is interest

Because he is trying to fight a trade war, and it is easier to win a trade war when your economy is cranking.

Yup. History is ignored around usury. It has been the entire cause of the Jewish hate cycle.

as someone who works in investments, the economy by all measures (vix, inflation, earnings, employment, etc) is running at a normal level.

GDP growth hasnt hit manic growth levels yet, fixed income has been relatively stable (a few contractionary signals but again US dollar is wrecking all other currencies)

Literally the only issue in the markets is hedge funds lagging, and that is still relatively minor when compared to major indeces

the economy is normal, reactionary decisions screw things up more often then not

Obama’s budget deficit was 2 trillion a year. Didn’t hear your dumbass complain then. Commie cuck.

>Increase interest rates
>economic uncertainty raises due possible further increases
>weakens spending
>which leads to weaker housing market
>cycle continues until recession.