To sedate us, to make complacent,obedient and lethargic ? Now, every commercial music sounds like a big sissy music about "muh love, muh peace, muh gurls", with faggot like melody, and emasculated faggot singing like a woman... Literally all music in the radio or TV is a big weak faggot singing with low T. voice about muh love, muh can't live without you, or a woman signing about being a whore or something. That must be by design...And the instrumental/melody are all weak now, powerless, without energy...Just weak and pacification.
Any Red Pills on that? I'm sure it is by design, used as a weapon of control.
Hell, even commercial music from 2008 had more punch, way more energy that today's music...And the music was already bad at the time.
THIS IS A PEDOESTA MEME GARBAGE THREAD. I knew they were trying to override the fluoride stare because child fuckers have no imagination and use other people's work. Just like Jews who also rape children.
Jordan Long
I'm seriously thinking that today, you only can listen to energizing and good music with video games music or classical music...
Always putting women in a pedestal, Faggot voice,stupid emasculate lyrics and absolutely childish and pussyfing rythmes/instruments.
Samuel Rogers
Music today is fucking garbage and so is the culture. >Haha grandpa
Lucas Hill
Yes. Music is pretty interesting, and can work like a virus, or antivirus in the mind. Consider the whole psychedelic 60's a CIA mind control experiment to weaken the middle class. Now look at rap. It's not even music by western standards. No melody or harmony, just a beat and talking.
If you think "music today" is terrible then you are an npc that only listens to shitty top 100 pop music and has no capability of searching for music they like