What’s Blasey Ford’s lawyers name again?
What’s Blasey Ford’s lawyers name again?
jewy mcjewstein
Ben bernanke
Schlmo Sheklestein
Levi Steinbergowitz
Mr Shekelgoldstienberg
Sheckle Stan
You're as low as burgers are
Shame on you
He's Andrew McCabe's lawyer. All you need to know.
Moishe Shekelsnifferberg
Justflewin Frome Israel
Schlomo Scheckelberg
Yes... yes... just a coincidence
Shlomo Moishestein Rabbibergowitz
Goldfried Shekelsteinburgstein
exactly what I thought
jewberg shekelstien
He's the guy that told her to use her weak, trembling victim voice for effect.
Mr. Goldsilver shekelmoneinstein
Doctor Rabbi Steinowitz
Shekel Gergenstein
Shekelstein Shlomo Goldberg the fourth.
Saul Michael Berenson is Blasey Ford’s lawyers name.
Gomes Freire de Andrade
Jewby Doo!
Shit, I was thinking the same thing. They could be brothers.
something something stein
Came here to post this
Rosenklein Kazonovsky?
schlomo shekelsteinburgiwitz
Tilden katz
Oh wait, now I recognize him. That's Pickleweiner Shmuckeditov!
Rubhands McSteinberg
Isn't he the guy from The Staircase on Netflix?
thats clearly ben bernanke
pic related
I think its definitely this one
Dr. Blasey Ford surrounded by ([(them)])
What a coincidence...2% of Population,..nothing to see here,..move along
"Katz grew up in a J3wish household on Long Island, where the horrors of the H0l0caust were invoked as a call to seek justice, she told the Washingtonian magazine in June."
of course important to always mention the h0l0caust,..so noone forgets.
Heberaham Blatberg
The thing you have to understand about growing up on Lon Giland from that generation is that you would never guess that the country is only 2% Jews. It's got more Jews than Israel and even the goyim will explain that this is amazing and a Good Thing.
It's a good lesson in Warped Reality 101 as long as you move out and also discover taxes are like 2% of what you thought was normal pretty much everywhere else.
Schlomo Kikestein