Remove social plans

remove social plans
reduce the state
form a horde of civilians and murder EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN, JUDGE, PROSECUTOR AND SYNDICALIST in the most extreme ways (broadcast live on national television)
also kill those who vote and defend them
kill every lefty, feminist, progreretard, etc
lock minorities in reeducation camps until they get out drinking mate and eating asado
purge the police
make those left to be trained again
purge again
put each boliperuvian in containers and throw them in their respective countries (plunging their economies)
place the gendarmería on the northern border with the order of shooting to kill
send the army to the conquista del desierto 2.0 and exterminate the mapuches for good
execution for each businessman who is proven to be enriched at the expense of the country for treason to the fatherland (every single one of them)
return to the old educational system
take exams to everyone
send everyone back to school after seeing that the results of the exams were a nightmare (included teachers)
close law, business administration, accountant, psychology, social communication, social x, etc for 25 years
encourage the study of hard sciences
detach church from state
vasectomy and tubal ligation mandatory after two kids
forbid the names Jennifer and Brian
rebuild railway
expel the Chinese (I like the USA dick more)
sink every Asian boat that is illegally fishing in the Argentine sea, without asking, like they did with our submarine

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Why these?
>reduce the state
>detach church from state
>vasectomy and tubal ligation mandatory after two kids

>reduce the state
have fewer politicians with astronomical salaries, we currently have like 7 to 8 times more politicians than Germany with half the population
I should have added that the new politicians would get minimum wage
we have to look for other ways to incentivize the job position but not through money
>detach church from state
we are the only country in the world that gives them alms
I agree with their values tho, but the Catholic Church are a bunch of hypocrites motherfuckers, look who the Pope is
>vasectomy and tubal ligation mandatory after two kids
people seems to not understand that having a lot of kids require money, also, how are they going to educate more than two children?, education starts at home with family values, their parents need to be there for them

>have fewer politicians with astronomical salaries
I agree, then. I thought you meant to reduce the state like in libertarian ideology.

>we are the only country in the world that gives them alms. I agree with their values tho, but the Catholic Church are a bunch of hypocrites motherfuckers, look who the Pope is
I agree. I thought you meant to erradicate/not promote Catholic values. I'm not Catholic even, but I see the importance of it for the functioning of society.

>people seems to not understand that having a lot of kids require money, also, how are they going to educate more than two children?, education starts at home with family values, their parents need to be there for them
Makes sense, BUT: If we deport back all the immigrants and their diaspora/descendants, we would have a country of less than 20 millions left. This is a problem as we have the 8th largest country in the world. How would you repopulate it? Or would you promote a 2nd European immigration wave like in 1880s?

You so edgy. Get laid.

>Or would you promote a 2nd European immigration wave like in 1880s?
we can try but I don't think it will be effective, Europe isn't really going through a crisis right now
also, we are the 8th largest country by land, not by economy
I have a daughter (I have committed the sin of having a child in this godforsaken country)

I want to dream too annon.

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>vasectomy and tubal ligation mandatory after two kids

>I don't think it will be effective, Europe isn't really going through a crisis right now
Not an economical one, but surely a social one.

>we are the 8th largest country by land, not by economy
Never implied by economy.

Also, learn to speak proper Spanish. Not that nigger tier, Ebonics sounding with made up verbs like sos, queres, tenes.