>A police chief has been stabbed to death in the city of Rodez, in southern France, outside the city hall. >Pascal Filoé was stabbed three times in the middle of the street by an individual known to police. >Mr Filoé died of his injuries in hospital shortly after the incident. >"The attacker was known to police. He had defaced the city hall door on 11 April", she said.
what are the ODDS the attacker was NOT a nigger? what could be a logical reason of murdering him?
Radical white male terrorists strike again, when is France going to do something about the epidemic of far-right violence?
Zachary Lee
damn France these are your fucking cops, and not just a cop but a fucking chief!
it's ironic your cops would have potentially arrested you for having a gun, but realistically if there were guns around maybe the assailant would be dead?
go L Y N C H them niggers already
Hunter Wilson
(((Emergency psychological support)))
Anthony Green
Defacing the door sounds like a crazy wh*toid
Matthew Rogers
No, race war isn't a thing, of course not.
Jordan Cook
Damn these poor frogs can’t catch a break..
Liam Richardson
Stop saying shit. The guy was a pedophile. I was just serving my country.
Nathaniel Reed
We may never know what Mohammed Abdul hassan binsalah areebis motive was
Gabriel Cruz
pitbull owning homeless man, from Marseilles, recently come to the Rodez
the cops impounded the pitbull and he said he would kill the mayor and the police chief.
>realistically if there were guns around maybe the assailant would be dead?
and forty other people who were innocent adn not related to any crime.
why do Burgers always assume that guns is good and will solve any problem? did you watch too much A-team as a child?
Christopher Young
before it was guns it was guillotines, Emmanuel.
Eli Adams
>cherry pick the worst examples >pretend it's the average nice try polenigger, back to washing cars for 2 quid an hour for you
William Martin
You'd figure a police chief would at least have one, even if not regular citizens.
Jace Mitchell
we have a third your murder rate. Rodez is a small country town, 27,000 people, fewer than 8 violent incidents per year per thousand, and last five years only two involving guns.
why would he have a gun? so she could shoot his kids and wife and himself, like Burgers do?
Charles Green
I meant to say, most murders are in large towns, and often among the poor and the immigrants.
I don't think they have had a murder for years, or maybe a domestic killing at most.
Daniel King
I just looked it up - actually the murder rate for France is 19 times less than USA, and that includes Paris and Marseilles...
it might even include the Bataclan murders..
Jaxson Morgan
that's going to change very soon
David Hill
It is the average. Take off your memeflag you butthurt britcuck.
John Clark
It's unfortunate that you're importing the reason out rate is so high.
I'm sure you'll understand soon enough.
Jordan Ramirez
seehang the whiteys right :)
Lincoln Gray
Who cares? Its just some mudslime shithole.
James Cox
hang the white man
Charles Gutierrez
Bentley Butler
The police can't keep you safe
Dominic Nelson
Because our nations are stuck in a time when the police didn't actually need guns to sort things out. We have now gone into a state with more violence and no respect for anything, the police need guns.
I don't think you ever see anyone get shot on the A-Team. Maybe if all did some sweet jumps at the criminals all would be well with the world.
Brandon Martinez
99% white I would guess
not many arabs in the Averyon
Zachary Smith
actually... the crime stats do not suggest that.
Lincoln Gomez
no they never showed blood, but they just blazed away with machineguns and no one got hurt, but the bad guys gave up. it is that sort of unrealistic shit that brainwashed kids into thinking guns solve problems.
god you are lazy. look for any crime rate survey for the UK or France - all show steady rates or declines in the last twenty years.
apart from the odd place - like the bad areas of big towns - crime is generally decreasing. You can link the bad areas with race of course, adn no one is arguing Marseilles isnt a shit hole that needs cleaned out - but general crime is falling, adn violent crime is not up, in the vast majority of the country.
calls to arm police officers to make them shoot more innocents like you do in the US are stupid.
also, should be noted, the dead man was not a policeman, he was the administrative director in charge of the office the deals with the police, emergency services, ambulance and fire dept.
Brody Jackson
one off that happened a long time agao adn resulted in stricter gun laws, which is why we do not have american style daily Dunblane and worse.
But where do you get the paranoia cards? do they come in a tinfoil wrapper?
Brayden Garcia
forgot your meme flag
Jack Sanchez
LOL Pierre.
"Where did >*Raped by Muslim*. You get >*Guns taken by Government*. Those Paranoia >*Police Chief Stabbed to death*. Cards?"
"Do they come >*Gargles semen*. In a Tinfoil >*Wife leaves*. Wrapper?"
Or it was used by the government as a sanctioned hit using a dispensable Migrant to either get someone out of they way who was protecting the people or off someone who knew too much
You used to live in euopeam society, where armed police was unnnecassry due to high trust and cohesiveness. NOW you’ve decided to go full Weimerica, but the DIFFERENCE between you and US is, we grew up with arms and it’s part of white culture. I guarantee half of Europe would shit their pants if they even touched a trigger of a gun. It’s very to see what is going on over there you guys are not prepared for literal 3rd world savagery.
Andrew Sanchez
Are these cards real or just memes?
Connor Jenkins
Hey Moishe. >What do you think of the KB Cards? Accurate?
>99% white my sides drepanocytose maps show at least 10% of african newborns in EVERY department and it's not as if our population didn't have muddied genes to begin with judging by your posts you're likely a parisian zoomer who will regurgitate the good goy "those stats are fake news" excuse
How many times have crime statistics been manipulated?
Yeah they can't be taken seriously.
Dunblane happened in Scotland, everyone was against the handgun ban until Tony Blair got into power and made them illegal. England has had multiple mass shootings involving shotguns, no legislation has been brought in to ban shotguns.
Really makes your freedom rays tinker and think doesn't it? Really makes you think about Scotland being Lord Cuckington of Cuckland bin Scotcucks.
Really gets your axons animated doesn't it Mr Gibson?
Elijah Evans
>look for any crime rate survey for the UK Violent crime has risen here.
Jaxon Myers
This attack right here. Did anyone look at what the news said?
I'd say 2-5 years before it is publicly flying the black flag. It's already been taken over, and they are already censoring/throwing people in jail for wrong think.
Nigga, what was the first thing the revolutionaries did when they killed the king in your own fucking revolution? go read a fucking book, jesus christ. protip. its called bastille day and is a national holiday in your 3rd world shithole