>The old phonetic alphabet [used by the military] needs to be dusted off according to Rättviseförmedlingen and the Fredrika Bremer Association

>"The old alphabet consists only of men's names," says Seher Yilmaz, President of Rättviseförmedlingen to P1 Morning.

>The lettering used needs to be renewed, the alphabet is unequal and outdated, according to Rättviseförmedlingen and the Fredrika Bremer Association who, at the DN debate, writes that the lettering does not reflect what Sweden looks like today.

>Instead, an inclusive lettering alphabet for the whole of Sweden's population is needed, says Seher Yilmaz, President of Rättviseförmedlingen in P1 Morning.


>The current system has looked the same since the 19th century and contains traditional Swedish male names such as Erik and Rudolf. The new proposal from Rättviseförmedlingen and the Fredrika Bremer Association proposes, for example, Pippi and Khaled.


Send help soon

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It's okay, every nation has their own time to shine and Sweden hasn't had theirs. One day you will march in the street with your own iron cross and slaughter the feminist by the thousands

How come this girl is president of this rat organization?

Wonder if I guess any right:

Its 1/5 of Swedens population versus the rest. Not great odds but I will take it. The rest can burn.

>>country bitching about names in their alphabet
>>can’t even handle shit like the immigrant crisis it’s facing

OK Sweden


>Man's name

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>Seher Yilmaz
Just another roach roaching.

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What crisis? Diversity is strength!

Living proof that non white immigration is the worst mistake Europe ever made. There is nothing they will not meddle with.

This is what happens when you give shitskins positions.

They have their own version.

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What’s the problem? She’s white and qt.

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>The current system has looked the same since the 19th century and contains traditional Swedish male names such as Erik and Rudolf

>Instead, an inclusive lettering alphabet for the whole of Sweden's population is needed

fuck this people, first the claim Sweden has no culture and tradition, than they work to remove said none existent tradition and culture at the same time they literally get there ass burned off by all the multiculturalism they imported

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It’s that there are much more things these people can put their time and finances into
Who gives a shit about the alphabet used by the military?

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Disgusting swedes, how dare you have swedish traditions in the face of this STUNNING, BRAVE and COLOURFUL woman?

poor Sweden what happened

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They're not even good at it. They would have had 10x the support if they had chosen Zlatan for Z.


so sad what a loss

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That's the NATO phonetic alphabet. Sweden isn't in NATO.

One day shitskins will march in the streets with machetes on their hands and dick on the other and rape your future offspring by the thousands, and you're going to do nothing about it, Sven.

Rudolf that.

I heem mustalainen and lakkupelle all the time in public transport or in clubs.

t. Half-finn with high test

This desu

Cringe and Bluepilled

lol thats "Gripsholms slott"
or "castle of Gripphonholm" in english .. I grew up 800 meters from it.

>U Urban

Or Gryphonholme if you want it to sound less retarded

That's not the reason you dumb fucking leaf. It's because we don't speak the same language and don't have the same alphabet.

eat shit sven

but it is the reason. we also don't speak that language, but we use that phonetic alphabet since we're in nato. you would too.

>Sweden hasn't had theirs.
>doesn't know about the Swedish empire


also you guys are now using the nato version apparently, you've wised up.

the absolute fucking state

>Seher Yilmaz
When Feminism merges with Multiculturalism to destroy the Nation. Sweden please grow some balls!!!

>Taking offense from that