What is Kavanaugh? This isn't about "Feminism" vs "Patriotic USA" that is a "SQUIRREL!" narrative.

>Every decisions Kavanaugh makes will be about what the Constitution means.



Attached: Inside-Guantanamo[1].jpg (642x424, 168K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"Electronic Frontier Foundation, [...] worries that “he has a very broad view of the government’s ability to do mass surveillance and specifically in the context where the government is claiming national security.”

" Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has frequently supported giving the U.S. government wide latitude in the name of national security, including the secret collection of personal data from Americans."


"his excessive deference to government arguments, which she found unwarranted by facts; his willingness to overlook relevant law, which she found inexplicable; and his willingness to substitute his own opinions for the law, which she found unacceptable. "


"Lima said Kavanaugh contends the Supreme Court requires "clear congressional authorization" of major rules issued by a government agency as a "vital check on expansive and aggressive assertions of executive authority." (Kavanaugh also wrote: "The economic and political significance of the rule is vast.")"

Yet spying on everyone, not so economic or vast...

Kavanaugh has ruled the NSA's bulk collection of Americans' phone records is "entirely consistent with the Fourth Amendment." He also has argued in favor of warrantless GPS tracking of a suspect's car by police because, he wrote, there is no "reasonable expectation of privacy as to a person's movements" on public roads.


However one [...] chose to gratuitously write an opinion rubber stamping this illegal and constitutional mass surveillance. His name is Brett Kavanaugh. (Kavanaugh Order of 6/28/15 in Klayman v. Obama, Appeal No. 25-5307 D.C. Circuit.)

Does anyone out there have access to DC Circuit Opinions? >dccourts.gov/court-of-appeals/cases-online

Because, clearly, it's important that The People register to get information that could simply be PUBLIC like it MUST BE UNDER THE CONSTITUTION./soapbox



>his willingness to substitute his own opinions for the law
That is what the Supreme Court is SUPPOSED to do, to interpret the constituition...

>to interpret the constituition
Is not to substitute own opinion for law. Laws are Congress's duty, and unless the Constitution says that Congress cannot do something, SCOTUS ought have nothing to say.

Which one was Kavanaugh applying? His opinion, or the Constitution, or the code? None of them have to be the same as any other.

The intercept. The rag put out by that faggot Glennwald? Nah...

Thanks, but I choose to allow unique critiques where I find them, especially when they are on a principle which is rather important. Kavanaugh's handsie behavior as a teen is hardly relevant to his choices on checking Congress and the President, or in hearing State v State cases. It's nice you're the one who has read the obscure, and has an opinion, but somehow your user status doesn't quite refute everything offered in there.

why the hell is feinstein sabotaging him then

>that faggot Glennwald?
This faggot? On Carlson? Well, maybe...

You think Feinstein isn't Deep State? She operates the "caring/sharing" bullshit narrative that expands Bureaus. She wants you disarmed too.

i think she is
isnt this article suggesting kavanaugh is a deep state enabler?

the quotes are real fag

Most of these articles are offering evidence that Kavanaugh is very loose on his interpretation of the Constitution, to say the least.

>Net Neutrality is oppression
Totally, because we don't already give Monopolies to the Infrastructure companies. AT&T and TimeWarner don't already TAX SPONSORED USE of public right of way, and in some cases Regulations Requiring Purchase of Services.

"“Senator, I did not, I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants or—and so I do not have the involvement with that,” Kavanaugh replied."

"Kavanaugh had argued to other Bush officials that Justice Anthony Kennedy, for whom he had clerked, would likely not accept the idea of indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without lawyers."

Did he get brain damage from playing Quarterback?

he had nothing to do with the actual rules
he offered his opinion about the likely ruling of someone who does have something to do with the rules
i dont see the contradiction

So a staff member was offering opinion, during his paid hours, on the likely position of the court regarding the Rules which the White House wanted to propagate, is "not involved."

I guess that's open to interpretation as to what "is" is.

"Kavanaugh’s sexual inquisitors are similarly flippant about justice. They ignore the problem of proving a negative and simply declare him a liar; they then focus on the story of Christine Blasey Ford, declare it true and steam ahead"

"Except for a handful of low-level working-class soldiers, everyone who ordered, justified, implemented or looked the other way at the torture policy got away with it. "


Hes obviosly not a constitutionlist then.

I thought he was supposed to be another Clarence Thomas not a boot licking faggot.

"Titan and CACI, multimillion-dollar private security contractors, had translators and interrogators who tortured prisoners at Abu Ghraib. They got away with it, too. Kavanaugh gave them the pass. He joined the opinion of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals that not only prevented Iraqi victims from suing the corporations in civil court but established sweeping immunity from liability for private contractors in battle arenas into the future. "

well it doesnt matter hes fucked but i see it as him being asked many questions like

>how would justice kennedy rule on this?
>he would say no

he wouldnt be involved in any of the drafting of the law or the purpose of the law or the wording of the law
i dont really see that as being involved but i see how you could

I don't like Feinstein, at all. I think the Socialists should be boiled and peeled like potatoes.

But this, if substantially still correct, is concerning.
"Although Judge Kavanaugh amassed a substantial record during his five years in the Bush White House, to date, less than 3% of his record has been made available to the Committee, and 98.4% of his record is being withheld from the full Senate and the public."