DMT allows you to talk to an alien intelligence, mushrooms are the Earth giving you important lessons, etc

>DMT allows you to talk to an alien intelligence, mushrooms are the Earth giving you important lessons, etc.

If that's true, how come no psychonaut has anything interesting to say except "we are the universe experiencing itself subjectively"?

Why don't they come up with some scientific theory or technological invention, if it really infuses you with a higher order of intelligence?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They talk to demons when they get high.

they are just bad evil people for taking drugs and they try to justify it by saying that they are 2psychonauts". MAKESE ME ANGEREY GRRRRR!!!

That guy really annoys me and he sounds like the ultimate sperglord from planet spergatron

Because you dont qctually understand what that means, which is why it seems stupid to you. Meenwhile, people who arent sub 80 can get some sense from it.
You are trying to explain an increadibly complex set of sensory experiences, which are subverted by psychoactive substances. Considering that most people barely understand their own minds it must be a real struggle to understand what happens when you fiddle with it.
Maybe ill give it a try one day, but it doesnt look like fun to me.
lol wut

Plus the guy in your pic sounds like a complete douchenozzle.

CIA niggers glow in the dark as well

>What is DNA

A lot of the psychonauts inadvertantly discover a similar theme or message to the Buddha -- but in a very convoluted way that bypasses all the time and dedication a monk would normally need to acquire that knowledge. That knowledge, divorced from context, will, or discipline, is devoid of meaning. As such, the psychonaut now has this far greater maligned understanding of the underlying currents that course through the universe but lacks all the tools to navigate those waters.

Most succumb to eventual madness and suicide. Some, a very, very few, go to the basics of Buddhist teachings and begin meditation and calming their mind so they can begin to appreciate this knowledge.


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yes u are right, all drug user suicide themselfes when they not convert to buddhism sooner or later. bc drugs just too much knowledge for small brain non buddhists

>Because you dont qctually understand what that means, which is why it seems stupid to you.
Dude weed lmao
like you know maaann like, everything is everything, duude

because smart niggas sound like crazy niggas to dumb niggas

So obvious none of you has even tried it.
This isn't a fractal show with pretty colors, you will feel your mind being ripped from your body and launched trough a tunnel and into a place you feel you've been before. It will leave you speechless for a week, your reality will seem dull and simple in comparison, you won't ever care about the usual political circle jerking anymore. It truly is life changing and you faggots downplay it to a dude weed level.


thank you user, very true!

i have tried it several times. it changes ur life for like 3 months and then you are back at baseline

well if it's not true why do (((they))) eat the penieal glands of children.

They need to break on through to the other side

Because taking a drug that tricks your brain into essentially dreaming while still conscious doesn't actually make you more intelligent.
Your own internal voice is the one that makes most of your decisions. When that voice has taken the form of a light switch, and is explaining the universe to you in a one-on-one convocation, of course you're going to believe it.

Psychedelics are pretty interesting, but when you boil it down, it's just your brain doing wacky shit. I've seen research that shows psychedelics can be used to treat addiction, schizophrenia and IBS of all things. But the people who trip out in public are ruining any chances of those studies from getting the funding they need.

Because it's pseudoscience. For all we know the psyche can't be fully catalogued and explored. DMT users who claim they've astrally projected or contacted aliens could've just been experiencing distorted lucid dreams and nothing more.

Then explain why everyone recalls the exact same thing. Even psychiatrist can't get patients to agree on what a Rorschach slide is, also it's not like a dream at all. Where do you kids get this info lol

Google tim leary

Op is a huge faggot

Psychs helped me realize that we are indeed in a simulation and people used to have a lot more power (old Gods, heros, and mythology/monsters) and such in the world before they nerfed the world to make it more playable.

People like Jesus, Buddah, etc are all hackers of the code. How the fuck else are you going to turn water to wine?

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How many times u finna make dis thread white boy

yeah epic style

>Then explain why everyone recalls the exact same thing
Because we're the same species. There's plenty of instances where people have dreamed of the same thing.

>also it's not like a dream at all
How do you know? It's possible the substance takes away the ability of the user to know it's a dream.


>He never read about John C. Lilly
One of the most daring trippers ever. Literally involved in MKULTRA so maybe that can explain you why much of this is very widespread.

Maybe because thats all you need to know outside of personal experience

accomplished people who use drugs keep it secret, while losers spread their 'wisdom' all over the place

pretty fucking simple
this is like asking why elites aren't giving us their experiences on child sacrifice

>How the fuck else are you going to turn water to wine?
Placebo effect. You can actually get drunk from drinking water if you think it's alcohol.

It might be that if you tried to explain how to make a computer to a cow it would be an exercise in futility due to the intelligence limit of the cow. ( However, keep in mind that the Francis Crick understood the structure of DNA during an acid trip.)

For humans experiencing a psychedelic trip this may be the same thing.

I've only had one psychedelic experience in which it became apparent that this place is their project, their simulation of a sort, they don't owe us any explanation in the way that we don't owe our toys or things/possessions any explanation in the way that we choose to use them. They made themselves visible to me and we communicated all this without words but rather just understanding being transferred over.

For us humans, we are humbled by the psychedelic experience, and we realize our animal nature and limitations.

The message is love plain and simple. It is the only thing that matters in all its forms.
We are all connected, and oneness becomes very clear. You realize you are everyone from the past and you came back in the form you are now.

You learn that your ego is not who you are. It is something you constructed and feel comfortable living inside as you navigate society.

You see the 1000's of written and unwritten social rules, the fakeness of human interaction, and the fakeness of yourself. It is all necessary for survival.

You realize your brain has sooo many restrictions placed upon it in your sober state which is necessary for you to navigate the world.

You begin to be able to read peoples minds based on the most subtle body language, this is you being at the helm of your subconscious mind.

It's life changing, try it out before you judge. But be warned that there are severe consequences to taking these substances and experiencing this without earning it.

>You can actually get drunk from drinking water if you think it's alcohol.
no you can't lol

The first time I took lsd, I was a little under whelmed. I wasn't expecting a pink dragon or to talk to God or anything, but I was confused about what all the fuss was about.

And then I went out for a cigarette, leaned on the deck railing and looked out at the trees. I would relax my vision, zone out I guess, and the leaves seemed to windmill in place, all spinning around. It was incredibly cool to look at. I gazed upwards toward the peaks of the evergreens in the foreground of the moon and summer night sky. It was incredibly tranquil and relaxing, yet my brain still seemed over active.

Ive always been one of those million miles a minute guy inside of my head, but on acid it was even faster, but it seemed to organize itself. I stopped bouncing around random thoughts, it's really hard to describe. Kind of like driving and taking every turn possible to your destination. But on acid it was more like taking the first turn and jumping on the freeway, thoughts shooting through your mind but never really hanging around long enough for you to ponder them, however things that a necessary to the destination of that train of thought remain constant, like the lines on the road.

If anything, I think I'm going to try microdosing. Another time I took two tabs and went to mcdicks about an hour later, thank God for the fucking self order kiosks because I was having a hard time containing my shit. My vision was obscured by what seemed like the hot air on the road illusion, where everything was just fucking distorted and wavy, but instead of it being out in the distance, it was like it was 4 inches from my face.

But again, my brain jumped on the freeway and away I went. Things didn't seem like problems, every negative anxiety inducing thought was almost immediately disassembled and rendered a non issue. Nothing seemed to be able to bug me.

I don't know where I'm going with this, don't knock it till you try it.


Must be awesome to be insane. Never having to question your judgement for a second. I'm kinda jealous.

>They talk to demons when they get high.
based. demons are redpilled

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Are you gonna explain why or no?

You'll be back at baseline but there's always more to be done, more to experience. Drugs are temporary for a reason, so you can keep filling that hole every human has (which happen to be receptors in the brain).

If people don't want to feel these experiences, they won't understand what they're missing out on and look back with regrets as to how shit their life was when they're older. They'll have all the material objects in the world and have nothing to do with it when they're old and senile. I feel like psychedelics null that pain of regret and help people live with more acceptance.

>make up bullshit
>prove me wrong!

Go ahead then.

Ever tried shrooms? Interested in how they compare to LSD

that's because they open their mind for all the entities, which most are just neutral some evil and some good. these entities are lower energy just like everything else including your body, mind processes etc. and they don't necessary have any information more than you do. actually most likely you have better chance of getting information about highest energy and truth in human form than in their. now if you are naive and think that welcoming all of these entities in your mind is good idea thinking stupidly that all of them are good and they can't be evil you are making big mistake. most likely you wont be possessed or made grazy, no they will simply lie to you same time looking bizarre or beautiful same time. just like they did for terrence. one of these told that to save the world people needs to stop making babies and this fool accepted it as truth and something to teach other for. there is no msg more demonic than this if you think about it. keep your mind and intelligence under your control all times and be free.

>However, keep in mind that the Francis Crick understood the structure of DNA during an acid trip.
>I've only had one psychedelic experience in which it became apparent that this place is their project, their simulation of a sort, they don't owe us any explanation in the way that we don't owe our toys or things/possessions any explanation in the way that we choose to use them. They made themselves visible to me and we communicated all this without words but rather just understanding being transferred over.
whos they?
>The message is love plain and simple. It is the only thing that matters in all its forms.
We are all connected, and oneness becomes very clear. You realize you are everyone from the past and you came back in the form you are now.
Hippy mumbo jumbo. Tell me, do you love murderers? rapists? thieves?
So are you mean to tell me, everything is an illusion? there is no objective? Do you even understand how bad this sounds?
>we are all one
>love all
>yes goy (((love all))), no sin, no personal God, all is (((illusion))).

I think you pasted the wrong link. Try again.

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Yes actually, shrooms a quite similar in the Experience, without so much of the mental effect. It will provide similar, but different visual hallucinations. First time I did them was also the first time I watched little shop of horrors. That fucking plant had me damn near pissing myself by the end.

But shrooms don't give you near the energy lsd does, and doesn't last even a third as long. The problem with lsd is the logistics, it just lasts too damn long. Shrooms can also give you pretty nasty gut rot as it is literally poison, and your shits the next few days will not be pleasant.

It also doesn't leave you as drained the next day like lsd does, but again that ties into logistics and staying up all night if you take it past 3pm.

Really, acid>Shrooms but Shrooms have their place as well

Way better. More organic and flowy all around, good fun at low doses, and incredibly powerful at high doses. More viscerally emotional, and more organized thoughts. At doses of 4g and up, I feel like I can think about a thing from all perspectives and directions at once. I make connections in my brain to all conscious and subconscious knowledge and sensory experience,and it is all instantly applied to the train of thought on my mind. Do them with friends (whether or not they also ate Shrooms) and you will have the kind of powerful, thoughtful conversations and connections that are just not possible on acid due to its more 'distracting' headspace. Also, Shrooms are just more comfy. I've experienced pure bliss on higher doses, crying tears of happiness and feeling love to the extent I never have before.

>pretty nasty gut rot as it is literally poison, and your shits the next few days will not be pleasant.

You're a fucking idiot.

People are people. Taking dmt doesn't make you a fucking shaman, even Terence McKenna said it's like hitting a clock with a hammer to see how the gears work.

It does give you insights and there is no shame in admitting you know nothing. I'm sure you'll do very well in life, get lots of money and a wife and kids and be awesome. Because isn't that what life is all about?


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> 1 post by this I'd

For the love of god don't diminish the experience that psychedelics bring. Then you'll only have (()) to tell you what's important in life.

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Maybe it is a myth, I should research that more. Thank you for that.

I don't know who "they" are. Maybe they are the things that created this place or maybe "they" are a part of me having a dialogue with myself while extremely high. No way of knowing.

No, I don't love rapists, or murders. I meant loving your family, you wife, your children, your friends, and good people. It leads to a fulfilling life to value your family, friends over anything else.

I don't know what you mean by objective but before the psychedelic experience I didn't contribute to society due to sever nihilist thoughts. After the experience I finished a degree in physics and engineering and want to "play the game" because the alternative of doing nothing is very bleak and depressing even if there is no real point to this place aside from experiencing it with the ones you love such as family, friends, etc. My views are heavily influenced by Camus and absurdism.

You may get different insights if you have a psychedelic experience. I was just sharing what I experienced and learned.

It's not that bad. Psylocybin the poison, but our bodies have evolved to deal with it and quickly convert it into psylocin, which is the active hallucinogen. As that above americabro said, he regularly takes 4 grams. Depending on the person, youd probably not need near that, and you should be able to do about 4 grams without getting gut rot as long as your stomach isn't empty.

The depth of our conceptions is somewhat constrained by the variety of sensory perceptions we have experienced (inlcuding states of mind). Taking an intense hallucinogen greatly transforms the way you perceive the world, and the way you perceive the world impacts your ability to form conceptions about reality, therefore taking a hallucinogen impacts your ability to form conceptions about reality. Thus it "expands your mind" in the sense that you now have more baseline perceptions as tools to form novel abstractions in your own mind.

>Then explain why everyone recalls the exact same thing

Every person doing a particular drug is experiencing the same chemical reaction in their head. The expectation of that is people of the same culture will see similar things.

(People who have never heard of aliens aren't going to trip and see aliens)

how do you know Moses wasn't talking to a demon when he huffed the fumes of that burning bush?

>If that's true, how come no psychonaut has anything interesting to say
Because they know you won’t believe them and because you are to spiritually asleep to understand any of it.

wasnt the guy who discovered DNA on LSD? of course hippy burnouts arent going to be able to convey what they experience.

can confirm, met demons when i was tripping sack on salvia

honestly, some experiences are way above what we can understand. at a certain dosage, you enter realms that are beyond human comprehension and beings that operate on a completely different level than us. Its like an ant trying to comprehend calculus

salvia is known for being unpleasant

i was indifferent to it. i didnt feel any life altering "epiphanies" you get from other psychedelics. i remember seeing the air, and 3 static-like tall hooded shadow beings appeared and were watching over me, they caused me to turn into water and seep into the grain of the wooden deck i was on while telepathically "communicating" what i perceived as gibberish. i wasnt terrified but i remember not liking their presence. it was of course just me fried on drugs, and none of it actually happened.
Lol. i did it again like a month later in the woods around a fire at night. i dont think i smoked as much and it was quite pleasant.

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classic degenerate hedonist. bet you like cuck porn as well

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how do i get my hair to look like that?

Alan Watts is better

Do shrooms every day

He had solid ideas, but Terrence was better at communicating his.

idk how to get shrooms :( they arent native to my area i think

Copy pasta with ONE POST by that ID, hmmm, I wonder who could be be mine this?

Buy spores online, avoid grow kits because they're scams. Just watch a video or search for a "growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms" pdf by Paul Stamets.

i actually bought spores online once 10 years ago but i didnt prepare it right so they got moldy and ruined. i was so worried id get caught i had it shipped to a neighbors house who i knew would give me the package and say it was delivered to the wrong address. thanks for the idea i think ill try that again

People throughout history have used psychedelics to open their minds. You ever wonder why jimi always had a bandana?

There’s nothing psychs can teach you that you can’t learn from the internet,books, and meditation
>whoooaaaa maaaaan like far out we are the universal cosmic unity based in light and love!
Is what all the dumbass hippy “psychonauts” spout. In reality you are just experiencing delusions and those drugs can come with real negative consequences. The part that intrigues me is how some people see fractal patterns on them which if you’ve studied anything about life/the universe and our planet is an interesting subject. That bit makes me think it’s conpletey not all horse shit but I’ve done it enough time to realize it’s mostly just getting high.

If you have a square meter or so of space in a shaded, cold, wet area its much easier to grow them outside and if done correctly the mycelium will form an underground network that will fruit into shrooms every season.

Has anyone else asked the dmt elves about Q?

If you've got any dmt, smoke some and ask them about Q and then let's compare notes.

Don't worry about this thread disappearing, there'll be another one soon; we can talk there.

I tried salvia once and was transported to another dimension, mostly unconscious, just lots of black and confusion, a bit like when you're unable to breathe properly and your vision goes dark. It was worthless and a shitty experience

Drugs literally develop your mind.
Psychedelic drugs promote neural plasticity in rats and flies
>Psychedelic drugs may have mind-altering powers in the physical sense, too. A new study has found psychedelics, specifically DOI, DMT, and LSD, can change brain cells in rats and flies, making neurons more likely to branch out and connect with one another. The work supports the theory that psychedelics could help to fight depression, anxiety, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

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This x10

our "god" is a demon, too, he just tricked us all into thinking he's god
there is literally nothing wrong with demons

one of the advantages of studying a bit of math -- especially if you're no kind of genius - is that you'll inevitably encounter a problem that you can't seem to figure out, andf then you'' experience a sudden flash of insight, an illumination. "Of course, that's how you solve it", you'll think, and work frantically for a couple of minutes... and get the completely wrong answer.

Your brain might be telling you all this unity love illusion stuff, buit it's doing so at a time when you've deliberatlely have caused it to malfunction, and you should be open to the possibility that it could just be bullshit.

because the drugs aren't supernatural and don't connect them to anything but their own unconscious.

>we are the universe experiencing itself subjectively

is an empty truism; we are a part of the universe with subjective experiences. it's the result of their trying to consciously reassemble their unconscious state.

true enlightenment DOES permit some degree of abnormally accurate (if not precise) prediction, but it also brings its own inherent disinterest in trying to change anything.

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It's not true
Both just show you how easily your body can trick your mind

What a load of crap.

I did acid once and started seeing swastikas imprinted everywhere, then i "whited out" in a ambulance and was forgiven by Ganesha . Worst of times, best of times

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I did shrooms a few months ago. Before the trip, I set out for them to answer me what the structure of the universe was.

Well, the "universe experiencing itself subjectively" part is one of the things I understood. Another thing I saw/understood was that our reality is a very "focused" and "narrowed down" perception, if you will. We will never be able to prove higher consciousness scientifically because higher consciousness is by definition less "focused on", and logical and the scientific method are precise, more focused.

If that makes any sense. Words really fail you after you try to explain an experience like this.

Except they're timeless beings with infinite gifts that will not simply bend to human will


mushrooms are aliens you dumb fuck. Spores came from outer space. Mescalin is the earthiest high there is.

Because McKenna was a CIA asset and the psychedelics thing is a psyop. There are no shortcuts to understanding reality. It has to be done through the logos and metaphysical/philosophical studies. God gave us these faculties of reasoning so that we may partake in his divine essence. This is why our God is unique among all religions, and allows us a bridge between the internal, finite mind of man to the external world and the logos. This includes the other "Abrahamic" religions who nominally worship the same God, but anatomically a different God. Their God doesn't allow for this bridge, and it is a form of mental enslavement. Likewise the British empricist tradition that dominates modern Western thought creates a similar form of mental imprisonment. Indeed, many 1488ers are sons of this paradigm of thought and it's my life mission to help them break out of it, and see the extreme, divine beauty of reality. There IS no other way to this revelation, this level of knowledge and enlightenment, than through the Lord.

Do not fall for these false teachers pushing drugs on you. Do not fall for CIAniggers telling you that Christianity was a Jewish trick muh Eurobean roots I worship nature now. No no. Even Kant and Hume couldn't bridge the mind with the external world, and their hubris kept them in this mental prison until they died.

Is DMT Legal on any form?

>this is what religiousfags truly believe

What's Q? Do I wanna know?

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Woah leaf, this is some next level /x/ shit, you're gonna have to explain.