HOW IN THE FUCK do normies watch this mainstream coverage of the hearing today and NOT get redpilled on them living in a 1984 propaganda state? It is turning my stomach to watch even a few minutes at a time. It's laughable. I feel stuck in a bad dream. Is a huge portion of the population truly zombie-fied? How is this shit tolerated?
I know this is obvious to most regulars here, but
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enjoy the ride, user
No, it's a form of class warfare, they think it's like an NFl game where you root for your team no matter what...
They just can't understand that other people inhabit the world along with them...
They Live is a documentary.
It really is
Uh, Normies don't watch hearing coverage OP...
This. Normalfags get their news from facebook memes, trending tweets, and clickbait headlines. Everything else is a distraction from sportsball, substance abuse, AAA video games, and entertaining roasties.
They do. They also watch coverage of the coverage on shit like "The View".
Watching further propaganda of the propaganda.
USA has a HUGE juden problem that needs solving plain and simple.
>juden problem
Can't you just take a valium or xanax to pass a polygraph?
Why do you think people here like the NPC meme so much and others hate the NPC meme so much? Because even though it’s kinda fedora tier shit like oh, we’re more epic and special compared to everyone else, there’s just no other way to describe it. Most people are legitimate braindead retards that will do as they’re told by whoever is in power and that is why (((Democracy))) is so loved by jews.
but think of the children
Most are Betas say 95% circle jerking themselves on Reddit. The masses of sheep are easily influenced by a strong shepherd like murdoch
The children will be fine when all the new Fortnite content and related YouTube videos drop.
Hurry up Islam...we need you more than ever
There is a solution but it's final.
Sorry Mahmoud, it ain’t happening.
A huge portion of the population is rife with bias and hatred toward white men.
Review pic related and determine for yourself.
normies don´t
shitlibs do
Most normies don´t watch the news because of that exact reason
Most of my normie freinds said something aslong the lines of "oh you watch the news, I don´t it´s too much work to uncover all the propaganda and bullshit they tell us to get the the truth hidden under it"
The only people watching MSM are shitlibs boomers and people watching one specific occasion like let´s say the election results
>normies don´t
>shitlibs do
i.e. getting their dose of indoctrination
No, they get it. They understand fully that 95% of the other people in the world are NPCs.