This world is fucked up

I usually don't get blatantly angry, but what the fuck is wrong with this clown world? Why are we even giving this woman the time of day? She makes this big claim that Kavanaugh tried to rape her thirty years ago, when he was drunk and 17. She has no proof, can barely remember shit, and what are we supposed to do? Send a Not-Even-A-Rape kit back in time? The republicans are indulging Ford by letting her even tell her story. They should have literally told her to fuck off with her bullshit stories and that if she wanted to ruin his life, she should've reported this when it happened. The republicans are just as much at fault as the dems if Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed. They let her testify, and now there are groups all over the country protesting and supporting this woman. Planned Parenthood movements, twitter dumbasses, high school walkouts, all of this because we are allowing this woman to "tell her story" that has no connection to today. I don't even care if he groped her or some shit, because it happened literally three decades ago. Am I the only one seeing what kind of bullshit this is? That we are allowing her to ruin this man's shot at Supreme Court Judge because of some hazy memory from that long ago? This world is beyond ruined if this is all it takes. A ghost of an accusation.

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how do i unsubscribe from this blog

Calm down we are working on it

the eu should do it for you soon enough

It’s madness, what’s worse is the Democrats telling her she’s “brave” and “courageous” without even knowing if she’s telling the truth or not. They should all be lined up and shot.

80% of the country feels the way you do but are too afraid to say it.

This is good for us. Public trust in institutions is what keeps people comfortable. When their faith in these institutions disappears, that’s when fascists introduce ourselves.

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It’s getting close. Americans are buying this shit. Half the country hasn’t believed a word from the mainstream Jew news for over 2 years now so this really is the last shot. This and ww3

Not even in mexico, im embarrassed to be americas neighbor

aren’t **

What the hardest redpill the swallow is going to be for you is the west deserves to fall. So many sheep let this happen and even embrace it and want this madness to continue. Our society has nothing left sustaining it, we are nosediving into oblivion. Here is this thing, we have to completely fail as a society mad max style to be able to rise from the ashes. Nothing short of this is going to fix it.

>Why are we even giving this woman the time of day?

Because survivors of sexual violence deserve a voice, and that's especially important when Republicans try to push a serial rapist into high office.

The fact that she sent the letter BEFORE Kavanaugh was selected does a lot to help her credibility. Sorry losers but it's over. Kavanaugh is done.

You're complaining about the whole system falling apart?

You forgot to mention Jow Forums dumbasses in your rant, faggot.

time is of the essence you nigger

totally. we definitely reach a very frustrating absurdity level in human existence. just the fact that now i know this loser nut-job exists is foul in itself.


i’ve accepted it a looong time ago, i’ve seen how our fellow countrymen have sold us out and betrayed us. Just watching this hearing shows you how divided and petty the system has become, it will only get worse from here.

Kavanaugh has been at the top of the list of GOP supreme court nominees since 2012, there are numerous articles dating back to March 2012 (two months before her "couples therapy" session) specifically stating that if Mitt Romney was to become president Kavanaugh would be his #1 Supreme Court pick.

this shit has been in the works for 6 years now.

Don't let democrat roasties get you shook or they've already won

She obviously believes her own story. She didn't want any of this circus. Her slimey jew kike lawyers and congress monsters threw her into the gears. Fuck Feinstein, fuck her lawyers, fuck spartacus and camel harris. If they were on fire in front of me, I couldn't even be bothered to piss on them to put them out. They are enemies of the united states.

We’ve burned down and risen up before. We slaughtered Neanderthals and muzzies and beat the plague. Then we conquered the whole fucking world.

Also, even if we do decide to suicide, if this were a game of civilization you’re just living in the time after the white player won the whole map, clicked “keep playing”, and left to go get tendies instead of watching the map. Our flag is on the moon. no one else is getting there. We already won go fuck yourselves.

I’m okay with letting her testify. It gives all the feminist hope before they are completely crushed. Now we will have a sustainable amount of salt to de ice the roads for several winters


you raped me... so can you turn yourself in now.

wow see how retarded that is w/o proof you fucking brainlet


If he's vindicated it'll be a major blow to the lefties at least. Gl burgerbros

The Republicans know everyone is watching and they know every one of these senate hearings go well for dems in the media but people are tired of the media and theyre letting the dems scream and grandstand and do their bullshit, because really it helps republicans. Wether or not they get Kavanaugh people will remember that republicans got an actual expert to ask her questions, while democrats are lauding her even though nobody really believes her. Theyre letting the Democrats dig their own grave

I sure do feel like winner right now

Trust the plan.

Do it, start killing them, its why we have the 2nd amendment. When the senate judicial committee abandons the very pillars of the American justice system, we have duty to do something.

Stop raping her you fucking rapist. She gets raped again every time an user posts

happy to help

Kys red_ditor. Kavans going to jail and your pathetic attempts at converting 4chab to Red_dit 2.0 ain't welcome here

I literally try to live vicariously through my Roman history books to escape this world because of this kind of shit OP.

Yeah, this is radicalizing normie conservatives who are coming to realize that America is under attack.

The fact that Trump is letting this be the focus of the country instead of hijacking the media cycle like he normally does is proof enough that he thinks this is only good for Republicans. Red wave incoming.

You stupid fucking Leaf. That is what you are. A stupid, pig fucking, degenerate Leaf.

>its OPs first day awake to the jihad
welcome, sucker

Yeah..and wonder how many other letters for the other potential nominees the Dems are sitting on

Trump willed it, that's why. He wants Kavanough scrapped.
Kavanough was never Trump's pick.
He was Kennedy's pick.

Look a Gorsuch. A man. Not a life long DC urbanite moral relativist fake Catholic sun deprived scumbag that only appoints women as his underling clerks.

Trump wants someone much further right than Kennedy 2.0.

you havnt seen anything yet

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>hurr durr 8D chess
if kavanaugh gets blocked trump won't have enough time to put a new pick forward before the midterms you fucking tool

>I’m okay with letting her testify. It gives all the feminist hope before they are completely crushed.
This is why I refused to watch this circus. I know who is in the right. Hint: It's not the party of baby murderers.

We could have got this done over summer but congressmen wanted 2 months vacation. Trump could have called an emergency session and forced them to vote.

If urgency was really a concern, this is what should have happened.

It either isn't or they don't care about the American people that much after all.

If the midterms go badly, Trump is going to declare martial law due to Chinese election interference and get rid of traitors associated with them.


>He dindu nuffin

I feel you user. At this point I find it hard to even care if the accusations are true. Just like you I feel that after 36 fucking years what the fuck do you want me to do about it now with no evidence other than her word against his of an almost rape that never was. Too bad, she should have STFU for another 36 years cuz the fucks I give are going to implode and create a black hole big enough to swallow the galaxy at this point.

>She obviously believes her own story
That has nothing to do with reality though. Between the schizophrenic screaming earnestly there's spiders under their skin, and actual reality, there's a whole parade of crazy fuckers who genuinely believe the machinations their minds have conjured up. The largest chunk of them women as well.

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That's her secret. She's always being raped.

FIX IT!!!!

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Well she did what she wanted to do. She ruined his career.

She probably consented to group sex and now using it years later.

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this shit is a HUGE fucking win for MGTOW

You drop your shekels bro.

>we're working on it
Were coming up on midterms and LITERALLY NOTHING has been done to the deepstate/dems

We're running out of time, and soon we will have a Democrat in the white house and suddenly civil war doesn't sound so good with dems in control.

Trump is seriously fucking up and he will hand us over to the deepstate in 2 years. They will be merciless and go much further than ever before to maintain their power

My mind warped into a hypercube trying to understand the logic behind that shit.

Amazing. We've gone from dog piling a woman to sexually assaulting a woman to raping a woman to >serial rapist
Get fucked

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This is why I hate my country.

>red wave incoming
If republicans keep fucking up everything then democrats most assuredly will take the house

wasn't there a huge series of pasta from CTR posting here that they were moving their offices to Canada?
did Jow Forums just forget that a lot of shills moved up north?

You're under the impression that we have to parties. There is only the swamp and they few that fight it. There's a reason why Republicans fight against the border wall and immigration reform

I'm right there with you user.

The fact that last-minute, imaginary sex fantasies are a thing in a judicial hearing is ridiculous.

The way Dr. Ford giggled her way through the hearing in her little girl voice was sickening.

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that's exactly the point. i can, with a straight face, say i believe Ford (i.e. i believe she isn't lying) but I don't believe she is telling an objective truth. and her slimey kike lawyers should be gassed.

I actually believe most of the accusations, I just don't give a shit. Not trying to be edgy, but I don't care what Chad did to some roasties 30 years ago.

When is time travel?

Mark my fucking words this shit will be the biggest mistake the dems have ever made.
I said it during the moore fiasco. now that false rape accusations work, they will throw them at literally everything.
just like they did with racism, just like they did with sexism. and guess what happened? they normalised racism and sexism. now no one gives a shit if you get called racist or sexist.
pretty fucking soon NO woman will be believed. all allegations of rape even if they are true, will be looked at as false. they have no fucking idea how much damage they are doing to themselves.

>She obviously believes her own story.

And this is why you should never take women seriously unless they offer hard evidence. They can ALWAYS convince themselves they are the victim no matter what happens. Woman ran over your child? Child’s fault for being in their way. Woman cheated on you? Your fault for not making her feel special. Woman stepped in out in little to no clothing and got cat called? Mens fault.

Never ever listen to women, because this is what it will get you and trust me when I say that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Wouldn't surprise me.

Is it just me or does this make literally no sense?

I'm pissed at the RNC as much as the demoshit motherfuckers. They never should have allowed this clown show to go forward on no evidence. Stupid motherfuckers. The only good thing to come out of it is Feinstein the kike bitch from hell got btfo and looked like the hooknose demon she is when questioning Kav, and now they're on break trying to figure out what the fuck to do so they don't lose optics again. These fucking hellspawn need to be disemboweled and placed on gibbets all over DC as a warning to whoever tries this shit next.

Do you realize how quickly people forget? It needs to be right before.



Checked and mated

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She looks like a homeless woman they just now gave a makeover.

Shut up jew

His alleged rape didn't really bother this woman too much if it took her 30 years for her to complain about it.

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I think a lot of people are going to turn on the Me too movement over this bullshit.

Its basically gone to its logical conclusion, a woman can make an accusation without evidence 30+ years later and we're supposed to assume a man is guilty until proven innocent because #believeallwomen.

Its madness.

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Worst timeline ever

i hope you're right.

Who gives a fuck.. they're all actors, it's all a show.

she probably just said this stuff, based on no real world happening whatsoever.

You cucks are responsible for this shit you know, you're all beta fags who are too pussy to actually do anything about the problem except complain like whiny little fags. You also all support neo-con faggot libkikes

Jesus shut the fuck up. if it meant jack shit to her why didnt she report this garbage 30 years ago. why now when its convenient. she deserves nothing because nothing happened.

Whites are partly neanderthal though. It's actually what makes us more intelligent and empathetic than other humans.

Just let things play out man. Woman are asking to be babysat and prevented from having harm being done to them. They don't want man to be around them for fear of being assaulted and they essential want a bodyguard whenever they go out. They don't want to be starred at and looked at either. They want sharia and sharia they will have.

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>le deepstate/dems
YOU FUCKING NUPOL RETARDS. It's all a fucking show. There is no deepstate. The (((republicans))) aren't any more BASED xD than the (((democrats))). It's all scripted by the kikes. You're elections are a fucking lie. Kys reddit Jow Forums used to be woke to this before the election brought you mouth-breathing low-iq civnat retarded faggots onto this board.


I have to disagree, to a point. Repubs are just as bad as Dems and the majority of the conflicts are fucking kayfabe. But you've seen all the zionist shills who've come out against Trump, how Soros suddenly was distracted from destroying Europe to attack us. Trump's not perfect but he's a nationalist wild card. And a lot of the Republicans under him are beginning to see which way the wind is blowing. They're realizing that their voters are getting involved once again and looking for people to represent their interests, not just for an R next to the name.
Also, whether or not the deep state exists, it refers to an unelected cabal of wealthy patrons who really call the shots in politics. We put out the name "deep state" to get people thinking and looking into it. If we just outright said "the kikes," most normies wouldn't believe us. We have to set the bait and let them discover the truth on their own.

>80% of the country feels the way you do but are too afraid to say it.
So they take it to the secret ballot. =)

No, you don’t get it. The lapse in memory is consistent with those of trauma survivors and proves she is telling the truth. If she was lying, she would have perfect memory.
>this is an actual argument used by the dems earlier today

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> It's all scripted by the kikes

Yeah, dumbass. Who do you think the deep state is?

Absolutely based and checked

Lol then get all your friends to join you back in Mexico

It's been argued by (mostly kike) psychologists for decades now, an easy way to make sure that the man you're lying about ends up in prison or has his life destroyed. She can't remember or her story keeps changing? That's proof it's real because trauma does that!

>women don't use rape for political gains?
>waiting 30+ years to file a report, is criminal and complicit in conspiracy.
>public accusations with no evidence

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The point being is that there isn't any sort of division in the government. It's all on the same side.