What would a US Waffen-SS volunteer division insignia look like?

Old thread died before I got a chance to respond.

SS volunteer units typically used established symbols from [insert nation]'s heraldry, so it would make sense for a US division to use something quintessentially American.
Possibly the bald eagle from the Great Seal, or the Statue of Liberty. Maybe even the iconic snek from the "No Step" flag.

Attached: Amerikanisches Schutzstaffel.jpg (1495x1800, 258K)

Attached: 1508568588594.jpg (1024x1023, 362K)

This one's purely for the meme value.

Attached: Muttenkopf Division.jpg (800x533, 114K)

Attached: 43174963-hamburger-icon-fast-food-sign-burger-symbol-linear-outline-icon-on-white-background-vector. (1300x1300, 63K)

my sides

>purely for meme value
It's perfect.

SS Division "Libertas"


Fucking kek

Attached: Burgerstaffel.jpg (900x561, 81K)

Attached: mcdomallSS.png (1200x1454, 98K)

you got it with the eagle IMO

L*terally the first thing that came to my mind, so it has to be good.
>das Occam's Razor face

This or

Attached: download.png (284x177, 2K)

Attached: coiled-snake-symbol-37716442.jpg (1314x1300, 88K)

a big black dick

This. It actually looks aesthetic as fuck.

Attached: applewood-bacon-cheddar-burger-jeffrey-a-mcdonald-south-florida-food-photographer.jpg (750x750, 403K)

top kek
top quality



Attached: bsmug2.png (212x251, 19K)

the no step snake one

>volunteer force
>American symbolism
Just use the national guard symbol.

Attached: national guard fasces.png (220x203, 47K)

Attached: scooter-ss.png (1093x599, 219K)

>We are the fighting Amerik Hai!

Attached: D8E42863-B110-4E3E-BE02-416D6D7AD1C0.gif (245x200, 372K)

I've seen some alternate history autism about a W-SS George Wasington division complete with his profile on the collar tab, pic related. Not a very good design IMO, because it's not immediately recognizable.

Bretty gud.

The 30yo boomer on his lawnmower might also work.

Attached: Wash.jpg (900x561, 68K)

Attached: walmart-ss.png (1093x599, 220K)

kek, that's great.
my sides

Alright, pack it up, we're done here.

tfw General Patton wanted to utilize "honorable German soliders" including the SS to attack the real enemy of Europe (Bolshevism) but (((they))) fucking assassinated him.