This dude really loves his charts

This dude really loves his charts.

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kind of cute like a little boy giving a presentation at school

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this is all I see

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>This dude really loves his charts.
That cannot be denied, even by a democrat witch hunt.

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the goyah need to be talked to in the simplest terms
anyway, why does it bother you, Ali?

kike hatred aside, I'm picturing a mullah watching this:
- oh, fuck, I didn't realize they knew about that base!
- oh, fuck, we're fucked
- wait, what? the UN doesn't believe him?
- lol fuck me sideways, we're in the clear
- inashallah!

Don't say he didn't warn you. The guy is doing his best to avert catastrophe, yet the world is deaf to his pleas. You still have a chance to come to your senses

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