Everyone is missing the moral of the story here

1. Ford was raped.
2. It wasn't Kav.
I mean is the average person really so dense and blinded by partisan loyalties that they can't comprehend this?

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>the doubleganger theory

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This is true
This is why I despise politics

If she was raped she wouldn't have waited 36 years to conveniently remember it now. The only explanation that makes sense is that she's just a woman who has read too much feminist literature and feels this is her moment to make a change in the world by coming up with an uncorroborated story that hopefully does enough damage to fulfill its purpose even when it eventually isn't held up in hearing.

She wasn't raped. She was held down and groped then struggled and got away. Allegedly.

She says she thinks he wanted to rape her. Key difference.

She wasn't raped she was just groped
The only one accusing rape is the one going through the lawyer that looks like Zidane

Loving this Netflix reboot of Rashomon

either or, having a liberal psychology professor and democrat activist conveniently bring this up right before the nomination is so blatantly obvious it would've been laughed out of court up until 2 years ago when "guilty until proven innocent" stopped meaning anything.

>Ford was raped.
>She wasn't raped she was just groped
There's no reason to believe she was even groped. She was clearly being dishonest about other things, like the lie about being afraid to fly, when she flies routinely.

FFFFFFFFFFFFord is just a liar

I don't trust peoples memories from 35+ years ago without confirming evidence. The human mind fills in blanks. This could literally have been a dream she had fantasizing about Kav trying to rape her.

There's a fucked up possibility that Democrats are gaslighting actual sexual assault victims MKULTRA-style to use as weapons against Republicans.

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Ford was not raped. Kavanaugh was not accused of rape.

Bitch wasn’t ever raped.


1. Kav was raped.
2. It wasn't Ford.

Dr. Ford has been MK-ULTRA'd into misidentifying the perpetrator. This is why her laywers keep her from directly confronting the judge. It might come back to her that it was not him.

Yeah seriously. A 50 year old reminiscing about a party when they were a teenager remembering the first and last name of a boy she just met that day. Seems legit.

It sounds like Kavanaugh was entitled popular jock. grinding and creeping on girls at parties is pretty standard fare and girls that go to these parties usually know what to expect. and whether these advances are considered acceptable or not is entirely dependant on whether she thinks the guy is hot or not and/or what her friends think.

It's not a "doppleganger" theory, it's a "recovered memory bullshit" theory. In her mind, it's Kavanaugh; it wasn't Kavanaugh.

Ford never claimed to be raped. She claimed that some rowdy dudes at a party tackled her and put a hand over her mouth. And she has ptsd from that shit.

yeah this seems plausible. she has a traumatic memory fuzzied by 36 years. something triggering to her (trump electing a supreme court judge) is happening. it's been hyped for months. then his name and picture comes out "oh my god! that's the guy!"

like the holocaust stories from all those liars. They say well it was true to me. oy vey.

Maybe Trump will change the strict consent laws from all this

nobody noticed she admitted to dating the lookalike kid. no wonder she didn't wanna name him. it's clearly his event and she's using it for political aims and directing it at Kavanaugh

That woman was clearly lying.

she's not even alleging a rape of any kind

Based leaf

Ford wasn't raped but she should have been (by a mixed pack of niggers and grids ridden dogs)

Nothing happened to her.
Being raped is her only claim to fame and it never even happened.

That memory hasn’t been recovered yet.


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