I mean, I believed him since the woman doesn't have a single shred of evidence, and every possible witness denies that gathering ever happening. But Kavanaugh is constantly making excuses not to go through an FBI investigation. Hell not even excuses, he says "I would but they don't reach conclusions". How is anyone supposed to believe him then? There are no witnesses, no evidence, and yet he refuses a proper investigation? I don't know Jow Forums. I don't know. What do you think?
How can we believe Kavanaugh?
I uploaded the wrong pic btw. Not that it changes much though
The dems want to wrap him up into an indefinite investigation like Trump. Everyone sees through it. You should too.
His record of public service stands for itself. 36 years ago as a 16 year old means diddly.
>I dindu nuffin
Because it's just a fucking stall tactic. His background has been investigated by the FBI 6 times.
because the FBI would find to take 0 leads and conveniently not finish the investigation until the new Senate is confirmed in January
Well you guys convinced me. I can comfortably believe him now. And I can understand that he couldn't say any of that in a senate hearing. It seems like a sensible move on the Democrats' part to just have him investigated until the midterms
Also just a few seconds ago the chairman explained that according to Joe Biden an FBI report means nothing, and that an FBI's investigation is worthless. Also slapped the Dems calling for one by claiming they won't hear. So yeah, case closed.
I wish Kavanaugh would just call it a stall tactic over the mic.
>I welcome an investigation
So you're saying Kavanaugh should risk not getting nominated due to investigative delays and the dems taking the senate and actually call an investigation on himself?
>"I welcome an investigation"
>Is asked if then since Blasey Ford and him both want one why shouldn't the committee be delayed and an investigation take place
>"I don't want one because they don't reach conclusions"
Now, if you read the whole thread, other anons explained what the Democrats' strategy is (which is kinda necessary since I'm not American). And knowing that, I acknowledged that refusing an investigation (or at least denying that he wants one to take place) actually makes sense.
checked and this
He is not running the show.
He should however ask the fbi to investigate ford and exactally how we got to today.
>excuses not to go through an FBI investigation
Are you fucking dumb? It's an excuse to stall his confirmation for as long as possible
Because the FBI investigation would tie the whole thing up to well after the midterm elections.
IF they REALLY wanted a legal investigation, they'd turn it over to the MD police, who'd be the ones to actually come to investigative conclusions on it. BUT they'd have it closed within days due to being laughably unprovable by any legal definition.
The FBI is under the thumb of the Dems atm and everyone knows it. They'll just take longer to investigate until the election so they can fill his seat.
He's not refusing an investigation he's saying if the commit wants one he supports it. They don't want one though they want him to personally welcome it. They're arguing about who should ask the FBI to do it when all of them are capable of doing it. This is US lawyer bullshit and we all hate it. It's not even about the allegations and none of the questions revolve around it. Just massive bullshit
This "investigation" would just be used as a way to stall the vote.
The Dems don't want an investigation. The Dems want to stall the vote until after the Midterm Elections. The Dems are hoping that they will have more seats so that they'll be able to block candidates.
As it stands now the only thing stopping Kavannaugh is cucked Republicans. If they successfully stall it might be cucked Republicans and Democrats
Got it now. Might just be that not living over there I was lacking significant context
OP is a faggot shill.
Kavanaugh is an Establishment, Zionist, Patriot Act shill.
Pick your poison.
The American legal system is not equipped to handle the crocodile tears of women nor can it protect from commie society-wrecking shenanigans.
Cuckservatives will white knight for the destruction of Western civilization
>after 6 fbi checks
>doesn't want to delay because democrats wont nominate
thats why. thats always been why.
Here we have someone unable to read a thread
Yeah, that's my feeling. I hate the Dems and their sleazy phony tactics but can't work up much enthusiasm for some neocon zionist judge, either.
Cuckservatives are a bigger enemy than shitlibs.