Every time this man opens his mouth, I believe more and more that McCunt blackmailed him. I never liked him but this 180 he has recently taken is suspect.
Lindsey Graham just chewed out everyone in the hearing
It's truly amazing to see these people become unleashed as if a weight has been taken off their shoulders.
you guys are so pathetic
anybody that agrees with you retards is automatically your savior
no wonder your movement is so weak and filled with criminals and rapists
says the person with a kekistan flag
What did he say?
baby want replies
He ripped the J left.
Don't you stupid fucks do that SAME EXACT THING? kys
that dems are a bunch of liars and if reps refuse to vote for Chad, he'll beat the shit out of them with his own hands.
Memeflag faggotry
I apologize
hit a sore spot on you drunpfcuck weenies havent i
you know im right
you retards are so fake you are as the “libtards”
fishing for them (you)s
The timing is certainly interesting. He has a lot more work to do to win my support. He has a history of sticking to the far left edge of conservative politics at best.
extremely based. kavanaugh will win
He was right.
Also, there is no reason for Kavanaugh to invite an FBI accusation. First, he's innocent of the accusations. Second, they will keep piling on more and more accusations and delays until at least 2020. Third, you should never invite investigation as it results in a fishing expedition. The basic idea is that you are accused of a crime you are innocent of, invite a police investigation, and they find evidence for some other crime and convict you for that. Pretty much nobody has never committed a crime, everyone has at least jaywalked or done something that they were unaware was a crime. See youtube.com
It's politically bad to say things like "I can't agree to investigation because I don't want to start a fishing expedition because I may have committed a crime I'm unaware of", so it is a lose-lose situation for him whether Kavanaugh were to invite an FBI investigation or not. There are also suggestion that the FBI is compromised.
I meant FBI investigation, not accusation.
Based af. Hope he continues being good.
I guess we know who Trump should nominate next
>anybody that agrees with you retards is automatically your savior
Yeah the democrats are a joke
We're not fake, though. That's what sets us apart from you literal child-raping pieces of shit.
Mass replying memeflaggot
You'll die raped to death by wild dogs.
>were not fake
you’re right you guys are just low iq and retarded
falling for mainstream media distractions while your rights are stripped from you daily
americucks are fucking unironically pathetic
I wonder if you'll go to prison for this, shill.
They're learning how to win
>I will teach them.
Same Lindsey Graham who was a buttbuddy of McCain. Same whore. Same fucking opportunist. Its just that he sees the winds blowing a different direction and wanted a TV spot with this bullshit. Trump is winning.
His republican donors want a SC judge to protect them and keep the working man down. That judge is BK.
Show your flag, kike.
>Doesn't refute the child raping
desu I don't think that it was McCain having something on him
I think him and McCain were friends, and that Graham just watched back to back as first every Dem that used to call McCain a crazy old racist talk about how great he is now that he doesn't have power, followed up by this BS accusation.
I think he may actually have gotten redpilled by this whole process.
This. We are now witnessing the Uncuckening
what is your obsession about child raping you creepy pedo faggot
stop responding to me you’re weird af
No offense, but usually people who use meme flags are pedos. There was actually a study conducted by AI.
You rape children and you will be publicly executed for it.
Lindsay Graham needs to replace Jeff Sessions the day after the elections.
What was going through your head as you raped those kids?
It was a powerful moment in US history. Doesn’t matter who gave it. This hearing and these accusations are a joke.
Wrong. Graham is unleashed.
Just vote white and everything will eventually turn out alright.
>t. Child dick diddler
>We are now witnessing the Uncuckening
I swear in a few years there will be a Documentary by that name
He's right. They are wasting our 'taxpayer money' on this shitshow. You wagecucks are working 5-12 hours per week for this.
Thank God I'm NEET. At least I can sit back and laugh at the shit-tier entertainment you pay for.
you guys should learn when to ignore people
i just derailed this thread without even trying (muh memeflag)
that is why you inbreds will never be successful
Top Kek. Saved
>anybody that agrees with you retards is automatically your savior
And you fucking mouth breathers eat any amount of bile that comes from Stormy Daniels, David Hogg, Obama
>I was only PRETENDING to be a retarded child fucker.
I'm stealing this user and you can't stop me.
Dumb and crooked redneck
Serious question, you do realise Whites even in South-East USA are at most 1.5% inbred
3rd generation Moroccans in my country are 14% inbred Turks 5% Somali's (all generations) 45%
They literally fuck and bear children with their cousins for generations.
>claims GOP is full of criminals and rapists
>supports the party of the Clintons, Ted Kennedy, anthony Wiener, the podestas, Biden, MS-13, muslims, and mass migration.
>literally kill yourself your dipshit
Post that shit far and wide. I love seeing a homemade meme spreading in the wild.
Imagine wasting Uranium one and liquidated Lybian Gold money on rape accusers for this guy becase he worked for Ken Starr.
He's our dumb and crooked redneck.
Stop replying to meme flag faggot retards fishing for (you)s. And hopefully, shills get the rope
Thank you user, I will do you proud.
yeah stop replying to me faggots
thx user
tell me that little gay man wouldnt tear the left apart for this shit. they have truly pissed him off. this is going to be knives in the dark shit now.
ha this guy doesn't think that the SCOTUS has anything to do with our rights
I bet he saw how much hate McCain got after his death and realized where that road leads
It's either that or blackmail.
I am more likely to believe blackmail because someone who would have enough balls to rip the democrats apart like that wouldn't care if people spat on their grave. At least imho
he sees that they are going to try to pull some shit on him, and isnt down for being the pet cuck of democrat fucks. he's been threatened before with being outed as gay, and I have a feeling he is going to blow the closet apart when he does come out.
>Anyone who agrees with you is a savior!
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a rapist!
You forgot to call them Nazis too.
That is correct. For too long repubs have felt burdened into silence while their opponents commit every outrage.
i always thought its a female name?
trump must have fantastic dirt on this guy