
You disgusting fucks are so sexist, you will believe ANY man that has sexual assault allegations against him, and you never believe the victim. This is why people are scared to come forward. shame on you #DenyKavanaugh

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Abandon all hope, pleb.

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Fuck off Randy

OP raped me when I was 9
You must ALWAYS believe the victim so please turn yourself for rape

>you will believe ANY man that has sexual assault allegations against him

I believe all the hollywood jews raped those shiksas

all fields boys

But we do believe women. All those 63 who attested to his character, as well as those who say Ford's claims are bs.
Why don't YOU believe those women?

Fuck off randy

Fuck off

Eat shit, shill

The timing of the allegations and the women coming out seems too convenient.

The case is mired in ambiguity, at least that much is fact. The only way we're sexist is if you believe that women should be believed without question.

Well they're his cherry picked frens, of course they'll support him.

Prove it

I believe Rapin' Bill Clinton's victims. Why was Juanita Broaddrick never given an FBI investigation?

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Don't worry all of you child rape enablers will get your punishment someday. It will be excruciatingly painful

Women should not have voting rights, clothes, or names and should only be brought out of their rape dungeons for the express purposes of breeding.

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>op memeflaggot

you can stop larping now

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People don’t have to come forward to the public. They just need to go to the police. Ford didnt do that.

For that, she must pay the price and the whole world must see it as a lesson to all females: report it to the cops if you believe you’ve been assaulted, otherwise fuck off.

Trump appoints you to the Supreme Court and it's a week before they vote, how fucked are you?

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Good thing hookers have short life spans

Say it with me, Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. Please collect your tears so I can bathe in them.

Considering people just make random shit up? Pretty fucked I guess. If people didn't make random shit up? Probably fine.

fuck off randy

fffffffuck off op

This man knows his business

so at least 3 women have come out publicly and said theyre willing to testify under oath.
how many more women are there who are reluctant to testify because of the death threats against the first 3?

>This is why people are scared to come forward
nice when true

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roastie in hell.

Just empty your trunk out in the country.

Fuck off! Randy!

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i do believe the victim

kav is innocent. ford is a trainwreck who belongs behind bars.


The victim has zero evidence and Brett has every fucking day of that summer recorded.

Please remember to always sage in shill threads if you REALLY have to post

For Plebbit fags: you just type sage in the Options field

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I believe victims. I don’t believe political activist feminist cunts.

ah yeah because ALLEGED victims 1-3 were so reliable

all liars and crooks. but hey. what else do you expect from democrats.

no u, cunt

You're going to lose and America will not mind.

One was a witness she named. Her good friend no less.

How many more good justices are scared to apply for the job because of all these death threats.

Oh look at that! I just received a death threat in the mail. You better agree with my post now you bigot.

get mad faggot

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Brett "The Drunk Regret" Kavanaugh
Brett "Choo Choo Kachoo" Kavanaugh
Brett "Beat Down the Nig-Nogs" Kavanaugh
Brett "Calendar Man" Kavanaugh
Brett "Says On My Calendar That She Has No Time For My Salamander" Kavanaugh

>you will believe ANY man that has sexual assault allegations against him, and you never believe the victim
Yep we're just about there now thanks to you stupid ass people.
> This is why people are scared to come forward.
They should be. Apparently this doesn't need to be as easy as it seems to be.

Fuck off Randy.

And fuck off sexist swine.

Fuck of Republicunts.

Fuck off Grassley, Cornyn, cruz, Graham, and fuck off Kavawhore!

When Kav gets in, you roasties are going to pay!

When a man is falsely accused, I always believe the victim ^___~V

When it comes to believing women, why is it always about believing the woman who said she was raped and not, say, the woman who says the party never happened?

The Koss study, for example, classifies women as rape victims based on arbitrary criteria even if they don't consider themselves to have been raped. Is that believing the "victim"?

Presumption of inocesssence is first and foremost in a court...if a simple accusation means automatic guilt, the world is done for...
>member that time I saw you sucking off your neighbors dog?
See what I did here?


Fuck off

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fuck off randy

Do you even know 63 people who would attest to your character? Non family members. Cherry picked? Hardly.

The other side, (Ford) has no witnesses of any kind and those she listed have said they've got no fucken clue what she's talking about.



Pound Me Too


>believing a partisan hack who has a history of lying to the media without any evidence
Why? I really want to know do you just think women are infallible or that they deserve to be above the law?

You know what you ignorant fuck, you, your party stole the power of that word today! The democrats. You used a woman to slander an honorable man for political gain. I am so sick of your party using me and other women to advance your political agenda. Your party is the party of depravity. You have removed all power from words that actually meant something before you lost an election in 2016. YOU don't speak for me, a rape survivor, you speak for the party riddled with ignorance, ignorance that people like you prey upon to keep up the victimhood charade. FUCK YOU!!

Love all the people in this thread with NO actual arguments, so they just reply w/ “fuck off op REEEEEEEEE” lol get mad dumbasses

shut up niggerfaggot

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Frig off randy

> Love all the people in this thread with NO actual arguments
You first bitch.

How many people have to come out and say he was a raging drunk rapist?

According to him he was a saint!

He did that shit, just like Cosby!

Fuck off nigger

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>using me and other women
Tits or GTFO

Woman here. Real rape survivor.
Raped by a Latino.
Reported it.

can't you see Jow Forums is trying to celebrate right now?
go be jewish somewhere else

>This is why people are scared to come forward
he did not rape them in a car he did not rape them in a bar

>no actual arguments
>"you should believe ALL women!"
>"no, not the 65 women who have come out in support of kavanaugh"
>"no, not ford's best friend who doesn't even know kavanaugh"

Love the way your kind talks with the highest level of condescension continuously, it reminds everyone around you that your party stands for exploitation in the name of power alone.

Thank you user.

Yeah, we did that shit! So what.

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Are you still prostituting yourself for cheesburgers OP?
Wait, don't answer that, just fuck off.

> Raped by a Latino.
> Reported it.
Hope you're okay and happy in life. Very sorry this happened to you. Of course you did the proper right thing. Hope the bastard burns in hell.

Cosby a good boy who dindu nuffin, he goin tah church!

Nigger tongue my anus

Not true, I still think Bill Clinton is a rapist.

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Thanks. I hope he does too. Seeing rape turned into a fucking political opportunity burns me the fuck alive. Giggling and being light about it. Those despicable cunts and pigs. Take it from somebody raped: FORD WAS NOT.

im still laughing that Hillary had the hide to even comment on Kavanaugh..."victims should be heard" haha what a cunt!

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Fuck off Randy!

I'll believe Ford once someone actually corroborates her claims or provides evidence for them. Until then, I'd simply rather not create the precedent that every accusation of sexual assault must be treated seriously regardless of their credibility.

Also fuck off randy

If you wait 36 years to come forward, on any crime against you, you deserve to not be believed.

Just like Ford wasn't a Dem's cherrypicked liability they hoped could cry her way to victory?

>I believed Clintons victims
>I believe the Minnesota muslims victims
>I believe cory bookers victims

why dont you, you rapist?

Show me some proof,

There is political motive for this and no proof.

Innocent until guilty faggot

why wasnt this a criminal trial when he was young? even if it had happened her parents whored her out and now that they are old their house is being foreclosed on by the alleged attackers parents they try to cash in their chips but its to late for any one to believe and if there was a deal then thats that. no arbitrator needed on this one it was clearly settled long ago

Do you?

And by the way, even if you say yes, you can't prove it because I'm directly accusing you of not believing those victims, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're a rapist.


> Seeing rape turned into a fucking political opportunity burns me the fuck alive
You're very damn right. And we need women to say so. The left's constant crusade to label everything as sexual assault belittles sexual assault. This shit show makes accusations less likely to be believed.
And women have to say so.
We need to be able to take sexual assault very seriously in this nation, and we need to leave the accusation to women who have been honestly hurt so they are not belittled by other women claiming the same because a man touched her arm.

typical rapist speak. why do you hate women? and why are you a racist-sexist-bigot-homophobe?

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Women will lose the right to vote because of this

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