(((they))) are using posts on Jow Forums and other media sites to determine which Senator will be attacked to cap-stone their crackdowns. The Kavanaugh hearing is mostly a scam to get you interested in the characters, then they will sacrifice, or almost sacrifice, one of the Senators to make the show. Deep state continues, you're the audience that matters.
[Schizophrenic Episode Intensifies]
Go after the she-kike Feinstein.
Classic Psyop-attack from bunker-dwelling skeez/shill. Sadly, its tactics are so 2003.
they will use whatever they do to hurt you, that's the point you're missing. send them your enemy, they will frame you. send them your ally, they will frame you.
So if they're going to frame us no matter what we do, at least make sure one of the enemies is dead, no?
For those who think this is just some crazy fantasy, this is an obvious tie-in, but not the exact same thing.
Only if you learn from it and don't allow it to continue. Otherwise, they're just gonna fuck you in the ass.
Also, you can start the video above at 2:00.
The problem I have, I have no idea how to get around it. This works no matter who is in charge. People can't spend the time to sort out every message, it's impossible. We have almost no defenses against this shit.
And if you ask the people doing it, my guess, most of them will say it's for your good.
Stop being so fucking poetic about it.
It's a farce; it's TV, it's ratings...it doesn't matter.
But stay tuned for the confirmation ceremony, I'm sure it'll be as riveting as a fat bitch taking Communion.
You misunderstand, it's not that I don't expect a show, it's what's planned for the population when we get to credits.
I guess it doesn't matter that much, I can hardly give a shit for anyone but myself anymore. But there is something in me that knows this sort of manipulation will never bring the peace that is claimed. It's Satanic, in the truest sense, not in that there are demons running about, though I'm sure there probably are, but in that it creates the illusion that men are God. It's the same lie as was given in the beginning, with these manipulations is the presumption of the knowledge of what is good, and inherent is the ability to be like God. I guess I'm just not a big fan of sending humans to hell, having been far to close to that already.
Here's the "full" Derren Brown episode from a decade ago.
One of three threads that isn't sucking the nutsack of DC and the globalists by distraction or helplessness, and literally everyone's too afraid to reply...
Well /pol, you may be autistic, but you're clearly not as educated on this shit as you think you are.
user have you ever browsed:
No, and I won't be randomly clicking what may be IP tracing links, but if you will tell me about it, I'll see if I can find info at a later date?
Fuck off back to whatever subreddit you schizos circlejerk in.
Did you pull the kike cartoon for a reason, or was that a subconscious response?
Mildly discomforting, not worth the price of admission. Interesting how the one middle cartoon sold the Russian nation as an empire. I'd imagine most people missed that.
Anyway, thank you?
>dr. katz
Just did a search. Amazing how "tame" that cartoon seems compared to the stuff that has happened since then.
Possibly related. True or false it fits in much description to the current circumstances.