"BREAKING: GOP senators: Judiciary Committee to vote Friday morning on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court"
"BREAKING: GOP senators: Judiciary Committee to vote Friday morning on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court"
Salt Miners, man your stations. There's going to be a lot of leftist butthurt to save.
but muh hippocampus needs caffiene
Post yfw when Flake/Collins/Murkoswski Don't fuck us over.
Roasties can't accuse you of rape if the supreme court rules women can't be in public without a male guardian.
>TFW when the Hippocampus kicks in!
like tomorrow frieday or next week friday
The rivers will run cloudy with salt
the salt will be indelible
assuming the worst, will the public have the voting record released or is that only House/Senate bills where that info gets reported?
Around what time would the vote be held?
9:30 AM EDT
>Get to the choppa and vote!
Friday is a vote by the committee to have the Senate vote on Saturday
It begins, the 2nd greatest mass triggering of our time, second only the the 2016 election
i'm worried we're going to get cucked on the vote.
As in tomorrow morning? I just know one of these RINO faggots are gonna tank it
missing the graham slam
too soon
the kikes finished there plan
no cavanagh
finally. justice for the rape i faced at brett's hands in 1994
Im feeling optimistic
Roasties BTFO
*Committee* vote Friday, floor vote (entire body) Saturday noon.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens if this fails, and Trump has to nominate someone else. Surely the Dems wouldn’t use the same trick twice.......................right?
I am deeply concerned that Lindsey has threatened other senate members
He wont have time to nominate someone before the midterms dummy
the whole point of the "why wont you allow the fbi to investigate you whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?????????" is to cancel the committees vote which they cant do until the fbi and an investigation is complete. Thats why he wont allow it.
Did anyone doubt this man's resolve?
What is the chance of he getting it?
What were his chances before the false rape claims?
This is what happens when you get free victim card wins for years and years, pull it too quickly in desperation, and you end up looking like total fucking liars (when you are).
it can't fail, if the midterms come and the Dems win big there will be 4-4 deadlock from now to eternity
Doesn't matter. This surely has got the sane people motivated to vote red.
Wtf I love Lindsey Graham now? I never would have guessed. By far the best faggot ever.
looks like (privately) they've got the votes. We shall see what sort of grand standing Flake actually does though.
Collins is the real key vote though. It's hard to imagine her signalling support then dropping off.
>BREAKING: GOP senators: Judiciary Committee to vote Friday morning on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court"
Can you imagine the salt if RBG finally kicks the can? Trump will nominate Amy Barrett, the most conservative woman in America, to fill her seat. This whole "he gang raped me!" chirade won't work on a woman. We'll have a generation of right wing rulings.
I'm aware that a floor vote con be forced even if Flake backs out in the judiciary commitee, but what are the odds of Murkowski and Collins voting yes?
The 2018 version of this will be so satisfying if (when) the Red Wave continues
Dem 'logic' in a nutshell
>if you care so much about the truth, why won't you shoot yourself in the face?
Not even for one minute.
>What is the chance of he getting it?
Ford's best friend said nothing happened not one witness said the party happened
Nice, I'll either be able to go to sleep after work happy or cry myself to sleep in impotent rage.
they would have postponed the vote if they didn't have the votes. It's happened before, it will happen again, Flake is poised to pull a McCain on the vote, the real question is whether Collins will follow suit. I doubt it. they set the vote because Grassley got assurances.
attn miners:
start hydrating now to avoid saline overdoses
His redemption ark reminds me of El' Rato
You literally can thank this purely because of the Graham-Slam. Literally Lindsay Graham saved our Republic. He should be given a concubine for his victory... make it Ford.
You'd be surprised Kiwi. You'd be surprised.
that's a pretty good shoop
Good...hopefully gives him time to find a decent school for his daughters before he starts his new job as a Supreme...
After he wins he should call for an FBI investigation of Ford and the other accusers. Then send them to prison.
These butthurt niggers are gonna come unhinged when kavanaugh gets appointed. The salt will be glorious. Metoo eternally btfo.
If they're meeting it means they feel the need to vote as a group rather than thinking individuals.
It means they are scared.
It means they will cuck but will get less shat on because there will be 4 of them.
I bet the first thing Brett does after getting confirmed is fire the four women he'd hired to be clerks.
Sorry cunts, no more helping women. He just can't risk it. Pence rule from here on out.
This redpilled the shit out of him on the nature of women, and the danger they represent in todays climate.
y-yeah... Amy Barret is great... n-nice family...
Hortler was such a manlet.
They're made public, you'll be able to find them here all the way back to 1798, voting records back to 1967.
Wow. They actually grew a couple of tiny balls. Amazing
If one jumps ship it's no big deal, as Pence gets the tie breaker. I'd guess all three + Manchin agree to vote the same way, though. It's either 51-49 yea or 53-47 nea. Hopefully they don't sell out their party. I honestly can't believe they've put Republicans through this much turmoil already, thouh, so who knows.
Niggers don't celebrate just yet. (((Flake))) is a massive cuck.
Friday vote is held. Doesn't get confirmed. Trump nominates Barrett Friday night.
If he's confirmed, he needs to drop the hammer on Dems/Left. Never give them anything so long he's there. Can you imagine how resentful he'd have to be after this shitshow?!
This. Murkowski and Collins were impressed and afraid of Lindsay Graham’s erect penis during his epic takedown.
Flake basically was stared at during it, so he knew the rape train was coming for him if he said no.
Summon kek. We must ask for his guidance once again.
it is now clear that it was john mccain who had his balls all these years. not that hes is dead lindsay is free to be the man he was meant to be
But all 4 of these cucks already publicly stated they weren't going to vote for him.
Why would they need to meet?
Did Graham really save kavanaugh?
I hope all Democrats are raped. Anally. By a curling iron. In the bathtub.
>name is literally Flake
can't make this up
Pass this around. Vote against illegal Immigration voting!
If he actually gets the votes now then i would say absolutely
Some R up for election in a swing state is gonna cuck
Lock her up!
ill admit that i was a faggot that posted about how they should just nominate someone else. I repent for this faggotry.
fuck that they should've done it immediately after the hearing.
Time to post all of your best Ron Pauls and Raised Roman Salute pics,
Manchin is key along with the othr bluedogs. Get them on board and who gives a fuck about the Flake bloc.
>gets confirmed
>demands the FBI inquiry
>laughs as those 3 lying cunts go to prison
After that hearing today, if Kavanaugh doesn't get voted in, I'd be surprised
At worst the least we got out of it, was
>Lindsey Graham /ourguy/
>Rachel Mitchell /ourgirl/
thanks user
Or they are horse trading votes.
Trump effect.
Kavanaugh will be selected for supreme justice. This whole farce will make him even more right wing and conseverative than Clarance Thomas , Democrats will regret September 27, 2018
Flake will vote no, he will do anything he can to hurt Trump just like Kasich and the now rotting corpse McCain
If digis the blue wave crashes all over you faggots
muh dick
chad Brett "I fought the Law" Kavanaugh
Brett "nobody saw" Kavanaugh
Brett "no corroboration for your allegations" Kavanaugh
Cant Get The Brett
vs virgin
Diane "Fucked Ford for Fun" Feinstein
Diane "I failed to weinstein him" Feinstein
>two front doors and a Hippocampus
I am ready